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(fixed sorting and capitalization)
(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 21: Line 21:
* [[Gamehelpsevenwondersduel|7 Wonders Duel]]
* [[Gamehelpsevenwondersduel|7 Wonders Duel]]
* [[Gamehelpeightmastersrevenge|8 Master's Revenge]]
* [[Gamehelpeightmastersrevenge|8 Master's Revenge]]
* [[Gamehelpninetynine|99 (trick-taking card game)]]
* [[Gamehelpalhambra|Alhambra]]
* [[Gamehelpalhambra|Alhambra]]
* [[Gamehelpalveole|Alveole]]
* [[Gamehelpalveole|Alveole]]
Line 32: Line 33:
* [[Gamehelpbattleoflits|Battle of LITS]]
* [[Gamehelpbattleoflits|Battle of LITS]]
* [[Gamehelpbattlesheep|Battle Sheep]]
* [[Gamehelpbattlesheep|Battle Sheep]]
* [[Gamehelpbattleship|Battleship]]
* [[Gamehelpbattleship|Battleships Pencil & Paper]]
* [[Gamehelpbelote|Belote]]
* [[Gamehelpbelote|Belote]]
* [[Gamehelpbigtimesoccer|Big Time Soccer]]
* [[Gamehelpbigtimesoccer|Big Time Soccer]]
Line 46: Line 47:
* [[Gamehelpcantstop|Can't Stop]]
* [[Gamehelpcantstop|Can't Stop]]
* [[Gamehelpcarcassonne|Carcassonne]]
* [[Gamehelpcarcassonne|Carcassonne]]
* [[Gamehelpcarcassonnehuntersandgatherers|Carrassonne: Hunters and Gatherers]]
* [[Gamehelpcarcassonnehuntersandgatherers|Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers]]
* [[Gamehelpcaribbeanallfours|Caribbean All Fours]]
* [[Gamehelpcaribbeanallfours|Caribbean All Fours]]
* [[Gamehelpcaylus|Caylus]]
* [[Gamehelpcaylus|Caylus]]
Line 131: Line 132:
* [[Gamehelpkingdomino|Kingdomino]]
* [[Gamehelpkingdomino|Kingdomino]]
* [[Gamehelpklaverjassen|Klaverjassen]]
* [[Gamehelpklaverjassen|Klaverjassen]]
* [[Gamehelpkoikoi|Koi-koi]]
* [[Gamehelpkoikoi|Koi-Koi]]
* [[Gamehelpkoryo|Koryŏ]]
* [[Gamehelpkoryo|Koryŏ]]
* [[Gamehelpkqj|KQJ]]
* [[Gamehelpkqj|KQJ]]
Line 139: Line 140:
* [[Gamehelpinventors|Legendary Inventors]]
* [[Gamehelpinventors|Legendary Inventors]]
* [[Gamehelplettertycoon|Letter Tycoon]]
* [[Gamehelplettertycoon|Letter Tycoon]]
* [[Gamehelplewisclark|Lewis and Clark]]
* [[Gamehelplewisclark|Lewis & Clark]]
* [[Gamehelplibertalia|Libertalia]]
* [[Gamehelplibertalia|Libertalia]]
* [[Gamehelplinesofaction|Lines of Action]]
* [[Gamehelplinesofaction|Lines of Action]]
Line 157: Line 158:
* [[Gamehelpmartiandice|Martian Dice]]
* [[Gamehelpmartiandice|Martian Dice]]
* [[Gamehelpmetromania|Metromania]]
* [[Gamehelpmetromania|Metromania]]
* [[Gamehelpmrjack|Mr Jack]]
* [[Gamehelpmrjack|Mr. Jack]]
* [[Gamehelpnangaparbat|Nanga Parbat]]
* [[Gamehelpnangaparbat|Nanga Parbat]]
* [[Gamehelpnautilus|Nautilus]]
* [[Gamehelpnautilus|Nautilus]]
Line 164: Line 165:
* [[Gamehelpaknile|Nile]]
* [[Gamehelpaknile|Nile]]
* [[Gamehelpninemensmorris|Nine Men's Morris]]
* [[Gamehelpninemensmorris|Nine Men's Morris]]
* [[Gamehelpninetynine|Ninety-Nine (Trick-taking)]]
* [[Gamehelpnippon|Nippon]]
* [[Gamehelpnippon|Nippon]]
* [[Gamehelpnoirkvi|Noir: Killer versus Inspector]]
* [[Gamehelpnoirkvi|Noir: Killer versus Inspector]]
Line 171: Line 171:
* [[Gamehelpofftherails|Off the Rails]]
* [[Gamehelpofftherails|Off the Rails]]
* [[Gamehelpohhell|Oh Hell!]]
* [[Gamehelpohhell|Oh Hell!]]
* [[Gamehelpohseven|Oh Seven]]
* [[Gamehelpohseven|Oh-Seven]]
* [[Gamehelporigin|Origin]]
* [[Gamehelporigin|Origin]]
