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  • 01:27, 9 February 2025Gamehelpthewhitecastle (hist | edit) ‎[3,925 bytes]JameserWilk (talk | contribs) (Add Page)
  • 22:40, 6 February 2025Gamehelpcakemaster (hist | edit) ‎[3,071 bytes]Bennygui (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Overview == Cake Master is a game where you draft cards to build cakes. The players with the tastiest cakes scores the most Star points. Also, players with cakes that can meet the demands of customers will also score Star points. The game is played over 3 rounds. In each round, the players draft 3 cards a total of 4 times to build 3 cakes made of 4 cards each. Scoring happens at the end of each of the 3 rounds. == Round: Start == * At the start of round 1, 1 cus...")
  • 15:02, 4 February 2025Gamehelpmetrobingo (hist | edit) ‎[2,079 bytes]Joezg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Metro Bingo''' is a simultaneous-play ascending bingo game for multiple players. Players draw numbered tiles one by one from a bag and write them into numbered spaces on their route map. Connected ascending numbers form a “stream,” and the longer the stream, the higher the score. Arrange as many numbers as possible in ascending order to create the longest stream! == Components and setup == There are 42 tiles in the bag. Number tiles go from 1 to 30, with tiles 11...")
  • 10:44, 4 February 2025Gamehelpelpasogwt (hist | edit) ‎[11,055 bytes]Firgon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "El Paso at the end of the 19th century: five railroad companies have connected the Sun City to their network and made it a major hub for the cattle trade. Take on the role of ranchers of that time and bring your best cattle to El Paso to earn money and victory points. Hire more cowboys, builders, and engineers to get closer to your goals. '''Central Display''' The central display at the top features: * The map with various buildings and empty spaces and a circular tra...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
  • 15:59, 31 January 2025Gamehelpsirocelotscave (hist | edit) ‎[3,182 bytes]Firgon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In <b>Sir Ocelot's Cave</b>, Sir Ocelot and Professor Penguin explore a newly discovered cave system, competing for the precious gemstones found inside. To locate and collect gemstones, you will be using your tools — compass, lamp, and pickaxe — and your trusty companion’s good instincts. The deeper you get into the cave, the more valuable treasure you will find! In the end, the player with the most valuable collection of gemstones wins the game!<br> <b>How to pla...")
  • 02:01, 31 January 2025Gamehelpfalconry (hist | edit) ‎[2,953 bytes]Seryo16 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Falconry = == Story == You are brilliant, wealthy, and royal. Most of all, you are ready to prove your brilliance in a high-stakes competition planned by the king himself. Birds of prey have been trained and used for centuries in the kingdom of Abbron, and falconry has slowly become a part of everyday life.To celebrate the arrival of falconry in the land, King Alrók has announced a competition for all nobles, with an entire dukedom as the grand prize. Nobles must c...")
  • 18:15, 30 January 2025Gamehelpdicepyramid (hist | edit) ‎[2,639 bytes]PatrickDNerd (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Overview == Dice Pyramid is an adventure dice game where you complete challenges to collect powerful relics that can be used to affect your dice rolls. == Objective == Collect the Ankh from the pyramid's treasure room to win the game! == Turn Structure == Roll all 5 dice. Twice per turn, you can re-roll any number of dice. You can use the ability of any relic you own anytime. A relic is discarded when used. If your dice match the challenge of a room, you can t...")
  • 21:58, 29 January 2025Gamehelpfalconrycardgame (hist | edit) ‎[2,953 bytes]QuiltablePumpkinPie (talk | contribs) (I added a summary of the game story and how to play.) Tag: Visual edit
  • 11:37, 29 January 2025Tips arboretum (hist | edit) ‎[216 bytes]VenthTheTenth (talk | contribs) (Strategy notes taken from Gamehelparboretum.)
  • 19:28, 28 January 2025Gamehelptheguildofmerchantexplorers (hist | edit) ‎[3,913 bytes]Guybrush127 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Goal = The goal of the game is to earn as many coins as possible. Players earn coins by placing explorers on cities, ruins, or discovery towers. Players can also create trade routes between cities, the capital, or other villages. = Gameplay = The game consists of 4 Eras. In each Era, several turns of revealing Explore Cards from the Exploration Deck and placing Explorers take place until the Exploration Deck is exhausted. At the end of each Era, all explorers are remo...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
  • 15:46, 27 January 2025Gamehelpratsofwistar (hist | edit) ‎[11,052 bytes]Amintiri (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Overview == In Rats of Wistar you will play the role of one of the four rats who organized the escape from the famous Wistar Institute. The game takes place over 5 rounds, and you will score Victory Points (VP) as follows: * building Beds * digging Rooms * solving Missions within the Farm * welcoming Guest Mice * creating new Inventions * claiming Objectives At the end of the game, the player with the most VP will be the winner. In the event of a tie, the player tie...")
