This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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m (spelling)
Line 145: Line 145:
* [[Gamehelpcubosaurs|Cubosaurs]]
* [[Gamehelpcubosaurs|Cubosaurs]]
* [[Gamehelpdarkagent|Dark Agent]]
* [[Gamehelpdarkagent|Dark Agent]]
* [[Gamehelpdecrypto|Decrypto]]
* [[Gamehelpdetectivepoker|Detective Poker]]
* [[Gamehelpdetectivepoker|Detective Poker]]
* [[Gamehelpdeus|Deus]]
* [[Gamehelpdeus|Deus]]
Line 161: Line 162:
* [[Gamehelpthroneandthegrail|District Noir]]
* [[Gamehelpthroneandthegrail|District Noir]]
* [[Gamehelpdjambi|Djambi]]
* [[Gamehelpdjambi|Djambi]]
* [[Gamehelpdobbleconnect|Dobble Connect]]
* [[Gamehelpdodo|Dodo]]
* [[Gamehelpdodo|Dodo]]
* [[Gamehelpdownforce|Downforce]]
* [[Gamehelpdownforce|Downforce]]
Line 188: Line 190:
* [[Gamehelpevogamenoname|Evo: The "Game no Name"]]
* [[Gamehelpevogamenoname|Evo: The "Game no Name"]]
* [[Gamehelpnorthwestpassage|Expedition: Northwest Passage]]
* [[Gamehelpnorthwestpassage|Expedition: Northwest Passage]]
* [[Gamehelpexpeditions|Expeditions: Around the World]]
* [[Gamehelpexplorationwarzone|Exploration: Warzone]]
* [[Gamehelpexplorationwarzone|Exploration: Warzone]]
* [[Gamehelpfactum|Factum]]
* [[Gamehelpfactum|Factum]]
Line 197: Line 200:
* [[Gamehelpfleet|Fleet]]
* [[Gamehelpfleet|Fleet]]
* [[Gamehelpflorenzacardgame|Florenza: The Card Game]]
* [[Gamehelpflorenzacardgame|Florenza: The Card Game]]
* [[Gamehelpflume|Flume]]
* [[Gamehelpfluxx|Fluxx]]
* [[Gamehelpfluxx|Fluxx]]
* [[Gamehelpforex|For-Ex]]
* [[Gamehelpforex|For-Ex]]
Line 207: Line 211:
* [[Gamehelpgaia|Gaia]]
* [[Gamehelpgaia|Gaia]]
* [[Gamehelpgaiaproject|Gaia Project]]
* [[Gamehelpgaiaproject|Gaia Project]]
* [[Gamehelpgangofdice|Gang of Dice]]
* [[Gamehelpgardennation|Garden Nation]]
* [[Gamehelpgardennation|Garden Nation]]
* [[Gamehelpgearnpiston|Gear & Piston]]
* [[Gamehelpgearnpiston|Gear & Piston]]
Line 285: Line 290:
* [[Gamehelpklaverjassen|Klaverjassen]]
* [[Gamehelpklaverjassen|Klaverjassen]]
* [[Gamehelpkoikoi|Koi-Koi]]
* [[Gamehelpkoikoi|Koi-Koi]]
* [[Gamehelpkonane|Konane]]
   <td valign="top">
   <td valign="top">
Line 521: Line 527:
* [[Gamehelptigriseuphrates|Tigris Euphrates]]
* [[Gamehelptigriseuphrates|Tigris Euphrates]]
* [[Gamehelptiki|Tiki]]
* [[Gamehelptiki|Tiki]]
* [[Gamehelptimelinetwist|Timeline Twist]]
* [[Gamehelptimemasters|Time Masters]]
* [[Gamehelptimemasters|Time Masters]]
* [[Gamehelptinnerstrail|Tinner's Trail]]
* [[Gamehelptinnerstrail|Tinner's Trail]]
Line 586: Line 593:
* [[Gamehelpblockarena|Block Arena]]
* [[Gamehelpblockarena|Block Arena]]
* [[Gamehelpbuyword|BuyWord]]
* [[Gamehelpbuyword|BuyWord]]
* [[Gamehelpcalypso|Calypso]]
