This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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Line 26: Line 26:
* [[Gamehelpalveole|Alveole]]
* [[Gamehelpalveole|Alveole]]
* [[Gamehelpbackgammon|Backgammon]]
* [[Gamehelpbackgammon|Backgammon]]
* [[Gamehelpbandido|Bandido]]
* [[Gamehelpbarbu|Barbu]]
* [[Gamehelpbarbu|Barbu]]
* [[Gamehelpbattleoflits|Battle of LITS]]
* [[Gamehelpbattleoflits|Battle of LITS]]
Line 31: Line 32:
* [[Gamehelpbattleship|Battleship]]
* [[Gamehelpbattleship|Battleship]]
* [[Gamehelpbelote|Belote]]
* [[Gamehelpbelote|Belote]]
* [[Gamehelpbigtimesoccer|Big Time Soccer]]
* [[Gamehelpblooms|Blooms]]
* [[Gamehelpblooms|Blooms]]
* [[Gamehelpbobail|Bobail]]
* [[Gamehelpbobail|Bobail]]
Line 57: Line 59:
* [[Gamehelpcoloretto|Coloretto]]
* [[Gamehelpcoloretto|Coloretto]]
* [[Gamehelpcoltexpress|Colt Express]]
* [[Gamehelpcoltexpress|Colt Express]]
* [[Gamehelpconsonar|Con Sonar!]]
* [[Gamehelpconcept|Concept]]
* [[Gamehelpconnectfour|Connect Four]]
* [[Gamehelpconnectfour|Connect Four]]
* [[Gamehelpconnect6|Connect 6]]
* [[Gamehelpconnect6|Connect 6]]
Line 73: Line 77:
* [[Gamehelpdragonkeeper|Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon]]
* [[Gamehelpdragonkeeper|Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon]]
* [[Gamehelpdragonheart|Dragonheart]]
* [[Gamehelpdragonheart|Dragonheart]]
* [[Gamehelpdungeonroll|Dungeon Roll]]
* [[Gamehelpdungeontwister|Dungeon Twister]]
* [[Gamehelpdungeontwister|Dungeon Twister]]
* [[Gamehelpelfenland|Elfenland]]
* [[Gamehelpelfenland|Elfenland]]
Line 83: Line 88:
* [[Gamehelpflorenzacardgame|Florenza: The Card Game]]
* [[Gamehelpflorenzacardgame|Florenza: The Card Game]]
* [[Gamehelpforsale|For Sale]]
* [[Gamehelpforsale|For Sale]]
* [[Gamehelpforbiddenisland|Forbidden Island]]
* [[Gamehelpfourcolorcards|Four Color Cards]]
* [[Gamehelpfourcolorcards|Four Color Cards]]
* [[Gamehelpfrenchtarot|French Tarot]]
* [[Gamehelpfrenchtarot|French Tarot]]
Line 95: Line 101:
* [[Gamehelphacktrick|Hack Trick]]
* [[Gamehelphacktrick|Hack Trick]]
* [[Gamehelphaggis|Haggis]]
* [[Gamehelphaggis|Haggis]]
* [[Gamehelphaiclue|Haiclue]]
* [[Gamehelphawaii|Hawaii]]
* [[Gamehelphawaii|Hawaii]]
* [[Gamehelphanabi|Hanabi]]
* [[Gamehelphanabi|Hanabi]]
Line 121: Line 128:
* [[Gamehelpkingdombuilder|Kingdom Builder]]
* [[Gamehelpkingdombuilder|Kingdom Builder]]
* [[Gamehelpkingdomino|Kingdomino]]
* [[Gamehelpkingdomino|Kingdomino]]
* [[Gamehelpklaverjassen|Klaverjassen]]
* [[Gamehelpkoikoi|Koi-koi]]
* [[Gamehelpkoikoi|Koi-koi]]
* [[Gamehelpkrosmasterarena|Krosmaster Arena]]
* [[Gamehelpkrosmasterarena|Krosmaster Arena]]
Line 136: Line 144:
* [[Gamehelploveletter|Love Letter]]
* [[Gamehelploveletter|Love Letter]]
* [[Gamehelpluckynumbers|Lucky Numbers]]
* [[Gamehelpluckynumbers|Lucky Numbers]]
* [[Gamehelpluxor|Luxor]]
* [[Gamehelpmachiavelli|Machiavelli]]
* [[Gamehelpmachiavelli|Machiavelli]]
* [[Gamehelpmadeira|Madeira]]
* [[Gamehelpmadeira|Madeira]]
* [[Gamehelpmammalath|Mammalath]]
* [[Gamehelpmammalath|Mammalath]]
* [[Gamehelpmapmaker|Mapmaker: The Gerrymandering Game]]
* [[Gamehelpmarcopolotwo|Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan]]
* [[Gamehelpmarcopolotwo|Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan]]
* [[Gamehelpmarrakech|Marrakech]]
* [[Gamehelpmarrakech|Marrakech]]
* [[Gamehelpmarram|Marram]]
* [[Gamehelpmarram|Marram]]
* [[Gamehelpmartiandice|Martian Dice]]
* [[Gamehelpmetromania|Metromania]]
* [[Gamehelpmetromania|Metromania]]
* [[Gamehelpmrjack|Mr Jack]]
* [[Gamehelpmrjack|Mr Jack]]
* [[Gamehelpnangaparbat|Nanga Parbat]]
* [[Gamehelpnautilus|Nautilus]]
* [[Gamehelpnautilus|Nautilus]]
* [[Gamehelpneutreeko|Neutreeko]]
* [[Gamehelpneutreeko|Neutreeko]]