* [[Gamehelpoutlaws|Outlaws:Last Man Standing]]
* [[Gamehelpoutlaws|Outlaws:Last Man Standing]]
Line 193: Line 193:
* [[Gamehelpraceforthegalaxy|Race for the Galaxy]]
* [[Gamehelpraceforthegalaxy|Race for the Galaxy]]
* [[Gamehelprallymangt|Rallyman: GT]]
* [[Gamehelprallymangt|Rallyman: GT]]
* [[Gamehelpredseven|Red 7]]
* [[Gamehelpredseven|Red7]]
* [[Gamehelprememberwhen|Remember When]]
* [[Gamehelprememberwhen|Remember When]]
* [[Gamehelpreversi|Reversi]]
* [[Gamehelpreversi|Reversi]]
Line 218: Line 218:
* [[Gamehelpstirfryeighteen|Stir Fry Eighteen]]
* [[Gamehelpstirfryeighteen|Stir Fry Eighteen]]
* [[Gamehelpstoneage|Stone Age]]
* [[Gamehelpstoneage|Stone Age]]
* [[Gamehelpsushigo|Sushi Go]]
* [[Gamehelpsushigo|Sushi Go!]]
* [[Gamehelptablut|Tablut]]
* [[Gamehelptablut|Tablut]]
* [[Gamehelptakaraisland|Takara Island]]
* [[Gamehelptakaraisland|Takara Island]]
Line 232: Line 232:
* [[Gamehelpbattleforhill|The Battle for Hill 218]]
* [[Gamehelpbattleforhill|The Battle for Hill 218]]
* [[Gamehelptheboss|The Boss]]
* [[Gamehelptheboss|The Boss]]
* [[Gamehelpthebuilders|The Builders:Antiquity]]
* [[Gamehelpthebuilders|The Builders: Antiquity]]
* [[Gamehelpthebuilders|The Builders:Middle Ages]]
* [[Gamehelpthebuilders|The Builders: Middle Ages]]
* [[Gamehelpthecrew|The Crew]]
* [[Gamehelpthecrew|The Crew]]
* [[Gamehelpthejellymonsterlab|The Jelly Monster Lab]]
* [[Gamehelpthejellymonsterlab|The Jelly Monster Lab]]
* [[Gamehelpkingsguild|The King's Guild]]
* [[Gamehelpkingsguild|The King's Guild]]
* [[Gamehelpcarrara|The Palaces of Carrara]]
* [[Gamehelpcarrara|The Palaces of Carrara]]
* [[Gamehelpruhr|The Ruhr:A Story of Coal Trade]]
* [[Gamehelpruhr|The Ruhr: A Story of Coal Trade]]
* [[Gamehelpmarcopolo|The Voyages of Marco Polo]]
* [[Gamehelpmarcopolo|The Voyages of Marco Polo]]
* [[Gamehelpwerewolves|The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow]]
* [[Gamehelpwerewolves|The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow]]
Line 244: Line 244:
* [[Gamehelpthroughtheages|Through the Ages]]
* [[Gamehelpthroughtheages|Through the Ages]]
* [[Gamehelpthroughtheagesnewstory|Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization]]
* [[Gamehelpthroughtheagesnewstory|Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization]]
* [[Gamehelpthurnandtaxis|Thurn and Taxis]]
* [[Gamehelptiki|Tiki]]
* [[Gamehelptiki|Tiki]]
* [[Gamehelptimemasters|Time Masters]]
* [[Gamehelptimemasters|Time Masters]]
* [[Gamehelptobago|Tobago]]
* [[Gamehelptobago|Tobago]]
* [[Gamehelptock|Tock]]
* [[Gamehelptock|Tock]]
* [[Gamehelptoeshambo|Toe Sham Bo]]
* [[Gamehelptoeshambo|ToeShamBo]]
* [[Gamehelptokaido|Tokaido]]
* [[Gamehelptokaido|Tokaido]]
* [[Gamehelptournay|Tournay]]
* [[Gamehelptournay|Tournay]]
* [[Gamehelptrekkingtheworld|Trekking the World]]
* [[Gamehelptrekkingtheworld|Trekking the World]]
* [[Gamehelptroyes|Troyes]]
* [[Gamehelptroyes|Troyes]]
* [[Gamehelpturnthetide|Turn the Tide]]
* [[Gamehelpturnthetide|Turn the tide]]
* [[Gamehelptwintinbots|Twin Tin Bots]]
* [[Gamehelptwintinbots|Twin Tin Bots]]
* [[Gamehelptzolkin|Tzolk'in]]
* [[Gamehelptzolkin|Tzolk'in]]
Line 271: Line 272:
   <td valign="top">
   <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelpfistfulofgold|A Fistful of Gold]]
