This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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(11 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 91: Line 91:
* [[Gamehelpdicesummoners|Dice Summoners]]
* [[Gamehelpdicesummoners|Dice Summoners]]
* [[Gamehelpdingosdreams|Dingo's Dreams]]
* [[Gamehelpdingosdreams|Dingo's Dreams]]
* [[Gamehelpdinosaurteaparty|Dinosaur Tea Party]]
* [[Gamehelpdjambi|Djambi]]
* [[Gamehelpdjambi|Djambi]]
* [[Gamehelpdownforce|Downforce]]
* [[Gamehelpdownforce|Downforce]]
Line 196: Line 197:
* [[Gamehelpmetromania|Metromania]]
* [[Gamehelpmetromania|Metromania]]
* [[Gamehelpmrjack|Mr. Jack]]
* [[Gamehelpmrjack|Mr. Jack]]
* [[Gamehelpmurusgallicus|Murus Gallicus]]
* [[Gamehelpnangaparbat|Nanga Parbat]]
* [[Gamehelpnangaparbat|Nanga Parbat]]
* [[Gamehelpnautilus|Nautilus]]
* [[Gamehelpnautilus|Nautilus]]
Line 211: Line 213:
* [[Gamehelpohhell|Oh Hell!]]
* [[Gamehelpohhell|Oh Hell!]]
* [[Gamehelpohseven|Oh-Seven]]
* [[Gamehelpohseven|Oh-Seven]]
  <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelporiflamme|Oriflamme]]
* [[Gamehelporiflamme|Oriflamme]]
* [[Gamehelporigin|Origin]]
* [[Gamehelporigin|Origin]]
* [[Gamehelpoutlaws|Outlaws: Last Man Standing]]
* [[Gamehelpoutlaws|Outlaws: Last Man Standing]]
  <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelppi|P.I.]]
* [[Gamehelppi|P.I.]]
* [[Gamehelppalace|Palace]]
* [[Gamehelppalace|Palace]]
Line 276: Line 278:
* [[Gamehelpsushigo|Sushi Go!]]
* [[Gamehelpsushigo|Sushi Go!]]
* [[Gamehelptablut|Tablut]]
* [[Gamehelptablut|Tablut]]
* [[Gamehelptakaraisland|Takara Island]]
* [[Gamehelptakenoko|Takenoko]]
   <td valign="top">
   <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelptakaraisland|Takara Island]]
* [[Gamehelptakenoko|Takenoko]]
* [[Gamehelptaluva|Taluva]]
* [[Gamehelptaluva|Taluva]]
* [[Gamehelptargi|Targi]]
* [[Gamehelptargi|Targi]]
Line 324: Line 326:
* [[Gamehelpveletas|Veletas]]
* [[Gamehelpveletas|Veletas]]
* [[Gamehelpviamagica|Via Magica]]
* [[Gamehelpviamagica|Via Magica]]
* [[Gamehelpviticulture|Viticulture]]
* [[Gamehelpvultureculture|Vulture Culture]]
* [[Gamehelpvultureculture|Vulture Culture]]
* [[Gamehelpwelcometo|Welcome To]]
* [[Gamehelpwelcometo|Welcome To]]
Line 331: Line 334:
* [[Gamehelpxiangqi|Xiangqi]]
* [[Gamehelpxiangqi|Xiangqi]]
* [[Gamehelpyatzy|Yahtzee]]
* [[Gamehelpyatzy|Yahtzee]]
* [[Gamehelpyinyang|Yin Yang]]
* [[Gamehelpyokai|Yokai]]
* [[Gamehelpyokai|Yokai]]
* [[Gamehelpyokohama|Yokohama]]
* [[Gamehelpyokohama|Yokohama]]
Line 346: Line 350:
* [[Gamehelpdetectivepoker|Detective Poker]]
* [[Gamehelpdetectivepoker|Detective Poker]]
* [[Gamehelpdicehospital|Dice Hospital]]
* [[Gamehelpdicehospital|Dice Hospital]]
* [[Gamehelpdinosaurteaparty|Dinosaur Tea Party]]
* [[Gamehelpdodo|Dodo]]
* [[Gamehelpdodo|Dodo]]
* [[Gamehelpexplorationwarzone|Exploration: Warzone]]
* [[Gamehelpexplorationwarzone|Exploration: Warzone]]
Line 364: Line 367:
* [[Gamehelpmijnlieff|Mijnlieff]]
* [[Gamehelpmijnlieff|Mijnlieff]]
* [[Gamehelpmonsterfactory|Monster Factory]]
* [[Gamehelpmonsterfactory|Monster Factory]]
* [[Gamehelpmurusgallicus|Murus Gallicus]]
* [[Gamehelponceuponaforest|Once Upon A Forest]]
* [[Gamehelponceuponaforest|Once Upon A Forest]]
* [[Gamehelpone|ONE]]
* [[Gamehelpone|ONE]]
Line 380: Line 382:
* [[Gamehelpuptown|Uptown]]
* [[Gamehelpuptown|Uptown]]
* [[Gamehelpveronatwist|Verona Twist]]
* [[Gamehelpveronatwist|Verona Twist]]
* [[Gamehelpviticulture|Viticulture]]
* [[Gamehelpyinyang|Yin Yang]]
   <td valign="top">
   <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelpfifteendays|15 Days]]
* [[Gamehelpbaolakiswahili|Bao La Kiswahili]]
* [[Gamehelpbohnanza|Bohnanza]]
* [[Gamehelpbohnanza|Bohnanza]]
* [[Gamehelpboomerang|Boomerang]]
* [[Gamehelpboomerangeurope|Boomerang: Europe]]
* [[Gamehelpboomerangeurope|Boomerang: Europe]]
