This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Ariel is 14 years old. She is a student interested in board games. Being a member of Board Game Arena since 2020, Ariel really likes playing board games and treats it as beyond means of leisure.
Origin of Username
Ariel comes from her actual English name. Besides, she admires Karl Friedrich Gauss as she likes mathematics, therefore she combined the two together to form her username. She also used this name for other websites. The short form is Ariel Gauss, so watch out for her on other game platforms.
Experience in Board Games
By December 2021, Ariel has played over 125 different board games, with 2700 tables in total. She also earned about 570 achievements due to this, which gives her about 17k of experience. She has also become an alpha reviewer since 2021.
Ariel prefers strategy games, although she does not like most abstract chess games, such as international chess. This is because of the lack of randomness, making the victor almost certain before a game. She also likes bluffing games because of the mind factor.
BGA Wiki
Ariel updates the game list on BGA wiki every day. She had updated the alpha game list too, but ceased doing so after a warning is posted in the reviews session. She has also written some game help pages on the wiki.
Santorini Full Guide
In September 2020, Ariel joined the Santorini Full Guide plan upon shcowcow’s request, taking the role of publisher. However, as shcowcow and YTBlueBlueberry had disappeared one month later, the development of the guide was suspended for eight months. Later, TodiLiju joined the team and the project continues.
The guide published twice a week at first, but after TodiLiju’s arrival, it changed to once per week (every Thursday). The development was also suspended for a short period of time in November 2021 due to academic reasons.