* [[Gamehelpfistfulofgold|A Fistful of Gold]]
* [[Gamehelpballoonpop|Balloon Pop]]
* [[Gamehelpballoonpop|Balloon Pop!]]
* [[Gamehelpbids|Bids]]
* [[Gamehelpbids|Bids]]
* [[Gamehelpbiyi|Biyi]]
* [[Gamehelpbiyi|Biyi]]
Line 283: Line 284:
* [[Gamehelpdraftosaurus|Draftosaurus]]
* [[Gamehelpdraftosaurus|Draftosaurus]]
* [[Gamehelpdungeonpetz|Dungeon Petz]]
* [[Gamehelpdungeonpetz|Dungeon Petz]]
* [[Gamehelpexplorationwarzone|Exploration: Warzone]]
* [[Gamehelpfleet|Fleet]]
* [[Gamehelpfleet|Fleet]]
* [[Gamehelpgrosstarock|Grosstarock]]
* [[Gamehelpgrosstarock|Grosstarock]]
* [[Gamehelpherooj|Herooj]]
* [[Gamehelpherooj|Herooj]]
* [[Gamehelpillustori|Illustori]]
* [[Gamehelpillustori|Illustori]]
* [[Gamehelpjekyllvshide|Jekyll vs Hyde]]
* [[Gamehelpjekyllvshide|Jekyll vs. Hyde]]
* [[Gamehelpjustdesserts|Just Desserts]]
* [[Gamehelpjustdesserts|Just Desserts]]
* [[Gamehelpmijnlieff|Mijnlieff]]
* [[Gamehelpmijnlieff|Mijnlieff]]
Line 299: Line 301:
* [[Gamehelprolledwest|Rolled West]]
* [[Gamehelprolledwest|Rolled West]]
* [[Gamehelproomtwentyfive|Room 25]]
* [[Gamehelproomtwentyfive|Room 25]]
* [[Gamehelpschroedingerscats|Schrodinger's Cats]]
* [[Gamehelpschroedingerscats|Schr&ouml;dinger's Cats]]
* [[Gamehelpsquadro|Squadro]]
* [[Gamehelpsquadro|Squadro]]
* [[Gamehelpsteamworks|Steam Works]]
* [[Gamehelpsteamworks|Steam Works]]
* [[Gamehelpxanadu|Xanadu]]
* [[Gamehelpunconditionalsurrender|Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe]]
* [[Gamehelpyinyang|Yin Yang]]
* [[Gamehelpyinyang|Yin Yang]]
Line 311: Line 313:
* [[Gamehelpdicehospital|Dice Hospital]]
* [[Gamehelpdicehospital|Dice Hospital]]
* [[Gamehelpherrlof|Herrlof]]
* [[Gamehelpherrlof|Herrlof]]
* [[Gamehelpninetynineaddition|Ninety-Nine (Addition)]]
* [[Gamehelpninetynineaddition|Ninety-Nine (Addition)]]
* [[Gamehelporiflamme|Oriflamme]]
* [[Gamehelporiflamme|Oriflamme]]
* [[Gamehelppinochle|Pinochle]]
* [[Gamehelppinochle|Pinochle]]
* [[Gamehelppokertexasholdem|Poker Texas Hold'em]]
* [[Gamehelptexasholdem|Poker Texas Hold'em]]
* [[Gamehelpresarcana|Res Arcana]]
* [[Gamehelpresarcana|Res Arcana]]
* [[Gamehelprestinpeace|Rest In Peace]]
* [[Gamehelpsergeantmajor|Sergeant Major]]
* [[Gamehelpsergeantmajor|Sergeant Major]]
* [[Gamehelpvultureculture|Vulture Culture]]
* [[Gamehelpwizard|Wizard]]
* [[Gamehelpwizard|Wizard]]
* [[Gamehelpxanadu|Xanadu]]
* [[Gamehelpyspahan|Yspahan]]
* [[Gamehelpyspahan|Yspahan]]

Revision as of 04:59, 26 January 2021

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Available on BGA Beta Games Alpha Games Removed from BGA

About available games and their content

Games are games and it's all up to publishers to make them relevant or accurate to history, or not.

We're focusing on gameplay and rules. We're not history books, nor an accurate source for anything related to real things.

BGA is against any bad behaviors on real people, and will never EVER join, talk or expose about anything about themes, history or politic.

Also please note that they're also a source to motivate talks, reflexion, exchange and viewpoints about history and education anywhere else.

We're a gaming platform, we welcome everyone and do efforts daily to make this place a nice place to play nice games with nice people.