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(27 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 54: Line 54:
* [[Gamehelpbattleship|Battleships Pencil & Paper]]
* [[Gamehelpbattleship|Battleships Pencil & Paper]]
* [[Gamehelpbelote|Belote]]
* [[Gamehelpbelote|Belote]]
* [[Gamehelpbetta|Betta]]
* [[Gamehelpbeyondthesun|Beyond the Sun]]
* [[Gamehelpbeyondthesun|Beyond the Sun]]
* [[Gamehelpbids|Bids]]
* [[Gamehelpbids|Bids]]
Line 59: Line 60:
* [[Gamehelpbiyi|Biyi]]
* [[Gamehelpbiyi|Biyi]]
* [[Gamehelpblaze|Blaze]]
* [[Gamehelpblaze|Blaze]]
* [[Gamehelpbloodrage|Blood Rage]]
* [[Gamehelpblooms|Blooms]]
* [[Gamehelpblooms|Blooms]]
* [[Gamehelpblueskies|Blue Skies]]
* [[Gamehelpblueskies|Blue Skies]]
Line 80: Line 82:
* [[Gamehelpcaribbeanallfours|Caribbean All Fours]]
* [[Gamehelpcaribbeanallfours|Caribbean All Fours]]
* [[Gamehelpcarnegie|Carnegie]]
* [[Gamehelpcarnegie|Carnegie]]
* [[Gamehelpcatan|Catan]]
* [[Gamehelpcaylus|Caylus]]
* [[Gamehelpcaylus|Caylus]]
* [[Gamehelpcelestia|Celestia]]
* [[Gamehelpcelestia|Celestia]]
* [[Gamehelpcentury|Century]]
* [[Gamehelpcephalopod|Cephalopod]]
* [[Gamehelpchakra|Chakra]]
* [[Gamehelpchakra|Chakra]]
* [[Gamehelpcheckers|Checkers]]
* [[Gamehelpcheckers|Checkers]]
Line 104: Line 109:
* [[Gamehelpconnectsix|Connect6]]
* [[Gamehelpconnectsix|Connect6]]
* [[Gamehelpconspiracy|Conspiracy]]
* [[Gamehelpconspiracy|Conspiracy]]
* [[Gamehelpcopenhagen|Copenhagen]]
* [[Gamehelpcoupcitystate|Coup]]
* [[Gamehelpcoupcitystate|Coup]]
* [[Gamehelpcrazyfarmers|Crazy Farmers]]
* [[Gamehelpcrazyfarmers|Crazy Farmers]]
* [[Gamehelpcribbage|Cribbage]]
* [[Gamehelpcribbage|Cribbage]]
* [[Gamehelpcrimezoom|Crime Zoom: A Dirty Objective]]
* [[Gamehelpcubirds|CuBirds]]
* [[Gamehelpcubirds|CuBirds]]
* [[Gamehelpdarkagent|Dark Agent]]
* [[Gamehelpdarkagent|Dark Agent]]
Line 115: Line 122:
* [[Gamehelpdicehospital|Dice Hospital]]
* [[Gamehelpdicehospital|Dice Hospital]]
* [[Gamehelpdicesummoners|Dice Summoners]]
* [[Gamehelpdicesummoners|Dice Summoners]]
* [[Gamehelpdicedtomatoes|Diced Tomatoes]]
* [[Gamehelpdingosdreams|Dingo's Dreams]]
* [[Gamehelpdingosdreams|Dingo's Dreams]]
* [[Gamehelpdinosaurteaparty|Dinosaur Tea Party]]
* [[Gamehelpdinosaurteaparty|Dinosaur Tea Party]]
Line 148: Line 156:
* [[Gamehelpfourcolorcards|Four Color Cards]]
* [[Gamehelpfourcolorcards|Four Color Cards]]
* [[Gamehelpfrenchtarot|French Tarot]]
* [[Gamehelpfrenchtarot|French Tarot]]
* [[Gamehelpfruitpicking|Fruit Picking]]
* [[Gamehelpgaia|Gaia]]
* [[Gamehelpgaia|Gaia]]
* [[Gamehelpgaiaproject|Gaia Project]]
* [[Gamehelpgaiaproject|Gaia Project]]
Line 160: Line 169:
* [[Gamehelpgosu|Gosu]]
* [[Gamehelpgosu|Gosu]]
* [[Gamehelpgrandbazaar|Grand Bazaar]]
* [[Gamehelpgrandbazaar|Grand Bazaar]]
* [[Gamehelpgreatwesterntrail|Great Western Trail]]
* [[Gamehelpgrosstarock|Grosstarock]]
* [[Gamehelpgrosstarock|Grosstarock]]
* [[Gamehelpguildes|Guildes]]
* [[Gamehelpguildes|Guildes]]
Line 221: Line 231:
* [[Gamehelplibertalia|Libertalia]]
* [[Gamehelplibertalia|Libertalia]]
* [[Gamehelplinesofaction|Lines of Action]]
* [[Gamehelplinesofaction|Lines of Action]]
