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For tips on how to play Ponte del Diavolo, see Tips_PonteDelDiavolo



The object of the game is to form groups of islands linked by bridges.


Island: 4 orthogonally adjacent tiles of the same colour.

Sandbank: Fewer than 4 orthogonally adjacent tiles of the same colour.

Bridge: Game piece that connects 2 tiles of the same colour.

Water: Empty space on the board.

Game Start

  1. The first player places 2 light tiles anywhere on the board.
  2. The second player chooses to play as the light tile or the dark tile player.
  3. Play resumes with the dark tile player.

Game Turn

Each player takes turns to place either:

  • 2 tiles of their own colour, or
  • 1 bridge.

Place 2 Tiles

Tiles can be placed anywhere on the board except:

  • Under bridges, or
  • Where a tile becomes adjacent to an island of the same colour, even diagonally.

Place 1 Bridge

A bridge can be placed between 2 tiles of the player's colour that are 2 spaces from each other in any direction orthogonally or diagonally, or at a knight's move.

  • The centre of a bridge must be over an empty (water) space (knight's bridge needs both water spaces), not a tile
  • Each tile can have a maximum of one bridge connection.
  • Bridges may not cross each other.

Game End

Game end is triggered when either player:

  1. Is unable to place 2 tiles, and
  2. Chooses not to (or is unable to) place a bridge.

The dark tile player can always take an equal number of turns.

Note: unlike the printed rules, in the BGA implementation there is an infinite supply of tiles and bridges. Thus, the game will only end when a player has fewer than 2 valid squares available for tiles.


The players score each group of islands connected by bridges (including connections via sandbanks) according to a rule of triangular numbers:

# connected islands 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Score 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78


  1. Most islands.
  2. Most bridges.