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Tips smallworld

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The goal of the game isn’t to hold the most territory or even stay on the board the longest, it’s to make the most points. When picking a race, consider sleeping on one you know others won’t pick, so you can collect the VP for picking it later. Consequently, pillaging and orcs aren’t going to be as effective in the final terms when your opponents have scored the majority of their points. Will your pick help you for the rest of the game?

It takes one unit to hold a territory but usually two or three to seize a new one. It’s better to try and retain what you have, especially above two players. Nevertheless, you might want to remove yourself from the board so you can start again somewhere else, especially if you’re playing aggressively and want to attack opponents from multiple angles.


When playing as the ghouls, consider declining on the turn after getting them. They can still conquest after declining so you could effectively have two races at once after gaining your next one.