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For tips on how to play Saboteur, see Tips_saboteur


  • 3 rounds.
  • The player with the most gold nuggets at the end of the game wins.
  • Player roles are randomly assigned at the start of each round in secret:
    1. Gold-Diggers win as a team by forming a path from the 'start' card to the treasure card.
    2. Saboteurs win as a team if the treasure is not found.
  • The treasure card is randomly assigned to one of the three goal cards at the start of each round in secret.


Saboteur 1

  • 3-10 Players.
  • Roles are randomly assigned in secret.
Saboteur 1: Roles
# Players 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Saboteurs 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4
# Gold-Diggers* 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7
*With the Maximum number of Saboteurs, one Gold-Digger role card is removed.

Saboteur 2

  • 2-12 Players.
  • Roles are randomly assigned in secret.


  • Win if gold is not found.

Blue Gold-Diggers

  • Win if gold is found by:
    • Any player that is not a Green Gold-Digger and at least one way there does not have a green door, or
    • A Green Gold-Digger and all ways there have a blue door (and at least one of those ways does not also have a green door in series).

Green Gold-Diggers

  • Win if gold is found by:
    • Any player that is not a Blue Gold-Digger and at least one way there does not have a blue door, or
    • A Blue Gold-Digger and all ways there have a green door (and at least one of those ways does not also have a blue door in series).


  • Wins if gold is found.
  • When the treasure is divided, gets one fewer Gold Piece than Gold-Diggers.


  • Always wins.
  • When the treasure is divided, gets two fewer Gold Pieces than the winning Gold-Diggers or Saboteurs (or one fewer Gold Piece than the Boss).


  • Not 'winners'.
  • Receive 1 Gold Piece for each visible crystal.
  • If both Geologists are in play, they split the Gold Pieces (rounded down).

Game play

Saboteur 1: Hand size
# Players 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Cards 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4
  • Players take turns to play a card or discard.
  • The cards are of two types:

Path cards

  • Always played in a portrait (upright) orientation.
  • May be rotated 180°:
    1. Hover over the card.
    2. Select the 'rotate' arrow that appears above the card.
  • Each edge must fit with the surrounding cards.
  • Must be connected to the start card.
  • See Saboteur 1: Know your paths for more detail on path cards.

Action cards


  • Break one tool of another player:
    1. Select the Sabotage card.
    2. Select the corresponding green tool symbol in another player's panel (under the score).
  • A player with a broken tool cannot play a path card!


  • Repair one tool of any player:
    1. Select the repair card.
    2. Select a corresponding red tool symbol in any player's panel (under the score), or a corresponding Sabotage card in front of you.


  • See any goal card in secret:
    1. Select the map card.
    2. Select any goal card.
    3. You see the goal card in secret.
    4. Select the "I have seen it" button at the top.
  • One card fewer than in the box set, as requested by the game author.


  • Remove any played path card for the remainder of the round:
    1. Select the rockfall card.
    2. Select any played path card to remove it.
  • Note: the start card and goal cards cannot be removed.

Round end

  • A path connects the start card to the treasure goal card, or
  • All cards have been played or discarded.
  • If the treasure card is not found, the Saboteurs get 3 gold nuggets each (or 4 gold nuggets if they are the only winner).
  • If the treasure is found, the Gold-Diggers get gold cards.

Gold cards

  • 28 gold cards:
    • 4 3 nuggets
    • 8 2 nuggets
    • 16 1 nugget
Saboteur 1: Gold
# Players 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Gold cards 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • 3 Gold-Diggers
  • 2 Saboteurs
  • Treasure goal card is found.
  • 3 + 2 = 5 random gold cards are drawn and sorted high to low: 3 2 2 1 1.
  • DiggerA gets the 3 nugget.
  • DiggerB gets a 2 nugget.
  • DiggerC gets a 2 nugget.
  • DiggerA gets a 1 nugget.
  • DiggerB gets a 1 nugget.
5 player maximum score

If one player (let's call them MaxScorePlayer) is a Gold-Digger who opens the gold goal card every round, the theoretical maximum score is as follows:

The Gold-Diggers will draw 5* gold cards each round they win. The top 15 gold cards are:

3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1
5 player gold cards maximum score
Player Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Game Total
MaxScorePlayer 3 2 3 2 3 2 15
Gold-DiggerB 3 1 2 1 2 1 10
Gold-DiggerC 2 2 2 6
Total 11 10 10 31
*Note: BGA uses the old 2004 rules by default.

Saboteur 2

New path cards

Green doors
  • Prevent Blue Gold Diggers from passing through.
Blue doors
  • Prevent Green Gold Diggers from passing through.
  • Connect to the 'start' card.
  • Allows additional paths to the gold that can be disconnected from the 'start' card.
  • Cannot open goal cards.
  • Two straight paths that are not connected.