  • 06:35, 27 January 2025Gamehelpsuperstore (hist | edit) ‎[4,663 bytes]Melplaysgames (talk | contribs) (Added description of key rules.) Tag: Visual edit
  • 07:16, 26 January 2025Gamehelpletsgotojapan (hist | edit) ‎[3,510 bytes]Parsonii (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Objective == This is a very straightforward game. You are planning a 6-day (Mon - Sat) trip in Japan. The objective is to go around Tokyo (blue cards) and Kyoto (pink cards) and collect symbols on top of the cards for scoring. == Card Anatomy == Symbols on upper left of card get add to your collection. You score the VPs on upper right of the card. Additionally - you score the what's on the lower right of the card if you meet the condition on the lower left of...")
  • 09:44, 24 January 2025Tips castlecombo (hist | edit) ‎[188 bytes]MattiasD (talk | contribs) (add shield distribution table from rulebook) Tag: Visual edit
  • 13:11, 23 January 2025Gamehelplivingforestduel (hist | edit) ‎[2,585 bytes]Jphillipson (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In Living Forest Duel, two players face off as the spirits of Summer and Winter, each striving to save the sacred forest and be recognized as its ultimate protector. Although their goals are similar, only one season will claim the honors. Your goal? Be the first to achieve one of the four victory conditions: * Plant a 3×3 rectangle of Guardian Tree cards in your Forest * Have only cards of your season on the recruitment line * Collect 7 Fire tokens * Move the Onibi cre...")
  • 02:37, 22 January 2025Gamehelpsavannaten (hist | edit) ‎[2,865 bytes]Xiongmao1298 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Overview == '''Savanna Ten(サバンナテン)''' is an area majority game for {{player|2}} to {{player|4}} players. The 5x5 game board features a number of orthogonal and diagonal lines that are scored as soon as they're filled with animal tiles, with the player satisfying an influence condition receiving a number of points. == Board == The board consists of '''20 spaces''' arranged in a 5x5 grid, with the remaining 5 spaces being inaccessible. There is a number o...")
  • 01:46, 22 January 2025Gamehelpkaninariebi (hist | edit) ‎[2,357 bytes]Xiongmao1298 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Overview == '''Kani Nari Ebi(かになりエビ)''' is a {{player|2}} player strategy game inspired by Hasami Shogi. Each player starts with '''5 Crab pieces placed on their home column of the 5x5 board''' and on their turn moves them attempting to surround and capture the opponent's pieces. == Gameplay == One their turn, a player must move one of their pieces to another space on the board. There are 2 kinds of pieces that differ in movement pattern: * 🦀 Crab...")
  • 21:44, 18 January 2025Gamehelpzenith (hist | edit) ‎[5,206 bytes]AlphaEchoNova (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==The Game== The gameplay is tug-of-war style, where you and your opponent try and control the 5 planets and compete to be first to achieve one of the three victory conditions: ===1. Absolute Victory=== Gain 3 influence tokens from the same planet. ===2. Democratic Victory=== Gain 4 influence tokens from different planets. ===3. Popular Victory=== Gain 5 influence tokens from any combination of planets. '''Winning''' Play ends immediately when a player achieves one of...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
  • 23:50, 15 January 2025Gamehelpgrovesolitaire (hist | edit) ‎[3,528 bytes]Shubber (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Grow your grove and pick as much fruit as you can by playing cards so that the fruit trees overlap other trees bearing the same fruit. The more trees you overlap, the greater your harvest will be. === Set up === For each game you will only be using 9 of the 18 cards. Draw the top card and place it face up in the middle of the play area to form the start of the Grove. Draw two cards. This is your initial hand. === Each turn === First, play a card in any of the 4 orthog...")