Line 158: Line 170:
* [[Gamehelpofftherails|Off the Rails]]
* [[Gamehelpofftherails|Off the Rails]]
* [[Gamehelpohhell|Oh Hell!]]
* [[Gamehelpohhell|Oh Hell!]]
* [[Gamehelpohseven|Oh Seven]]
* [[Gamehelporigin|Origin]]
* [[Gamehelporigin|Origin]]
* [[Gamehelpoutlaws|Outlaws:Last Man Standing]]
* [[Gamehelpoutlaws|Outlaws:Last Man Standing]]
Line 172: Line 185:
* [[Gamehelppuertorico|Puerto Rico]]
* [[Gamehelppuertorico|Puerto Rico]]
* [[Gamehelppylos|Pylos]]
* [[Gamehelppylos|Pylos]]
* [[Gamehelpquantik|Quantik]]
* [[Gamehelpquantum|Quantum]]
* [[Gamehelpquarto|Quarto]]
* [[Gamehelpquarto|Quarto]]
* [[Gamehelpquantum|Quantum]]
* [[Gamehelpquoridor|Quoridor]]
* [[Gamehelpquoridor|Quoridor]]
* [[Gamehelpraceforthegalaxy|Race for the Galaxy]]
* [[Gamehelpraceforthegalaxy|Race for the Galaxy]]
Line 251: Line 265:
* [[Gamehelpalhambra|Alhambra]]
* [[Gamehelpalhambra|Alhambra]]
* [[Gamehelpballoonpop|Balloon Pop]]
* [[Gamehelpballoonpop|Balloon Pop]]
* [[Gamehelpbandido|Bandido]]
* [[Gamehelpbids|Bids]]
* [[Gamehelpbids|Bids]]
* [[Gamehelpbigtimesoccer|Big Time Soccer]]
* [[Gamehelpbiyi|Biyi]]
* [[Gamehelpbiyi|Biyi]]
* [[Gamehelpblueskies|Blue Skies]]
* [[Gamehelpblueskies|Blue Skies]]
* [[Gamehelpcaravan|Caravan]]
* [[Gamehelpcaravan|Caravan]]
* [[Gamehelpcitybigshoulders|City of the Big Shoulders]]
* [[Gamehelpcitybigshoulders|City of the Big Shoulders]]
* [[Gamehelpconsonar|Con Sonar!]]
* [[Gamehelpconcept|Concept]]
* [[Gamehelpdicesummoners|Dice Summoners]]
* [[Gamehelpdicesummoners|Dice Summoners]]
* [[Gamehelpdingodreams|Dingo's Dreams]]
* [[Gamehelpdingodreams|Dingo's Dreams]]
* [[Gamehelpdinosaurteaparty|Dinosaur Tea Party]]
* [[Gamehelpdinosaurteaparty|Dinosaur Tea Party]]
* [[Gamehelpdungeonroll|Dungeon Roll]]
* [[Gamehelpfleet|Fleet]]
* [[Gamehelpfleet|Fleet]]
* [[Gamehelpforbiddenisland|Forbidden Island]]
* [[Gamehelpgrosstarock|Grosstarock]]
* [[Gamehelpgrosstarock|Grosstarock]]
* [[Gamehelphaiclue|Haiclue]]
* [[Gamehelpherooj|Herooj]]
* [[Gamehelpherooj|Herooj]]
* [[Gamehelpillustori|Illustori]]
* [[Gamehelpillustori|Illustori]]
* [[Gamehelpjekyllvshyde|Jekyll vs Hyde]]
* [[Gamehelpjekyllvshyde|Jekyll vs Hyde]]
* [[Gamehelpjustdesserts|Just Desserts]]
* [[Gamehelpjustdesserts|Just Desserts]]
* [[Gamehelpklaverjassen|Klaverjassen]]
* [[Gamehelplettertycoon|Letter Tycoon]]
* [[Gamehelplettertycoon|Letter Tycoon]]
* [[Gamehelpmartiandice|Martian Dice]]
* [[Gamehelpmijnlieff|Mijnlieff]]
* [[Gamehelpmijnlieff|Mijnlieff]]
* [[Gamehelpohseven|Oh-Seven]]
* [[Gamehelppedro|Pedro]]
* [[Gamehelppedro|Pedro]]
* [[Gamehelpphat|Phat]]
* [[Gamehelpphat|Phat]]

Revision as of 03:18, 8 January 2021

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  • Forums are also helpful to get information.


Game names which are displayed in red still need game help/summaries written for them. So help out and write one for them by creating a new page for these games. To do so simply click on them below, this will direct you to a page creation page.

Available on BGA Beta Games Alpha Games Removed from BGA

About available games and their content

Games are games and it's all up to publishers to make them relevant or accurate to history, or not.

We're focusing on gameplay and rules. We're not history books, nor an accurate source for anything related to real things.

BGA is against any bad behaviors on real people, and will never EVER join, talk or expose about anything about themes, history or politic.

Also please note that they're also a source to motivate talks, reflexion, exchange and viewpoints about history and education anywhere else.

We're a gaming platform, we welcome everyone and do efforts daily to make this place a nice place to play nice games with nice people.