New action cards

  1. Select the Theft card.
  2. Select the corresponding red gold symbol in your player panel (under the score).
  • At the end of the round, allows the player to steal 1 Gold Piece from one other player who has >0 Gold Pieces by selecting another player's panel.
  • Only takes effect if the player is not Trapped!.
Hands Off
  • Remove Theft from another player:
  1. Select the Hands Off card.
  2. Select the corresponding green gold symbol in another player's panel (under the score).
Swap Your Hand
  • Exchange the cards in your hand with another player:
  1. Select the Swap Your Hand card.
  2. Select another player's panel.
  • See the role card of another player:
  1. Select the Inspection card.
  2. Select another player's panel.
  3. You see that player's role card in secret.
  4. Close the dialogue.
Swap Your Hats
  • Exchange the role card of any player with a random role card leftover at the beginning of the round:
  1. Select the Swap Your Hats card.
  2. Select any player's panel or your own role card.
  • Note: the new role card might be the same role type!
    • e.g. a Saboteur role card is discarded and another Saboteur role card is drawn.
  • Prevent a player from playing path cards:
  1. Select the Trapped! card.
  2. Select the corresponding green jail symbol in another player's panel (under the score).
  • At the end of the round, a player who is Trapped! gets 0 Gold Pieces.
Free at last!
  • Remove Trapped! from a player:
  1. Select the Free at last! card.
  2. Select the corresponding red jail symbol in any player's panel (under the score).

Saboteur 1: Variants

  • The game author, Frederic Moyersoen, told us about some game variants, and we implemented all of them!
  • Tell us which one is your favourite in the BGA forum.

Gold sharing

Old mine

  • The old mine was not as packed with gold... sometimes all you got for your digging was worthless stones!
  • Six 1 nugget gold cards are replaced by six 0 stone cards.

New mine*

  • More even gold distribution.
  • Each Gold-Digger gets one gold card.
*This BGA variant is the current 2013 rules.

Game play


  • Any Gold-Diggers with a Sabotage card (broken pickaxe, lamp or trolley) at the end of a round do not get any gold cards.
    • i.e. the gold cards are distributed between the gold diggers who have no broken tool.
  • Saboteurs are not affected by this rule.
  • Sabotage your Gold-Digger team for greater reward... but not too often, or your team might lose!

Selfish Dwarf

  • One Gold-Digger role card is replaced by a Selfish Dwarf.
  • If the Selfish Dwarf wins, they get 4 gold nuggets and all other players get 0 gold nuggets.
  • If the Gold-Diggers win, the Selfish Dwarf loses with the Saboteurs.
  • # Gold cards = # Players − 1 (the Selfish Dwarf is excluded).
Saboteur 1: Selfish Dwarf variant
# Players 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Saboteurs 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4
# Gold-Diggers* 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6
# Selfish Dwarves* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# Gold cards 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
*With the Maximum number of Saboteurs, one Gold-Digger (including Selfish) role card is removed.


  • 5-9 players.
  • Fixed number of role cards.
  • 1 Selfish Dwarf.
  • If the Gold-Diggers win, the first Gold-Digger gets 3 gold nuggets and the others get 2 gold nuggets.
  • If the Selfish Dwarf wins, they get 4 gold nuggets and all other players get 0 gold nuggets.
Saboteur 1: Tournament roles
# Players 5 6 7 8 9
# Saboteurs 1 2 2 2 3
# Gold-Diggers 3 3 4 5 5
# Selfish Dwarves 1 1 1 1 1

Saboteur 2: Splitting the treasure

Saboteur 2: Gold
# Winners* 1 2 3 4 5+
# Gold Pieces 5 4 3 2 1
*Note: Geologists do not count as 'winners'.

Example 1

  • 1 Blue Gold-Digger
  • 2 Green Gold-Diggers
  • 1 Boss
  • 1 Profiteer
  • 2 Saboteurs
    • Both Saboteurs have a Theft.
    • One Saboteur has been Trapped!.

Gold-Digger win

  • The Boss completes the path to the goal card with the treasure.
  • The path is blocked by a blue door.
  • The Blue Gold-Diggers have won (including the Boss and the Profiteer).
  • 3 winners.
    • The Blue Gold-Digger gets 3 Gold Pieces.
    • The Boss gets 3 − 1 = 2 Gold Pieces.
    • The Profiteer gets 3 − 2 = 1 Gold Piece.
  • Note: If a Green Gold-Digger had connected the treasure to the start card, the Blue team would have won anyway, as the path to the treasure is closed to the Green team by a blue door.
  • The Saboteur who is not trapped takes 1 Gold Piece from any one of the other players (who have > 0 Gold Pieces).

Saboteur win

  • The treasure is not found.
  • The Saboteurs have won (including the Profiteer).
  • 2 winners.
    • The Saboteur who is not trapped gets 4 Gold Pieces.
    • The Profiteer gets 4 − 2 = 2 Gold Pieces.
  • The Saboteur who is not trapped takes 1 Gold Piece from any one of the other players (who have > 0 Gold Pieces).

Example 2

  • Player1 digs a new path.
  • Player1 finds gold!
  • A green digger found the treasure: the green team wins this round!
  • There are 4 winners this round, including 0 boss and 1 profiteer.
    • There is also 1 geologist(s) who will get gold for gems.
  • Player1 is a green gold digger and earns 2 gold nuggets.
  • Player2 is a blue gold digger and earns 0 gold nuggets.
  • Player3 is the profiteer and earns 0 gold nuggets.
  • Player4 is a green gold digger and earns 2 gold nuggets.
  • Player5 is a green gold digger and earns 2 gold nuggets.
  • Player6 is a Geologist and earns 3 gold nuggets.
  • Player7 is a Saboteur and earns 0 gold nuggets.
  • Player7 steals 1 gold nugget from Player6.
  • Note: Even though there were no doors in the path to the treasure, the blue gold digger gets 0 gold nuggets because a green digger found the treasure.
  • Note: Despite winning, the profiteer gets 2 − 2 = 0 gold nuggets!