* [[Gamehelpcanvas|Canvas]]
* [[Gamehelpcastlesofcaleira|Castles of Caleira]]
* [[Gamehelpcastlesofcaleira|Castles of Caleira]]
* [[Gamehelpchimerastation|Chimera Station]]
* [[Gamehelpchimerastation|Chimera Station]]
Line 594: Line 603:
* [[Gamehelpcrazyeights|Crazy Eights]]
* [[Gamehelpcrazyeights|Crazy Eights]]
* [[Gamehelpcrypt|Crypt]]
* [[Gamehelpcrypt|Crypt]]
* [[Gamehelpcucco|cucco]]
* [[Gamehelpcucumber|Cucumber]]
* [[Gamehelpcucumber|Cucumber]]
* [[Gamehelpdecrypto|Decrypto]]
* [[Gamehelpdiceathlon|Diceathion]]
* [[Gamehelpdiceathlon|Diceathion]]
* [[Gamehelpdicehospitaler|Dice Hospital ER: Emergency Roll]]
* [[Gamehelpdicehospitaler|Dice Hospital ER: Emergency Roll]]
Line 605: Line 614:
* [[Gamehelpdoglover|Dog Lover]]
* [[Gamehelpdoglover|Dog Lover]]
* [[Gamehelpfightthelandlord|Dou Dizhu (Fight the Landlord)]]
* [[Gamehelpfightthelandlord|Dou Dizhu (Fight the Landlord)]]
* [[Gamehelpdurak|Durak]]
* [[Gamehelpecarte|Ecarte]]
* [[Gamehelpempireplateau|Empire Plateau]]
* [[Gamehelpempireplateau|Empire Plateau]]
* [[Gamehelpevergreen|Evergreen]]
* [[Gamehelpevergreen|Evergreen]]
* [[Gamehelpexpeditions|Expeditions: Around the World]]
* [[Gamehelpexitstrategy|Exit Strategy]]
* [[Gamehelpfarkle|Farkle]]
* [[Gamehelpfarkle|Farkle]]
* [[Gamehelpflume|Flume]]
* [[Gamehelpfika|Fika]]
* [[Gamehelpfortheking|For the King (and Me)]]
* [[Gamehelpfortheking|For the King (and Me)]]
* [[Gamehelpgangofdice|Gang of Dice]]
* [[Gamehelpgangsta|Gangsta!]]
* [[Gamehelpgangsta|Gangsta!]]
* [[Gamehelpgeekoutmasters|Geek Out! Masters]]
* [[Gamehelpgeekoutmasters|Geek Out! Masters]]
* [[Gamehelpgermanwhist|German Whist]]
* [[Gamehelpgetonboardparisrome|Get on Board: Paris & Rome]]
* [[Gamehelpgetonboardparisrome|Get on Board: Paris & Rome]]
* [[Gamehelpghostathome|Ghost at Home]]
* [[Gamehelpghostathome|Ghost at Home]]
Line 625: Line 636:
* [[Gamehelphoola|Hoola]]
* [[Gamehelphoola|Hoola]]
* [[Gamehelpimtheboss|I'm the Boss]]
* [[Gamehelpimtheboss|I'm the Boss]]
* [[Gamehelpisleoftrainsallaboard|Isle of Trains: All Aboard]]
* [[Gamehelpriichimahjong|Japanese (Riichi) Mahjong]]
* [[Gamehelpriichimahjong|Japanese (Riichi) Mahjong]]
* [[Gamehelpkingsinthecorner|Kings in the Corner]]
* [[Gamehelpkmakici|Kmakici Family's Greatest Teatime]]
* [[Gamehelpkmakici|Kmakici Family's Greatest Teatime]]
* [[Gamehelpknockoutwhist|Knockout Whist]]
* [[Gamehelpknockoutwhist|Knockout Whist]]
Line 639: Line 652:
* [[Gamehelpmia|Mia]]
* [[Gamehelpmia|Mia]]
* [[Gamehelpmicrodojo|Micro Dojo]]
* [[Gamehelpmicrodojo|Micro Dojo]]
* [[Gamehelpmighty|Mighty]]
* [[Gamehelpmorocco|Morocco]]
* [[Gamehelpmorocco|Morocco]]
* [[Gamehelpmue|Mu]]
* [[Gamehelpmue|Mu]]
* [[Gamehelpnainjaune|Nain Jaune]]
