This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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Each player controls a city, represented by her hand of cards. Each card has an Egocentrism value, and sometimes a special ability. The goal of each player is to finish the game with the smaller Egocentrism score. However, cards with high Egocentrism give advantages during the game. One game can be composed of one or several rounds

During your turn, you must complete one of the following actions:

- Draw and look secretly at the first card from the deck. Then you must EITHER discard it, OR keep it to replace one card from your hand. The replaced card is then played.

- Take the first card from the discard pile to replace one card from your hand. The replaced card is then played.

- Reveal a card from your hand of the same value as the first card on the discard pile and play it.

- Reveal a pair of cards with the same value from your hand and play one of the two. The other one stays in your hand.

- Say “STOP” so the round will end just before your next turn starts

A round ends immediately if a player has no more cards in hand. When a round ends, each player sums up the Egocentrism values in her hand. The player with the lowest score wins