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The players color in their garden by following the symbols and colors on the markers, trying to earn the most points at the end of the game.


Each turn, 4 pens are rolled on the table. Starting from the player with Panda token, player pick up a pen in turn.

When you pick a pen, color in a single place on your sheet which matches the same color and shape, following the sheet rules (show below).

If you can't use any pen, you must skip and you cannot pick up any pen.

After all players use their pen or skip their turn, a round is over and the Panda token is passed to the left player.

Game Ends

When a player circle their third ladybug, the game ends after all players finish the current round.

The player with the most points wins.

Panda Sheets Rules

When saying Completed, it means all section of an item (like sun, bamboo, river) are all colored in.

Sheet 1 (Difficulty: 2)

Coloring Rules:

1. You can only color in an item matching the color AND symbol of your pen.

2. The bamboo must be colored from the bottom to the top.

3. The ladybug is circled when the bamboo is completed.

4. The cloud sections can be colored in any order. When a cloud is completed, choose any bamboo and color in two sections of it in blue.

5. The sun sections can be colored in any order.

Scoring Rules:

Leaf: Each leaf on a colored bamboo section awards the number of points shown on it.

Sun: The fully colored sun awards 5 points.

Ladybug: Each circled ladybug awards 1 point.

Sheet 2 (Difficulty: 3)

New Coloring Rules (Follow 1, 2, and 3 in sheet 1):

4. The rays of sun can be colored in any order. Once any player has colored all the rays of their sun, the other players can no longer color their sun in.

5. The sections of the river must be colored from left to right. Once the river is completed, choose any color of bamboo and color in one section on each of the three symbols.

6. A fish can only be colored if the river section it is on has already been colored.

7. The sections of the pond can be colored in any order.

New Scoring Rules:

Sign: Pond and each group of bamboo of the same color that is completed awards the additional points on the sign.

Fish: Each colored fish awards the number of points shown on it.

Sun with rays: The sun awards 6 points for the plaer who has colored in the most rays, 4 points for the second most and 2 points for the third most. In case of a tie, the tied players all receive the points for that place.

Sheet 3 (Difficulty: 4)

Coloring Rules (Follow 1, 2, and 3 in sheet 1):

4. The sections of the river must be colored from top to down. For two river sections side by side, a player can only color in one of them. When colored in a river section with award symbols, the player also colors in the item indicated.

5. The lantern sections can be colored in any order. When a player completes both sections of the same lantern:

 - If they are the 1st player to complete that lantern, score 4. 
 - Else, score 2. 

New Scoring Rules:

Bamboo Shoots: The total number of leaves on the colored bamboo shoots is multiplied by the number of ponds colored in.

water: Each colored river section awards the number of points shown.

Latern: A fully colored lantern awards as many points as the number that is not crossed out below.

Sheet 4 (Difficulty: 4)

Coloring Rules (Follow 1, 2, and 3 in sheet 1):

4. The first sections of some bamboo must be colored in blue.

5. Lanterns can be filled in any order.

6. The party favors must be colored from the top to the bottom.

7. Except for the blue sections, the dragon sections can be colored using any color. However, section next to each other must be colored using different colors. The dragon section must be color from left to right and cannot go back.

8. Cross out the score on the dragon feet like lantern when a dragon section that touches the feet has been colored.

9. The fireworks are divided into two parts: The trail and the bursts.

 - Trail (Yellow): can be colored in any order
 - Bursts: must be colored by starting with the 1-point pink burst and then moving clockwise. 

Scoring Rules:

Lantern: Add up the points shown on the highest leaf of each colored bamboo section in the same group. Then multiply that by the number of colored lanterns above it. Do the same with each other group of bamboo and lanterns.

Favor: Each colored party favor awards the number of points shown on it.

Firework: Multiply the points shown on the last colored-in burst by the number of colored sections in the trail.

Dragon: The head of the dragon and the 2-point blue section award the points shown on them if colored in. In addition, each foot that touches a colored section awards as many points as the number that has not been crossed out.

Ladybug: Each circled ladybug awards 1 point.