This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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Game File Reference

Useful Components


  • Deck: a PHP component to manage cards (deck, hands, picking cards, moving cards, shuffle deck, ...).
  • Draggable: a JS component to manage drag'n'drop actions.
  • Counter: a JS component to manage a counter that can increase/decrease (ex: player's score).
  • ExpandableSection: a JS component to manage a rectangular block of HTML than can be displayed/hidden.
  • Scrollmap: a JS component to manage a scrollable game area (useful when the game area can be infinite. Examples: Saboteur or Takenoko games).
  • Stock: a JS component to manage and display a set of game elements displayed at a position.
  • Zone: a JS component to manage a zone of the board where several game elements can come and leave, but should be well displayed together (See for example: token's places at Can't Stop).

Undocumented component (if somebody knows please help with docs)

  • Wrapper: a JS component to wrap a <div> element around its child, even if these elements are absolute positioned.


Game Development Process

Guides for Common Topics

Miscellaneous Resources

Bga studio small.jpg

Note: Please DO NOT translate Studio Documentation, so that there can be one place where you can find the latest information available.

What is Board Game Arena Studio?

Board Game Arena Studio is a platform to build online board game adaptations using the Board Game Arena platform.

It is open to any gamer with software development skills :)

BGA Studio website:

Original announcement on BGA forum:

Discover BGA Studio in 5 presentations

Why, how, what... to start discovering BGA Studio, we prepared 5 "powerpoint" presentations for you:

How to join the BGA developer team?

Please see this page: How to join BGA developer team?

Great, I'm in! ... How should I start?

If you didn't already, check the presentations at the top of this page to get the basics.

Then, you should checkout the First steps with BGA Studio to make sure that runs fine.

After that, we strongly advise you to take one of these game creation tutorials:

  • Tutorial reversi (recommended, closest to the actual BGA implementation and maintained by the BGA team) - an abstract strategy game played on an 8×8 uncheckered board for 2 players
  • Tutorial gomoku - an abstract strategy game tic-tac-toe style for 2 players
  • Tutorial hearts - a card game for 4 players

Then start editing files and see what happens! ;)

Once you're done with tutorials, you can start a real game (or join existing project)

If you have any questions, please check out the Studio FAQ or Contact BGA Studio.

To search wiki pages on studio enter this text in search bar:

 "Category:Studio" white rabbit 

That is if you want to search for white rabbit

BGA Studio documentation

BGA Studio Framework reference

This part of the documentation focuses on the development framework itself: functions and methods available to build your game.

File structure of a BGA game

Game logic (Server side)

Game interface (Client side)

Other components

BGA Studio game components reference

Game components are useful tools you can use in your game adaptations.


  • Counter: a JS component to manage a counter that can increase/decrease (ex: player's score).
  • Scrollmap: a JS component to manage a scrollable game area (useful when the game area can be infinite. Examples: Saboteur or Takenoko games).
  • Stock: a JS component to manage and display a set of game elements displayed at a position.
  • Zone: a JS component to manage a zone of the board where several game elements can come and leave, but should be well displayed together (See for example: token's places at Can't Stop).
  • Draggable: a JS component to manage drag'n'drop actions.
  • ExpandableSection: a JS component to manage a rectangular block of HTML than can be displayed/hidden.
  • Anti-Stock: Code snippets in vanilla JS/HTML5 to do what stock does (that is if you cannot beat Stock into submission)


  • Deck: a PHP component to manage cards (deck, hands, picking cards, moving cards, shuffle deck, ...).

Reference for classes in game class hierarchy

  • Table: a PHP class that you inherit from for the game php

BGA Studio user guide

This part of the documentation is a user guide for the BGA Studio online development environment.


Tools and Advice


Software Versions

Versions currently used by BGA framework:

PHP Extensions Used

The following PHP extensions are - as of May 8th, 2022 - in use in BGA Studio and available:

date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, Reflection, SPL, session, standard, sodium, apache2handler, mysqlnd, PDO, xml, apcu, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, mbstring, FFI, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, iconv, igbinary, json, exif, msgpack, mysqli, pdo_mysql, apc, posix, readline, shmop, SimpleXML, sockets, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, v8js, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, Phar, memcached, Zend OPcache

Other resources

Development forum

Bug tracking system FOR STUDIO issues and APIs

DISCORD chat server/room invite link if it does not work check this topic

Developer BLOGS

Contact BGA Studio