  • 06:32, 15 January 2025Gamehelpbunnydrops (hist | edit) ‎[1,054 bytes]Parsonii (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Actions == 1. Pick a column or row and take the bunny (or dust pan) along with the resources (or bunny droppings) in the corresponding row / column 2. Feed bunnies with the required resources listed on the bottom of the bunny cards 3. Or pass Bunny droppings are negative points. Each dust pan can sweep up 3 bunny droppings, turning them into positive points. == Game End == Game ends after 8 rounds for 2 players 7 rounds for 3 players 6 rounds for 4 players...")
  • 20:24, 14 January 2025Tips zenith (hist | edit) ‎[993 bytes]Romain672 (talk | contribs) (Creation: +4 tips) Tag: Visual edit
  • 17:24, 13 January 2025Tips gemsofiridescia (hist | edit) ‎[1,436 bytes]RoTurbo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "• Because the gem values all start at two, it’s a good idea to mine tiles early and often before the values go up and they become more difficult to mine. • It’s often better to wait until the beginning of your next turn to sell gems as the value will most likely go up. • Don’t underestimate the value of the Jolty Jackhammer or Dazzling Dynamite. Since the dice wrap around from one to six and vice-versa, these Item cards really help you gain more gems or sel...")
  • 14:46, 13 January 2025Gamehelpblastradius (hist | edit) ‎[1,671 bytes]GTSchemer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Gameplay== To start, Red covers any space. From then on, starting with Blue, players take turns. ==Your Turn== On your turn, you must form the smallest tower possible. You do this by placing a piece on an empty space or one of your towers. If this forms a tower of height 2 or more, pieces may be removed as described below. * '''Example:''' If you can place a piece on an empty space you must do that. * '''Example:''' If you cannot place on an empty space, but you...")
  • 22:03, 12 January 2025Gamehelpkarvi (hist | edit) ‎[9,019 bytes]Satch83 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "THEME AND GOAL: Use your viking-dice to perform actions on the action rondel. Also use your scout ship (Karvi) to build colonies and gain Trade- and Raid-objective-tiles which may be activated later for points and other benefits. Upgrade your ships, build runestones, use cards and collect income during 3 rounds (4 rounds in 4p-game). The player with the most points (purple hex-symbols) will be the winner. PRE-GAME: Before you start the game: choose one of the three r...")
  • 01:41, 10 January 2025Tips railwaysoftheworld (hist | edit) ‎[1,484 bytes]Tomflanagan1000 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Deliver a colored resource on your first round preferably to a bounty city. You will need to start your collection of income as soon as possible and the first victory point have a bonus financial dollar of two thousand dollars built into the scoring system, with your first victory point being worth three thousand dollars with each victory point after worth one thousand dollars until they start costing two victory points for one thousand dollars starting at 15 victory poi...")
  • 16:52, 7 January 2025Gamehelptinyepicgalaxiesclr (hist | edit) ‎[223 bytes]Cassiolandim (talk | contribs) (Created page with "# Objective Galactic empires are competing to colonize newly discovered plantes. Earn vctory points by colonizing plantes and increasing your empire's level. Whoever has the most victory points at the end of the game wins!")
  • 14:24, 7 January 2025Gamehelppaiko (hist | edit) ‎[3,499 bytes]Xiongmao1298 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Overview == '''Paikō''' is a {{player|2}} player abstract strategy game where players take turns '''deploying tiles''' on the board and '''shifting''' them to advance out of homeground in order to score '''10 points''' and win the game. == Game Board == The game board is made of '''squares''' arranged in a diamond pattern. Pieces are deployed in and shifted between the squares. '''4 black squares''' in the middle of the board are inaccessible except to '''Lotus ti...")
  • 02:51, 5 January 2025Tips quadratacanada (hist | edit) ‎[888 bytes]Genevieve D (talk | contribs) (Created page with "At the end of your turn, try to rest all your tokens except your airplanes. This will make your advanced tokens and airplanes come back faster. In expert mode, try to get enough taxis to be able to use the Taxi that makes you visit two destinations in the same turn. This should happen on your sixth or seventh turn/day. Don't forget, you need four tokens in your movement area to do this. So you need to have already removed a train before, or you can use the taxi that giv...")
  • 18:07, 4 January 2025Gamehelppcea (hist | edit) ‎[5,024 bytes]Dr-Samourai (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Comment gagner : Le premier joueur à avoir révélé devant lui et conservé jusqu'à la fin du tour de table le nombre requis de cartes “Théories du complot” d'une même catégorie remporte la partie. Nombre de joueurs Nombre requis de cartes Théories du complot pour gagner: 2-3 Joueurs : 7 cartes d’une même catégorie 4-5 Joueurs : 6 cartes d’une même catégorie Si un joueur parvient à regrouper dans sa main le Berger et ses 4 Moutons, il gagne ins...")