* [[Gamehelplittlefactory|Little Factory]]
* [[Gamehelplivingforest|Living Forest]]
* [[Gamehelplivingforest|Living Forest]]
* [[Gamehelplocomomo|Loco Momo]]
* [[Gamehelplocomomo|Loco Momo]]
Line 251: Line 262:
* [[Gamehelpmurusgallicus|Murus Gallicus]]
* [[Gamehelpmurusgallicus|Murus Gallicus]]
* [[Gamehelpnangaparbat|Nanga Parbat]]
* [[Gamehelpnangaparbat|Nanga Parbat]]
* [[Gamehelpnarabi|Narabi]]
* [[Gamehelpnautilus|Nautilus]]
* [[Gamehelpnautilus|Nautilus]]
* [[Gamehelpneutreeko|Neutreeko]]
* [[Gamehelpneutreeko|Neutreeko]]
* [[Gamehelpnewfrontiers|New Frontiers]]
* [[Gamehelpnewfrontiers|New Frontiers]]
* [[Gamehelpnextstation|Next Station: London]]
* [[Gamehelpniagara|Niagara]]
* [[Gamehelpniagara|Niagara]]
* [[Gamehelpnicodemus|Nicodemus]]
* [[Gamehelpnicodemus|Nicodemus]]
Line 273: Line 286:
* [[Gamehelporiflamme|Oriflamme]]
* [[Gamehelporiflamme|Oriflamme]]
* [[Gamehelporigin|Origin]]
* [[Gamehelporigin|Origin]]
* [[Gamehelpoust|Oust]]
* [[Gamehelpoutlaws|Outlaws: Last Man Standing]]
* [[Gamehelpoutlaws|Outlaws: Last Man Standing]]
* [[Gamehelppi|P.I.]]
* [[Gamehelppi|P.I.]]
Line 308: Line 322:
* [[Gamehelprallymangt|Rallyman: GT]]
* [[Gamehelprallymangt|Rallyman: GT]]
* [[Gamehelpredseven|Red7]]
* [[Gamehelpredseven|Red7]]
* [[Gamehelpredstone|Redstone]]
* [[Gamehelprememberwhen|Remember When]]
* [[Gamehelprememberwhen|Remember When]]
* [[Gamehelpresarcana|Res Arcana]]
* [[Gamehelpresarcana|Res Arcana]]
Line 356: Line 371:
* [[Gamehelpsuperfantasybrawl|Super Fantasy Brawl]]
* [[Gamehelpsuperfantasybrawl|Super Fantasy Brawl]]
* [[Gamehelpsushigo|Sushi Go!]]
* [[Gamehelpsushigo|Sushi Go!]]
* [[Gamehelpsushigoparty|Sushi Go Party]]
* [[Gamehelptablut|Tablut]]
* [[Gamehelptablut|Tablut]]
* [[Gamehelptakaraisland|Takara Island]]
* [[Gamehelptakaraisland|Takara Island]]
Line 408: Line 424:
* [[Gamehelpunitedsquare|United Square]]
* [[Gamehelpunitedsquare|United Square]]
* [[Gamehelpveggiegarden|Veggie Garden]]
* [[Gamehelpveggiegarden|Veggie Garden]]
* [[Gamehelpvektorace|VektoRace]]
* [[Gamehelpveletas|Veletas]]
* [[Gamehelpveletas|Veletas]]
* [[Gamehelpveronatwist|Verona Twist]]
* [[Gamehelpveronatwist|Verona Twist]]
Line 426: Line 443:
   <td valign="top">
   <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelparcticscavengers|Arctic Scavengers]]
* [[Gamehelpbabydinosaurrescue|Baby Dinosaur Rescue]]
* [[Gamehelpbahamataxi|Bahama Taxi]]
* [[Gamehelpbahamataxi|Bahama Taxi]]
* [[Gamehelpbarenpark|Barenpark]]
* [[Gamehelpbigmonster|Big Monster]]
* [[Gamehelpbigmonster|Big Monster]]
* [[Gamehelpbloodrage|Blood Rage]]
* [[Gamehelpbossquest|Boss Quest]]
* [[Gamehelpbossquest|Boss Quest]]
* [[Gamehelpbuyword|BuyWord]]
* [[Gamehelpbuyword|BuyWord]]
* [[Gamehelpcanosa|Canosa]]
* [[Gamehelpcanosa|Canosa]]
* [[Gamehelpcastleofcalrira|Castle of Calrira]]
* [[Gamehelpcastleofcalrira|Castle of Calrira]]
* [[Gamehelpcentury|Century]]
* [[Gamehelpchromino|Chromino]]
* [[Gamehelpcrimezoom|Crime Zoom: A Dirty Objective]]
* [[Gamehelpcoupell|Coupell]]
* [[Gamehelpdicedtomatoes|Diced Tomatoes]]
* [[Gamehelpegocentricworld|Egocentric World]]
