This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Either by yourself or with an ally (co-op), reach the final Room on the forth floor and defeat Og's Remains; the last boss and retrieve Og's Blood.
The Dungeon is divided up into 4 Floors of increasing difficulty
Every Floor contains a certain number of Areas/Zones; Floors 1 and 2: two, Floors 3 and 4: three
Each Area contains eight Rooms which need to be passed starting from top left following an orthogonal direction that moves you closer to bottom right
Character Skills
Backstab (Combat): Double the damage of a single die from your attack.
Evasion (Exploration): Skip the next room (character moves into the room but does not resolve it).
Divine Tribute (Combat): Lose any amount of HP. Apply twice this amount as damage.
Blessing (Exploration): Remove curse from any one character. Heal them for 2 HP.
Stun (Combat): Apply twice the value of your HP as damage.
Shield (Exploration): Raise the HP of all characters by 1 for the next room only.
Conjugation (Combat): Apply the effect of Fire, Frost, or Poison. You do not need to carry it.
Foresight (Exploration): Reveal up to 3 rooms.
Robbing Blind (Combat): Only during a Boss fight: resolve the rewards card.
Keen Eye (Exploration): Gain 2 gold.
Miracle (Combat): Heal a character for 4 HP.
Prayer (Exploration): Heal all characters for 3 HP.
Confusion (Combat): Apply the monster’s attack to itself.
Unholy Ritual (Exploration): Become cursed and poisoned. Gain 2 XP.
Character Stats
HP is your life, if you (or your partner in co-op) reach 0, you lose
Gold allows you to purchase items at Merchants and use at Shrines
Food is required at the start of a new area, otherwise your character will lose 3HP
Armour decreases damage taken in combat, usually
XP increases your character's level, this provides more dice against challenges, if you are at the maximum XP any additional XP you gain heals a point of damage.
Level, each class has three levels, your character's level tell you how many white dice you roll per encounter
Potions have varying effects (see below), but you can only ever be carrying two DIFFERENT potions at the same time
Items are cards found in the dungeon, of which your character may only have one at a time.
There are four dice types
White Character dice are your standard dice to roll, you get one for each level you are ~ every 6 XP
Black Dungeon dice are rolled for various dungeon effects
If the Green Poison die shows the symbol, you lose 1HP
If the Purple Curse die shows the symbol, all your White dice are effectively one less
On your turn, flip over a room and resolve it
After which, reveal the room to the right and the room below your current position (unless your character is blinded), you can then choose which of these two to move to (Up/Left/Diagonal moves are not allowed, even if you can see a faceup card there)
This means that when you reach either the rightmost column or the lowest row, you will no longer have a choice
Resolve the card you enter, there are three "basic" encounters, freebies, checks, or monsters.
Choices allow you to choose between a set of options and get the appropriate reward / penalty, if you are unable to take the penalty you lose 1HP.
The Merchant and Hunter allow you to buy (and sell) things, if you do not have enough money and nothing to sell you just encounter the space and get no additional reward.
Some rooms require skill checks, roll dice equal to your character's level and if you get at least one star icon (5 or 6) yourself then you succeed. The Black dungeon dice will determine the penalty or reward from failure or success however you may get multiple choices, choose which is best for your character when this happens
Monsters require that you fight them until one of you is defeated, the amount of HP the monster has depends on how many character are in the room as it. Once the monster is defeated you get the reward on the right side
Each time you roll a 6 in Combat you have the option of rerolling it "exploding sixes".
Additionally a Feat can be performed to reroll each of your white dice - but only once. If you happen to roll a six the same rules apply regarding exploding sixes.
To perform a Feat select the die you want to reroll and pay the cost of performing the feat usually 1XP, or 2HP (or an Armory usage)
"Boss" Monsters
Boss monsters appear on the lowest bottom right area of a particular floor - with exception of the forth floor which is always Og's Blood. They generally have some sort of additional power, and defeating them usually results in both XP and a random treasure roll.
Area Complete
Once an area is completed, reached and successfully resolved lowest right room, perform the following
Either eat 1 food or lose 3HP
If you performed your character's special skill restore that skill
Progress the Dungeon Mat
Setup the new area
Og's Remains
This is the last monster of the game it has two stages that must be defeated in order to win the game and claim Og's blood. If you choose to use the Poison potion it will only affect the current stage of Og's Remains.
Items & Modifiers
Blindness: You do not get to see the next rooms available (if playing co-op and you are both in the same Area you will get to see)
Cursed: The purple die will be added to your pool of dice when your Character becomes cursed. If this shows the skull symbol all of your dice will be effectively one less.
Poisoned: The green die will be added to your pool of dice when your Character becomes poisoned. If this shows the poison symbol your character will lose 1HP.
Healing Potion: Gain 6 HP up to your max.
Holy Potion: Cure your Character from all Poison (P), Curse (C) and Blindness (l) Effects.
Perception Potion: Automatically succeed a Skill Check (just roll the Dungeon die and consult the Success result), and/or cure Blindness (l).
Fire Potion: Inflict 7 damage on the Monster.
Frost Potion: The Monster does not attack this turn. Do not resolve the Dungeon die (D).
Poison Potion: Inflict 4 damage on the Monster during each of your Combat turns, including the present one.