This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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(24 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 39: Line 39:
* [[Gamehelpageofchampagne|Age of Champagne]]
* [[Gamehelpageofchampagne|Age of Champagne]]
* [[Gamehelpageofcivilization|Age of Civilization]]
* [[Gamehelpageofcivilization|Age of Civilization]]
* [[Gamehelpageofinnovation|Age of Innovation: a Terra Mystica game]]
* [[Gamehelpagricola|Agricola]]
* [[Gamehelpagricola|Agricola]]
* [[Gamehelpakropolis|Akropolis]]
* [[Gamehelpakropolis|Akropolis]]
Line 50: Line 51:
* [[Gamehelpanachrony|Anachrony]]
* [[Gamehelpanachrony|Anachrony]]
* [[Gamehelpancientknowledge|Ancient Knowledge]]
* [[Gamehelpancientknowledge|Ancient Knowledge]]
* [[Gamehelpapocalypseazcc|Apocalypse at the Zoo of Carson City]] (*)
* [[Gamehelpapplejack|Applejack]]
* [[Gamehelpapplejack|Applejack]]
* [[Gamehelparchitectsofthewestkingdom|Architects of the West Kingdom]]
* [[Gamehelparchitectsofthewestkingdom|Architects of the West Kingdom]]
Line 298: Line 298:
* [[Gamehelpglassroad|Glass Road]]
* [[Gamehelpglassroad|Glass Road]]
* [[Gamehelpglow|Glow]]
* [[Gamehelpglow|Glow]]
* [[Gamehelpgnomehollow|Gnome Hollow]]
* [[Gamehelpclassicgo|Go]]
* [[Gamehelpclassicgo|Go]]
* [[Gamehelpgogoa|Go Goa]]
* [[Gamehelpgogoa|Go Goa]]
Line 318: Line 319:
* [[Gamehelpguile|Guile]]
* [[Gamehelpguile|Guile]]
* [[Gamehelpgyges|Gygès]]
* [[Gamehelpgyges|Gygès]]
* [[Gamehelphacktrick|Hack Trick]] (*)
* [[Gamehelphadara|Hadara]]
* [[Gamehelphadara|Hadara]]
* [[Gamehelphadrianswall|Hadrian's Wall]]
* [[Gamehelphadrianswall|Hadrian's Wall]]
Line 408: Line 410:
* [[Gamehelplifeline|Lifeline]]
* [[Gamehelplifeline|Lifeline]]
* [[Gamehelplineit|Line It]]
* [[Gamehelplineit|Line It]]
* [[Gamehelplinesofaction|Lines of Action]] (*)
* [[Gamehelplinesofaction|Lines of Action]]
* [[Gamehelplinkage|Linkage]]
* [[Gamehelplinkage|Linkage]]
* [[Gamehelplinx|Linx]]
* [[Gamehelplinx|Linx]]
Line 475: Line 477:
* [[Gamehelpmythicbattlesragnarok|Mythic Battles: Ragnarök]]
* [[Gamehelpmythicbattlesragnarok|Mythic Battles: Ragnarök]]
* [[Gamehelpnachopile|Nacho Pile]]
* [[Gamehelpnachopile|Nacho Pile]]
* [[Gamehelpnainjaune|Nain Jaune]]
* [[Gamehelpnaishi|Naishi]]
* [[Gamehelpnaishi|Naishi]]
* [[Gamehelpnanatoridori|Nanatoridori]]
* [[Gamehelpnanatoridori|Nanatoridori]]
Line 492: Line 495:
* [[Gamehelpnidavellir|Nidavellir]]
* [[Gamehelpnidavellir|Nidavellir]]
* [[Gamehelpaknile|Nile]]
* [[Gamehelpaknile|Nile]]
* [[Gamehelpnimalia|Nimalia]]
* [[Gamehelpninemensmorris|Nine Men's Morris]]
* [[Gamehelpninemensmorris|Nine Men's Morris]]
* [[Gamehelpnippon|Nippon]]
* [[Gamehelpnippon|Nippon]]
Line 575: Line 579:
* [[Gamehelprainbow|Rainbow]]
* [[Gamehelprainbow|Rainbow]]
* [[Gamehelprainforest|Rainforest]]
* [[Gamehelprainforest|Rainforest]]
* [[Gamehelprallymandirt|Rallyman: DIRT]]
* [[Gamehelprallymangt|Rallyman: GT]]
* [[Gamehelprallymangt|Rallyman: GT]]
* [[Gamehelpratjack|Ratjack]]
* [[Gamehelprauha|Rauha]]
* [[Gamehelprauha|Rauha]]
* [[Gamehelpredseven|Red7]]
* [[Gamehelpredseven|Red7]]
* [[Gamehelpredstone|Redstone]]
* [[Gamehelpredstone|Redstone]]
* [[Gamehelplaserreflection|Reflection]]
* [[Gamehelplaserreflection|Reflection]]
* [[Gamehelprefuge|Refuge]]
* [[Gamehelpregicide|Regicide]]
* [[Gamehelpregicide|Regicide]]
* [[Gamehelpregidice|Regidice]]
* [[Gamehelpregidice|Regidice]]
Line 622: Line 629:
* [[Gamehelpshiftingstones|Shifting Stones]]
* [[Gamehelpshiftingstones|Shifting Stones]]
* [[Gamehelpshogun|Shogun]]
* [[Gamehelpshogun|Shogun]]
* [[Gamehelpsiam|Siam]] (*)
* [[Gamehelpsignorie|Signorie]]
* [[Gamehelpsignorie|Signorie]]
* [[Gamehelpsilo|Silo]]
* [[Gamehelpsilo|Silo]]
Line 759: Line 765:
* [[Gamehelptzolkin|Tzolk'in]]
* [[Gamehelptzolkin|Tzolk'in]]
* [[Gamehelpultimaterailroads|Ultimate Railroads]]
* [[Gamehelpultimaterailroads|Ultimate Railroads]]
* [[Gamehelpumbrella|Umbrella]]
* [[Gamehelpunclechestnuttablegype|Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype]]
* [[Gamehelpunclechestnuttablegype|Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype]]
* [[Gamehelpunconditionalsurrender|Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe]]
* [[Gamehelpunconditionalsurrender|Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe]]
Line 801: Line 808:

The games [[Gamehelpapocalypseazcc|Apocalypse at the Zoo of Carson City]], [[Gamehelplinesofaction|Lines of Action]] and [[Gamehelpsiam|Siam]] are currently impossible to play on BGA as they were implemented using a module that is no longer supported. ([[Gamehelpgeekoutmasters|Geek Out! Masters]] had the same problem, but has now been replaced by a new implementation, currently in beta. [[Gamehelphacktrick|Hack Trick]] and and [[Gamehelptiki|Tiki]] also had the problem, and have been removed.)
<nowiki>*</nowiki> [[Gamehelphacktrick|Hack Trick]] is currently impossible to play on BGA as it was implemented using a module that is no longer supported.
|title=Beta version on BGA
|title=Beta version on BGA
Line 824: Line 830:
* [[Gamehelpcaboodle|Bloxo]]
* [[Gamehelpcaboodle|Bloxo]]
* [[Gamehelpbotanik|Botanik]]
* [[Gamehelpbotanik|Botanik]]
* [[Gamehelpcairocorridor|Cairo Corridor]]
* [[Gamehelpcalypso|Calypso]]
* [[Gamehelpcalypso|Calypso]]
* [[Gamehelpcanasta|Canasta]]
* [[Gamehelpcanasta|Canasta]]
Line 841: Line 848:
* [[Gamehelpdanceofmuses|Dance of Muses]]
* [[Gamehelpdanceofmuses|Dance of Muses]]
* [[Gamehelpdiamonds|Diamonds]]
* [[Gamehelpdiamonds|Diamonds]]
* [[Gamehelpdickory|Dickory]]
* [[Gamehelpdinogenics|DinoGenics]]
* [[Gamehelpdinogenics|DinoGenics]]
* [[Gamehelpdivercite|Divercité]]
* [[Gamehelpdivercite|Divercité]]
Line 864: Line 872:
* [[Gamehelpfourgardens|Four Gardens]]
* [[Gamehelpfourgardens|Four Gardens]]
* [[Gamehelpfromage|Fromage]]
* [[Gamehelpfromage|Fromage]]
* [[Gamehelpgammelogic|Gamme Logic]]
* [[Gamehelpgeekoutmasters|Geek Out! Masters]]
* [[Gamehelpgeekoutmasters|Geek Out! Masters]]
* [[Gamehelpgermanwhist|German Whist]]
* [[Gamehelpgermanwhist|German Whist]]
* [[Gamehelpgnomehollow|Gnome Hollow]]
* [[Gamehelpgofish|Go Fish]]
* [[Gamehelpgofish|Go Fish]]
* [[Gamehelpgostop|Go-Stop]]
* [[Gamehelpgostop|Go-Stop]]
* [[Gamehelpgoldncrash|Gold’n’Crash]]
* [[Gamehelpgoldncrash|Gold’n’Crash]]
* [[Gamehelpgolems|Golems]]
* [[Gamehelpgolfie|Golfie]]
* [[Gamehelpgolfie|Golfie]]
* [[Gamehelpgreasyspoon|Greasy Spoon]]
* [[Gamehelpgreasyspoon|Greasy Spoon]]
Line 889: Line 898:
* [[Gamehelpknister|Knister]]
* [[Gamehelpknister|Knister]]
* [[Gamehelpknockoutwhist|Knockout Whist]]
* [[Gamehelpknockoutwhist|Knockout Whist]]
* [[Gamehelpbabet|L'Oracle B.A-BET]]
* [[Gamehelpladyschoice|Lady's Choice]]
* [[Gamehelpladyschoice|Lady's Choice]]
* [[Gamehelplepidoptery|Lepidoptery]]
* [[Gamehelpletsgotojapan|Let's Go! To Japan]]
* [[Gamehelplineae|Lineae]]
* [[Gamehelplineae|Lineae]]
* [[Gamehelpludo|Ludo]]
* [[Gamehelpludo|Ludo]]
