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Tips martiandice

From Board Game Arena
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Main Strategy

The rule of thumb of Martian Dice is to get the most without pushing too far. It can be getting many of a kind, or aim for 3 types and that 3 extra points. But in my opinion, the latter is better. This is because getting lots of a kind is not common, and you may already have 1 or 2 of that kind because you must set aside something if you can. If you aim for 3 types, you need at least 3 dices, which is easier.

First Roll

If there are 4-7 death rays, set aside them. Else, set aside the smallest samples.

Second Roll and Onward

If you don't have enough death rays, set aside some. Else set aside the smallest uncollected samples.

When to Stop

Stop when:

  • You get at least 5 points
  • or you collect all 3 types

if the death rays are enough to defeat the tanks-who knows what will be next?


Be cautious, or you will get nothing. Just aim for 3 types and score high.

Credit to ArielFriedrichGauss.