* [[Gamehelpegocentricworld|Egocentric World]]
* [[Gamehelpepizodiak|EpiZodiak]]
* [[Gamehelpepizodiak|EpiZodiak]]
Line 441: Line 459:
* [[Gamehelpfactum|Factum]]
* [[Gamehelpfactum|Factum]]
* [[Gamehelpfaifo|Fai-Fo]]
* [[Gamehelpfaifo|Fai-Fo]]
* [[Gamehelpfarmclub|Farm Club]]
* [[Gamehelpforex|For-Ex]]
* [[Gamehelpforex|For-Ex]]
* [[Gamehelpfortheking|For the King (and Me)]]
* [[Gamehelpfortheking|For the King (and Me)]]
* [[Gamehelpfruitpicking|Fruit Picking]]
* [[Gamehelpfractal|Fractal]]
* [[Gamehelpgeekoutmasters|Geek Out! Masters]]
* [[Gamehelpgeekoutmasters|Geek Out! Masters]]
* [[Gamehelpgetonboard|Get on Board: New York & London]]
* [[Gamehelpgetthemacguffin|Get the MacGuffin]]
* [[Gamehelpgetthemacguffin|Get the MacGuffin]]
* [[Gamehelpgreatwesterntrail|Great Western Trail]]
* [[Gamehelpguile|Guile]]
* [[Gamehelpguile|Guile]]
* [[Gamehelpharbour|Harbour]]
* [[Gamehelpharbour|Harbour]]
* [[Gamehelpheckinhounds|Hechin Hounds]]
* [[Gamehelpheckinhounds|Heckin Hounds]]
* [[Gamehelphomeworlds|Homeworlds]]
* [[Gamehelphomeworlds|Homeworlds]]
* [[Gamehelphoola|Hoola]]
* [[Gamehelphoola|Hoola]]
* [[Gamehelphydroracers|Hydroracers]]
* [[Gamehelpiceandthesky|Ice and the Sky]]
* [[Gamehelpiceandthesky|Ice and the Sky]]
* [[Gamehelpimtheboss|I'm the Boss]]
* [[Gamehelpimtheboss|I'm the Boss]]
* [[Gamehelpriichimahjong|Japanese (Riichi) Mahjong]]
* [[Gamehelpriichimahjong|Japanese (Riichi) Mahjong]]
* [[Gamehelpjumpdrive|Jump Drive]]
* [[Gamehelpkmakici|Kmakici Family's Greatest Teatime]]
* [[Gamehelpkmakici|Kmakici Family's Greatest Teatime]]
* [[Gamehelpladyandthetiger|Lady and the Tiger]]
* [[Gamehelpladyandthetiger|Lady and the Tiger]]
Line 460: Line 481:
* [[Gamehelplineae|Lineae]]
* [[Gamehelplineae|Lineae]]
* [[Gamehelplinkage|Linkage]]
* [[Gamehelplinkage|Linkage]]
* [[Gamehelplittlefactory|Little Factory]]
* [[Gamehelpliverpoolrummy|Liverpool (Cozy Oaks) Rummy]]
* [[Gamehelpliverpoolrummy|Liverpool (Cozy Oaks) Rummy]]
* [[Gamehelpmemoir|Memoir 44]]
* [[Gamehelpmercadodelisboaste|Mercado de Lisboa]]
* [[Gamehelpmercadodelisboaste|Mercado de Lisboa]]
* [[Gamehelpminhwatu|Minhwatu]]
* [[Gamehelpminhwatu|Minhwatu]]
* [[Gamehelpmorocco|Morocco]]
* [[Gamehelpmorocco|Morocco]]
* [[Gamehelpnarabi|Narabi]]
* [[Gamehelpnoah|Noah]]
* [[Gamehelpoust|Oust]]
* [[Gamehelppaniclab|Panic Lab]]
* [[Gamehelppaniclab|Panic Lab]]
* [[Gamehelppiereighteen|Pier 18]]
* [[Gamehelppiereighteen|Pier 18]]
Line 472: Line 492:
* [[Gamehelppyramidpoker|Pyramid Poker]]
* [[Gamehelppyramidpoker|Pyramid Poker]]
* [[Gamehelpqueenskings|Queens and Kings: A Checkers Game]]
* [[Gamehelpqueenskings|Queens and Kings: A Checkers Game]]
* [[Gamehelprobotsateourpizza|Robots Ate Our Pizza]]
* [[Gamehelproomtwentyfive|Room 25]]
* [[Gamehelproomtwentyfive|Room 25]]
* [[Gamehelproppyakken|Roppyakken]]
* [[Gamehelproppyakken|Roppyakken]]
Line 479: Line 500:
* [[Gamehelpsimplicity|Simplicity]]
* [[Gamehelpsimplicity|Simplicity]]
* [[Gamehelpspaceempires|Space Empire: 4X]]
* [[Gamehelpspaceempires|Space Empire: 4X]]
* [[Gamehelpsplito|Splito]]
* [[Gamehelpsteamrollers|SteamRollers]]
