This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
1. Pick a column or row and take the bunny (or dust pan) along with the resources (or bunny droppings) in the corresponding row / column
2. Feed bunnies with the required resources listed on the bottom of the bunny cards
3. Or pass
Bunny droppings are negative points. Each dust pan can sweep up 3 bunny droppings, turning them into positive points.
Game End
Game ends after
8 rounds for 2 players
7 rounds for 3 players
6 rounds for 4 players
5 rounds for 5/6 players
+1 pt: For each food item symbol on fed bunny cards.
+3 pts: If all bunnies collected have different colour tags.
+1 pt: For each swept Bunny Drop card.
-2 pts: For each bunny not completely fed.
-1 pt: For each leftover food card.
-1 pt: For each Bunny Drop not swept up.
Player with the highest points wins the game.
Tie breaker 1 - player with the most fed bunnies wins
Tie breaker 2 - player with the fewest leftover food cards wins
Tie breaker 3 - player with the fewest unswept bunny droppings wins