* [[Gamehelpnainjaune|Nain Jaune]]
* [[Gamehelpnap|Nap]]
* [[Gamehelpnylonppong|Nylon-ppong]]
* [[Gamehelpnylonppong|Nylon-ppong]]
* [[Gamehelpoasis|Oasis: New Hope]]
* [[Gamehelpoasis|Oasis: New Hope]]
* [[Gamehelpopenfacechinesepoker|Open Face Chinese Poker]]
* [[Gamehelppaniclab|Panic Lab]]
* [[Gamehelppaniclab|Panic Lab]]
* [[Gamehelppokerdice|Poker Dice]]
* [[Gamehelppokerdice|Poker Dice]]
* [[Gamehelppook|Pook]]
* [[Gamehelppresident|President]]
* [[Gamehelppresident|President]]
* [[Gamehelppugsinmugs|Pugs in Mugs]]
* [[Gamehelppugsinmugs|Pugs in Mugs]]
* [[Gamehelpqawale|Qawale]]
* [[Gamehelpqawale|Qawale]]
* [[Gamehelpquibbles|Quibbles]]
* [[Gamehelprainforest|Rainforest]]
* [[Gamehelprainforest|Rainforest]]
* [[Gamehelpraubbau|Raubbau]]
* [[Gamehelpraubbau|Raubbau]]
Line 659: Line 677:
* [[Gamehelprolltothetopjourneys|Roll to the Top: Journeys]]
* [[Gamehelprolltothetopjourneys|Roll to the Top: Journeys]]
* [[Gamehelproomtwentyfive|Room 25]]
* [[Gamehelproomtwentyfive|Room 25]]
* [[Gamehelprummy|Rummy]]
* [[Gamehelpsagani|Sagani]]
* [[Gamehelpsagani|Sagani]]
* [[Gamehelpsamarkand|Samarkand]]
* [[Gamehelpsamarkand|Samarkand]]
* [[Gamehelpsasaki|Sasaki]]
* [[Gamehelpsasaki|Sasaki]]
* [[Gamehelpschnapsen|Schnapsen]]
* [[Gamehelpseotda|Seotda]]
* [[Gamehelpseotda|Seotda]]
* [[Gamehelpsergeantmajor|Sergeant Major]]
* [[Gamehelpsetup|SETUP]]
* [[Gamehelpsetup|SETUP]]
* [[Gamehelpsevens|Sevens]]
* [[Gamehelpsevens|Sevens]]
Line 674: Line 695:
* [[Gamehelptanghulu|Tang Hu Lu]]
* [[Gamehelptanghulu|Tang Hu Lu]]
* [[Gamehelpthegnomesofzavandor|The Gnomes of Zavandor]]
* [[Gamehelpthegnomesofzavandor|The Gnomes of Zavandor]]
* [[Gamehelpthegreatamericanfoxhunt|The Great American Fox Hunt]]
* [[Gamehelpthemotherroad|The Mother Road: Route 66]]
* [[Gamehelpthemotherroad|The Mother Road: Route 66]]
* [[Gamehelptheninedomains|The Nine Domains]]
* [[Gamehelptheninedomains|The Nine Domains]]
* [[Gamehelpthenumber|The Number]]
* [[Gamehelpticketgagnant|Ticket Gagnant]]
* [[Gamehelptoepen|Toepen]]
* [[Gamehelptriatri|TriATri]]
* [[Gamehelptriatri|TriATri]]
* [[Gamehelptrike|Trike]]
* [[Gamehelptroggu|Troggu]]
* [[Gamehelptroggu|Troggu]]
* [[Gamehelptuned|Tuned]]
* [[Gamehelpturncoats|Turncoats]]
* [[Gamehelpturncoats|Turncoats]]
* [[Gamehelptwotenjack|Two-Ten-Jack]]
* [[Gamehelpultimatetictactoe|Ultimate Tic Tac Toe]]
* [[Gamehelpultimatetictactoe|Ultimate Tic Tac Toe]]
* [[Gamehelpvidrasso|Vidrasso]]
* [[Gamehelpvidrasso|Vidrasso]]
Line 691: Line 719:
* [[Gamehelpbohnanza|Bohnanza]]
* [[Gamehelpbohnanza|Bohnanza]]
* [[Gamehelpboomeranglm|Boomerang]]
* [[Gamehelpboomeranglm|Boomerang]]
* [[Gamehelpcalypso|Calypso]]
* [[Gamehelpchampionsofmidgard|Champions of Midgard]]