* [[Gamehelpsteamrollers|SteamRollers]]
* [[Gamehelpthemotherroad|The Mother Road: Route 66]]
* [[Gamehelpthemotherroad|The Mother Road: Route 66]]
* [[Gamehelptheninedomains|The Nine Domains]]
* [[Gamehelptheninedomains|The Nine Domains]]
* [[Gamehelpthrive|Thrive]]
* [[Gamehelpthrive|Thrive]]
* [[Gamehelptigriseuphrates|Tigris Euphrates]]
* [[Gamehelptinnerstrail|Tinner's Trail]]
* [[Gamehelptinyfarms|Tiny Farms]]
* [[Gamehelptinyfarms|Tiny Farms]]
* [[Gamehelptrusis|Trusis]]
* [[Gamehelptrusis|Trusis]]
Line 489: Line 513:
* [[Gamehelpuptown|Uptown]]
* [[Gamehelpuptown|Uptown]]
* [[Gamehelpvegetables|Vege Tables]]
* [[Gamehelpvegetables|Vege Tables]]
* [[Gamehelpvektorace|VektoRace]]
* [[Gamehelpvolfyirion|Volfyirion Guilds]]
* [[Gamehelpvolfyirion|Volfyirion Guilds]]
* [[Gamehelpworldwidetennis|Worldwide Tennis]]
* [[Gamehelpyaniv|Yaniv]]
* [[Gamehelpyaniv|Yaniv]]
* [[Gamehelpzooloretto|Zooloretto]]
* [[Gamehelpzooloretto|Zooloretto]]
Line 502: Line 526:
* [[Gamehelpchampionsofmidgard|Champions of Midgard]]
* [[Gamehelpchampionsofmidgard|Champions of Midgard]]
* [[Gamehelpchicagoexpress|Chicago Express]]
* [[Gamehelpchicagoexpress|Chicago Express]]
* [[Gamehelpchromino|Chromino]]
* [[Gamehelpcicerabigia|Cicera Bigia]]
* [[Gamehelpcicerabigia|Cicera Bigia]]
* [[Gamehelpcitadels|Citadels]]
* [[Gamehelpcitadels|Citadels]]
Line 535: Line 558:
* [[Gamehelpsnekagon|Snekagon]]
* [[Gamehelpsnekagon|Snekagon]]
* [[Gamehelpsnowtime|Snow Time]]
* [[Gamehelpsnowtime|Snow Time]]
* [[Gamehelpsoulaween|Soulaween]]
* [[Gamehelpspiritsoftheforest|Spirits of the Forest]]
* [[Gamehelpspiritsoftheforest|Spirits of the Forest]]
* [[Gamehelptalon|Talon]]
* [[Gamehelptalon|Talon]]

Revision as of 06:54, 23 June 2022

An issue? A question?

  • Forums are also helpful to get information.


Game names which are displayed in red still need game help/summaries written for them. So help out and write one for them by creating a new page for these games. To do so simply click on them below, this will direct you to a page creation page.

Meanwhile, games being available in the alpha list does not warrant that it will go through the whole process and become available to the whole community. Consequently, it is kindly asked to refrain from publicising the alpha list, in order not to create unfounded expectations. Therefore, do not add any games to the alpha list.

Available on BGA Beta Games Alpha Games Removed from BGA

About available games and their content

Games are games and it's all up to publishers to make them relevant or accurate to history, or not.

We're focusing on gameplay and rules. We're not history books, nor an accurate source for anything related to real things.

BGA is against any bad behaviors on real people, and will never EVER join, talk or expose about anything about themes, history or politic.

Also please note that they're also a source to motivate talks, reflexion, exchange and viewpoints about history and education anywhere else.

We're a gaming platform, we welcome everyone and do efforts daily to make this place a nice place to play nice games with nice people.