Line 897: Line 907:
* [[Gamehelpmate|Mate]]
* [[Gamehelpmate|Mate]]
* [[Gamehelpmetz|Metz]]
* [[Gamehelpmetz|Metz]]
* [[Gamehelpmexica|Mexica]]
* [[Gamehelpmia|Mia]]
* [[Gamehelpmia|Mia]]
* [[Gamehelpmicromidgard|Micro Midgard]]
* [[Gamehelpmicromidgard|Micro Midgard]]
Line 903: Line 914:
* [[Gamehelpmorocco|Morocco]]
* [[Gamehelpmorocco|Morocco]]
* [[Gamehelpmue|Mü]]
* [[Gamehelpmue|Mü]]
* [[Gamehelpnainjaune|Nain Jaune]]
* [[Gamehelpnap|Nap]]
* [[Gamehelpnap|Nap]]
* [[Gamehelpnimalia|Nimalia]]
* [[Gamehelpnorsemen|Norsemen]]
* [[Gamehelpnorsemen|Norsemen]]
* [[Gamehelpnylonppong|Nylon-ppong]]
* [[Gamehelpnylonppong|Nylon-ppong]]
Line 927: Line 936:
* [[Gamehelpquattuorreges|Quattuor Reges]]
* [[Gamehelpquattuorreges|Quattuor Reges]]
* [[Gamehelpquintus|Quintus]]
* [[Gamehelpquintus|Quintus]]
* [[Gamehelprallymandirt|Rallyman: DIRT]]
* [[Gamehelpratjack|Ratjack]]
* [[Gamehelpraubbau|Raubbau]]
* [[Gamehelpraubbau|Raubbau]]
* [[Gamehelpreflectionsinthelookingglass|Reflections in the Looking Glass]]
* [[Gamehelpreflectionsinthelookingglass|Reflections in the Looking Glass]]
* [[Gamehelprefuge|Refuge]]
* [[Gamehelpresist|Resist]]
* [[Gamehelpresolve|Resolve]]
* [[Gamehelpresolve|Resolve]]
* [[Gamehelpriftforce|Riftforce]]
* [[Gamehelpriftforce|Riftforce]]
* [[Gamehelproomtwentyfive|Room 25]]
* [[Gamehelproomtwentyfive|Room 25]]
* [[Gamehelprumbleplanet|Rumble Planet]]
* [[Gamehelpsafariwitness|Safari Witness]]
* [[Gamehelpsafariwitness|Safari Witness]]
* [[Gamehelpsail|Sail]]
* [[Gamehelpsail|Sail]]
Line 950: Line 958:
* [[Gamehelpsmallworld|Small World]]
* [[Gamehelpsmallworld|Small World]]
* [[Gamehelpspiteandmalice|Spite and Malice]]
* [[Gamehelpspiteandmalice|Spite and Malice]]
* [[Gamehelpsplitter|Splitter]]
* [[Gamehelpspringcleaning|Spring Cleaning]]
* [[Gamehelpspringcleaning|Spring Cleaning]]
* [[Gamehelpstarshipmerchants|Starship Merchants]]
* [[Gamehelpstarshipmerchants|Starship Merchants]]
* [[Gamehelpstonespinearchitects|Stonespine Architects]]
* [[Gamehelpstonks|Stonks]]
* [[Gamehelpstonks|Stonks]]
* [[Gamehelpstrawberrysunset|Strawberry Sunset]]
* [[Gamehelpstrawberrysunset|Strawberry Sunset]]
* [[Gamehelpsurvive|Survive The Island]]
* [[Gamehelptapas|Tapas]]
* [[Gamehelptapas|Tapas]]
* [[Gamehelpageofinnovation|Terra Mystica: Age of Innovation]]
* [[Gamehelpthebrambles|The Brambles]]
* [[Gamehelpthebrambles|The Brambles]]
* [[Gamehelpthegreatamericanfoxhunt|The Great American Fox Hunt]]
* [[Gamehelpthegreatamericanfoxhunt|The Great American Fox Hunt]]
* [[Gamehelptheittybittycardgame|The Itty Bitty Card Game]]
* [[Gamehelpthelast|The Last]]