* [[Gamehelpchampionsofmidgard|Champions of Midgard]]
* [[Gamehelpcicerabigia|Cicera Bigia]]
* [[Gamehelpcicerabigia|Cicera Bigia]]
Line 697: Line 724:
* [[Gamehelpcoinage|Coin Age]]
* [[Gamehelpcoinage|Coin Age]]
* [[Gamehelpdaihasamishogi|Dai Hasami Shogi]]
* [[Gamehelpdaihasamishogi|Dai Hasami Shogi]]
* [[Gamehelpdurak|Durak]]
* [[Gamehelpginkgopolis|Ginkgopolis]]
* [[Gamehelpginkgopolis|Ginkgopolis]]
* [[Gamehelpgravitysuperstar|Gravity Superstar]]
* [[Gamehelpgravitysuperstar|Gravity Superstar]]
Line 714: Line 740:
* [[Gamehelppointsalad|Point Salad]]
* [[Gamehelppointsalad|Point Salad]]
* [[Gamehelpriftforce|Riftforce]]
* [[Gamehelpriftforce|Riftforce]]
* [[Gamehelpsergeantmajor|Sergeant Major]]
* [[Gamehelpsnekagon|Snekagon]]
* [[Gamehelpsnekagon|Snekagon]]
* [[Gamehelpsnowtime|Snow Time]]
* [[Gamehelpsnowtime|Snow Time]]
* [[Gamehelptemplari|Templari]]
* [[Gamehelptemplari|Templari]]
* [[Gamehelpthreespot|Three Spot]]
* [[Gamehelpthreespot|Three Spot]]
* [[Gamehelpticketgagnant|Ticket Gagnant]]
* [[Gamehelptrasteroslocoscrazyauctions|Trasteros Locos: Crazy Auctions]]
* [[Gamehelptrasteroslocoscrazyauctions|Trasteros Locos: Crazy Auctions]]
* [[Gamehelpwatergate|Watergate]]
* [[Gamehelpwatergate|Watergate]]

Revision as of 07:10, 21 July 2023

An issue? A question?

  • Forums are also helpful to get information.


Game names which are displayed in red still need game help/summaries written for them. So help out and write one for them by creating a new page for these games. To do so simply click on them below, this will direct you to a page creation page.

Meanwhile, games being available in the alpha list does not warrant that it will go through the whole process and become available to the whole community. Consequently, it is kindly asked to refrain from publicising the alpha list, in order not to create unfounded expectations. Therefore, do not add any games to the alpha list.

Available on BGA Beta Games Alpha Games Removed from BGA

About available games and their content

Games are games and it's all up to publishers to make them relevant or accurate to history, or not.

We're focusing on gameplay and rules. We're not history books, nor an accurate source for anything related to real things.

BGA is against any bad behaviors on real people, and will never EVER join, talk or expose about anything about themes, history or politics.

Also please note that they're also a source to motivate talks, reflexion, exchange and viewpoints about history and education anywhere else.

We're a gaming platform, we welcome everyone and do efforts daily to make this place a nice place to play nice games with nice people.