  • 17:08, 3 January 2025Gamehelpchurn (hist | edit) ‎[1,382 bytes]GTSchemer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Setup== Choose a board layout. Note that layouts larger than 3 may take a long time to play. ==Gameplay== To start, Red covers any space. From then on, starting with Blue, players take turns. ==Pie Rule== On their first turn, Blue has the option to skip their turn and change colors. The existing Red marble will be treated as their own. The pie rule can only happen once per game. ==Your Turn== On your turn, you must cover an empty space. You must form the small...")
  • 11:08, 3 January 2025Gamehelpsurvive (hist | edit) ‎[3,721 bytes]Storm of Crow (talk | contribs) (Added very brief rules summary.) Tag: Visual edit
  • 04:11, 3 January 2025Tips smallworld (hist | edit) ‎[1,111 bytes]Inspiring-chicken359 (talk | contribs) (Ghoul tip) Tag: Visual edit
  • 05:02, 2 January 2025Gamehelppaperworld (hist | edit) ‎[2,400 bytes]DogEgg258 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Overview == You are a travelertrying to recreate the landscapes you have seen during the journey, using layers of paper. Stack the various layers of paper you find to have the most victory points at the end of the game. == On Your Turn == You must either '''Take''' one or more card(s) or '''Place''' one or more card(s) in front of you to form your landsacpe. To take, select a card and '''take all''' the cards of the same value '''or all''' the cards of the same...")
  • 04:04, 2 January 2025Tips gammelogic (hist | edit) ‎[1,294 bytes]ALoveBunny (talk | contribs) (Created page with "You should first look for any of the pieces that are required to be in a specific place and place them. Next check to see if any of the remaining figures have a relationship with the figures already placed. If more than one. First look at pieces that must be on an end.if more than one piece remains, then analyze the relationship between the two, if any, and try to place with respect to those rules as well. Review the rules of any remaining pieces. Try to fit them in with...")
  • 03:42, 2 January 2025Gamehelpcrashandgrab (hist | edit) ‎[4,883 bytes]Pull the Pin Games (talk | contribs) (Work-in-progress)
  • 02:15, 2 January 2025Bugsclarification bandido (hist | edit) ‎[416 bytes]Ufm (talk | contribs) (Created page with "- All available moves create 1x1 hole, but I can't switch my hand. You may only discard and re-draw if the card cannot be played legally. Otherwise you have to play a card, even if you know that it makes winning the game impossible. - The top bar says I should discard 3 cards, but I can't select 3 cards in my hand. You probably played a map in Bandida. You should select 3 cards on the TABLE, not in your hand.")
  • 05:49, 31 December 2024Gamehelpcuttle (hist | edit) ‎[11,535 bytes]PatrickDNerd (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Overview == Cuttle is a combat card game played with a standard deck of 52 playing cards. Players take turns playing cards to build their layout. == Objective == The first player to control 21 points or more in their layout wins the round. == Game play == The first player is the "Dealer" and starts with a hand of 6 cards. The dealer's opponent starts with 5 cards and gets to go first. On your turn you may take one of these actions: * Draw a card from the deck,...")
  • 11:53, 30 December 2024Gamehelplovelinks (hist | edit) ‎[1,161 bytes]Swinkels (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Turn Summary == # Connect a link from your stock to a bracelets-in-assembly. # If there are no valid connections, you must start a new bracelet. # If a bracelet has length >= 5, it may be completed for points. If you choose to do so, you must start a new bracelet. # Repeat 1-3. == Point System == {| class="wikitable" |- ! Category !! Action !! Points |- | '''Incomplete bracelets''' || Place link and match 1 lock and key || 1 |- | || Match 2nd lock and key in same tur...")
  • 16:51, 28 December 2024Tips karvi (hist | edit) ‎[2,801 bytes]Kingaspectacular (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Karvi is a complex Viking-themed board game that challenges players to balance raiding, trading, and resource management to achieve victory. Typically played in 3 - 4 rounds based on how many players are in the game, it's important to manage each round well in order to succeed. Here are some general strategy tips that I've followed to achieve success: Pre-Game: Choosing your Rune Stone & Identifying Your Strategy When choosing your Rune Stone, there are two ways to go...")