* [[Gamehelpboomerangusa|Boomerang: USA]]
* [[Gamehelpboomerangusa|Boomerang: USA]]
* [[Gamehelpbossquest|Boss Quest]]
* [[Gamehelpburglebros|Burgle Bros.]]
* [[Gamehelpcalypso|Calypso]]
* [[Gamehelpcanosa|Canosa]]
* [[Gamehelpchampionsofmidgard|Champions of Midgard]]
* [[Gamehelpchicagoexpress|Chicago Express]]
* [[Gamehelpchocolatefactory|Chocolate Factory]]
* [[Gamehelpcloudcity|Cloud City]]
* [[Gamehelpcoinage|Coin Age]]
* [[Gamehelpcrazyeights|Crazy Eights]]
* [[Gamehelpcrazyeights|Crazy Eights]]
* [[Gamehelpdicedtomatoes|Diced Tomatoes]]
* [[Gamehelpdurak|Durak]]
* [[Gamehelpegocentricworld|Egocentric World]]
* [[Gamehelpelgrande|El Grande]]
* [[Gamehelpepizodiak|EpiZodiak]]
* [[Gamehelpfaifo|Fai-Fo]]
* [[Gamehelpforex|For-Ex]]
* [[Gamehelpgeekoutmasters|Geek Out! Masters]]
* [[Gamehelpgetthemacguffin|Get the MacGuffin]]
* [[Gamehelpginkgopolis|Ginkgopolis]]
* [[Gamehelpgravitysuperstar|Gravity Superstar]]
* [[Gamehelphats|Hats]]
* [[Gamehelpindianchief|Indian Chief]]
* [[Gamehelpindianchief|Indian Chief]]
* [[Gamehelpkingoftokyo|King of Tokyo]]
* [[Gamehelpkingoftokyo|King of Tokyo]]
* [[Gamehelpkulami|Kulami]]
* [[Gamehelplinkage|Linkage]]
* [[Gamehelplostexplorers|Lost Explorers]]
* [[Gamehelpmagicmaze|Magic Maze]]
* [[Gamehelpmagicmaze|Magic Maze]]
* [[Gamehelpmahjong|Mahjong]]
* [[Gamehelpmahjong|Mahjong]]
* [[Gamehelpmanhattan|Manhattan]]
* [[Gamehelpmanhattan|Manhattan]]
* [[Gamehelpmartianchess|Martian Chess]]
* [[Gamehelpmyfirstcastlepanic|My First Castle Panic]]
* [[Gamehelpnainjaune|Nain Jaune]]
* [[Gamehelpnewfrontiers|New Frontiers]]
* [[Gamehelponitama|Onitama]]
* [[Gamehelponitama|Onitama]]
* [[Gamehelppaniclab|Panic Lab]]
* [[Gamehelppatchwork|Patchwork]]
* [[Gamehelppatchwork|Patchwork]]
* [[Gamehelppinochle|Pinochle]]
* [[Gamehelppinochle|Pinochle]]
* [[Gamehelptexasholdem|Poker Texas Hold'em]]
* [[Gamehelptexasholdem|Poker Texas Hold'em]]
* [[Gamehelppyramidpoker|Pyramid Poker]]
* [[Gamehelprailwaysoftheworld|Railways of the World]]
* [[Gamehelpschwimmen|Schwimmen]]
* [[Gamehelpsenshi|Senshi]]
* [[Gamehelpninefivetwo|Sergeant Major]]
* [[Gamehelpninefivetwo|Sergeant Major]]
* [[Gamehelpsevens|Sevens]]
* [[Gamehelpsevens|Sevens]]
* [[Gamehelpsnekagon|Snekagon]]
* [[Gamehelpsnowtime|Snow Time]]
* [[Gamehelpspacebase|Space Base]]
* [[Gamehelpspiritsoftheforest|Spirits of the Forest]]
* [[Gamehelptemplari|Templari]]
* [[Gamehelptemplari|Templari]]
* [[Gamehelptheninedomains|The Nine Domains]]
* [[Gamehelpthrive|Thrive]]
* [[Gamehelptroggu|Troggu]]
* [[Gamehelpwatergate|Watergate]]
* [[Gamehelpwazabi|Wazabi]]
* [[Gamehelpwazabi|Wazabi]]
* [[Gamehelpxanadu|Xanadu]]
* [[Gamehelpxanadu|Xanadu]]
* [[Gamehelpyspahan|Yspahan]]
* [[Gamehelpyspahan|Yspahan]]
* [[Gamehelpzener|Zener]]
   <td valign="top">
   <td valign="top">

Revision as of 03:06, 30 July 2021

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Game names which are displayed in red still need game help/summaries written for them. So help out and write one for them by creating a new page for these games. To do so simply click on them below, this will direct you to a page creation page.

Available on BGA Beta Games Alpha Games Removed from BGA

About available games and their content

Games are games and it's all up to publishers to make them relevant or accurate to history, or not.

We're focusing on gameplay and rules. We're not history books, nor an accurate source for anything related to real things.

BGA is against any bad behaviors on real people, and will never EVER join, talk or expose about anything about themes, history or politic.

Also please note that they're also a source to motivate talks, reflexion, exchange and viewpoints about history and education anywhere else.

We're a gaming platform, we welcome everyone and do efforts daily to make this place a nice place to play nice games with nice people.