* [[Gamehelpthelast|The Last]]
* [[Gamehelpthemotherroad|The Mother Road: Route 66]]
* [[Gamehelpthemotherroad|The Mother Road: Route 66]]
Line 969: Line 980:
* [[Gamehelptwotenjack|Two-Ten-Jack]]
* [[Gamehelptwotenjack|Two-Ten-Jack]]
* [[Gamehelpultimatetictactoe|Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe]]
* [[Gamehelpultimatetictactoe|Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe]]
* [[Gamehelpumbrella|Umbrella]]
* [[Gamehelpundergrove|Undergrove]]
* [[Gamehelpundergrove|Undergrove]]
* [[Gamehelpwastelandia|Wastelandia]]
* [[Gamehelpwastelandia|Wastelandia]]
Line 982: Line 992:
|title=Removed from BGA (incomplete list)
|title=Removed from BGA (incomplete list)
|body=<div style="columns:12rem auto;">
|body=<div style="columns:16rem auto;">
* [[Gamehelpdominion|Dominion]]
* [[Gamehelpdominion|Dominion]]
* [[Gamehelpequinox|Equinox]]
* [[Gamehelpequinox|Equinox]]
* [[Gamehelpgosu|Gosu]]
* [[Gamehelpgosu|Gosu]]
* [[Gamehelphacktrick|Hack Trick]]
* [[Gamehelpharbour|Harbour]]
* [[Gamehelpharbour|Harbour]]
* [[Gamehelpinjawara|INJAWARA]]
* [[Gamehelpinjawara|INJAWARA]]
* [[Gamehelpinsert|Insert]]
* [[Gamehelpinsert|Insert]]
* [[Gamehelpkinapa|Kinapa]]
* [[Gamehelpkinapa|Kinapa]]
* [[Gamehelpbabet|L'Oracle B.A-BET]]
* [[Gamehelpmantisfalls|Mantis Falls]]
* [[Gamehelpmantisfalls|Mantis Falls]]
* [[Gamehelpparks|PARKS]]
* [[Gamehelpparks|PARKS]]
* [[Gamehelptiki|Tiki]]

Latest revision as of 14:29, 3 December 2024

An issue? A question?


Red game names need game help/summaries written for them. Help out and write one by selecting a (page does not exist) link below which will allow you to create the page. Wiki formatting is a collection of unofficial tips on how to make wiki pages display well on

Released on BGA

* Hack Trick is currently impossible to play on BGA as it was implemented using a module that is no longer supported.

Beta version on BGA

About available games and their content

Games are games and it's all up to publishers to make them relevant or accurate to history, or not.

We're focusing on game play and rules. We're not history books, nor an accurate source for anything related to real things.

BGA is against any bad behaviours on real people, and will never EVER join, talk or expose about anything about themes, history or politics.

Also please note that they're also a source to motivate talks, reflection, exchange and viewpoints about history and education anywhere else.

We're a gaming platform, we welcome everyone and do efforts daily to make this place a nice place to play nice games with nice people.