  • 08:06, 26 December 2024Gamehelpkado (hist | edit) ‎[1,087 bytes]Pastor8226 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Cards have three characteristics: a value from 1-5, a ribbon in one of five colors, and one of five objects. Players take turns being the giver, and when you're the giver, you draw a card, look at it in secret, then give it to someone face down; this player can look at their card. Once you've given everyone (including yourself) a card, the player to your left can try to swap gifts with you. If they want to, they name a color and object; if either of them match the gift...")
  • 09:41, 22 December 2024Tips rallymandirt (hist | edit) ‎[277 bytes]P00ya (talk | contribs) (Basic tactics for rallyman dirt) Tag: Visual edit
  • 12:47, 19 December 2024Gamehelppioneerdaysproject (hist | edit) ‎[5,857 bytes]Brunnyer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Gameplay == A game of Pioneer Days is played over 4 rounds called WEEKS, each made up 5 DAYS. Each player will have 1 turn per day to select a die and use it. At the end of the week, players will arrive in a new town, score points, and earn favors by satisfying the needs of the town. == Start of a week == 1. Put 1 set of dice (blue, yellow, green, red, black), plus 1 more set per player into the dice bag. 2. Remove any town cards from the previous week and deal 2 ne...")
  • 05:41, 19 December 2024Gamehelpqueenofscots (hist | edit) ‎[4,202 bytes]TinRobot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Queen of Scots: The Card Game''' '''The Rules:''' Set-up: Remove the 4 royalty reference cards from the deck and give one to each player to be placed face-up on the table for reference throughout the game. They are not playable cards and are there for reference only. These are to remind you of which cards are part of the royal family. Choose a player to shuffle and deal the cards. Start by dealing 11 cards to each player and finishing with one card turned up besi...")
  • 11:54, 16 December 2024Gamehelpchoconnect (hist | edit) ‎[481 bytes]Hari Coin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "On your turn, without looking in the bag, you take a tile from the bag and slide it on the board. The goal of the game is to create a line of chocolate tiles of the same type either orthogonally or diagonally. The number of tiles needed in the line to win is indicated by the number of decorations on it; 3 in a row for the dark chocolate, 4 in a row for the milk chocolate and 5 in a row for the white chocolate. Whoever succeeds in creating the winning line first, wins the...")
  • 19:48, 15 December 2024Tips stupormundi (hist | edit) ‎[325 bytes]Mrtuffstuff (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1.) In general, look for ways to combine multiple actions to maximize your turn. This could be through action cards, specialist track bonuses, or building structures. 2.) Do not neglect end-game scoring. There is one final income at the end of the last round before scoring. See if there's a chance to get a few more points.")
  • 18:42, 13 December 2024Gamehelpquartzdice (hist | edit) ‎[1,352 bytes]Jellby (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The game is divided into six rounds. On their turn each player must: 1. Mine a crystal: The player draws a crystal from the bag and places it on his cart. If the mined crystal is an unstable crystal, the player receives a reroll marker. There is no limit to the number of reroll tokens a player can have. 2. Roll the dice: Each player has up to three dice rolls per turn. In the first, all 5 dice must be rolled. In the second and third they can reroll as many dice as they...")
  • 12:10, 13 December 2024Tips harvest (hist | edit) ‎[8 bytes]Ouerds (talk | contribs) (Created page with "get good")
  • 20:18, 12 December 2024Gamehelphamstersvshippos (hist | edit) ‎[5,394 bytes]TinRobot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Synopsis: From the confusing dreams of James Freeman comes an epic tale: The hamsters have escaped their zoo enclosure and are making a run for it! There are four ponds between them and freedom, and these ponds happen to have lily pads with their most prized possession, the lotus flower! Unfortunately, lurking below the surface are hippos looking for a snack! Each player must risk gathering lotus flowers vs. leaving the pond before the hippos decide it's time to feast!...")
  • 17:45, 12 December 2024Gamehelprttabronzeage (hist | edit) ‎[1,883 bytes]Squarerootofthree (talk | contribs) (Added tables for die results and disasters) Tag: Visual edit
  • 15:52, 12 December 2024Gamehelplivingstone (hist | edit) ‎[5,496 bytes]Crableybradtree (talk | contribs) (Livingstone Rules Summary)
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