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For tips on how to play pandemic, see Tips_pandemic
- Select from the actions listed below, up to 4 actions per turn.
- Role special abilities may change how an action works.
- Some actions involve discarding a card from your hand.
Drive / Ferry
- Move to a city connected to the one you are in.
Direct Flight
- Discard a City card to move to the city named on the card.
Charter Flight
- Discard the City card that matches the city you are in to move to any city.
Shuttle Flight
- Move from a city with a research station to any other city that has a research station.
Build a Research Station
- Discard the City card that matches the city you are in to place a research station there.
- 6 research stations may be built.
Treat Disease
- Remove 1 disease cube from the city you are in.
- If this disease colour has been cured, remove all cubes of that colour from the city you are in.
- If the last cube of a cured disease is removed from the board, this disease is eradicated.
- You can do this action in two ways:
- give the City card that matches the city you are in to another player, or
- take the City card that matches the city you are in from another player.
- The other player must also be in the city with you.
- Both of you need to agree to do this.
- If the player who gets the card now has more than 7 cards, that player must immediately discard a card or play an Event card.
Discover a Cure
- At any research station, discard 5 City cards of the same colour from your hand to cure the disease of that colour.
- Move the disease’s cure marker to its Cure Indicator.
- If no cubes of this colour are on the board, this disease is now eradicated.
After Your Actions
- Draw two cards from the city draw pile to your hand.
- This pile includes city cards (1 per city), 5 event cards and 4-6 epidemic cards.
- There is a hand limit of 7 (city + event) cards enforced at all times.
- Draw 2-4 cards (according to infection rate) from the top of the infection draw pile and place 1 disease cube on each city shown.
- If the disease of that colour has been eradicated, no cube is placed there.
Additional Rules
Event Cards
- Event cards you draw may be used at any time (including during other players' moves) except just when a card is about to be resolved.
- Playing an event card does not count as one of your four actions.
If you draw an epidemic from the city deck (4 epidemics in Introductory Mode, 5 in Standard, 6 in Heroic):
- Move infection rate marker to the right.
- Draw infection card from bottom of deck and place 3 disease cubes on the city shown.
- Reshuffle the infection discard pile (including the new card) and place on top of the infection draw pile.
- Do all this twice if you happened to draw two epidemic cards.
If you would have to place a 4th disease cube of the same colour in a city, an outbreak occurs instead.
- The outbreak marker is moved forward 1 step.
- All cities connected to the one where the outbreak occurs gain 1 disease cube of the colour of the outbreak city.
- Cities can therefore gain cubes of different colour.
- This can lead to chain reaction outbreaks.
Each player has one of these roles assigned at the beginning of the game:
Contingency Planner
- Take an Event Card from the Discard pile and place it on the Role Card.
- It doesn't count against the limit of 7 hand cards.
- Move any pawn to a city containing another pawn OR Move another player's pawn as if it were their own.
- Remove all cubes of a colour when treating a city.
- For any cured disease:
- Treats for free when entering city, and
- prevents cubes/Outbreaks in their location.
Operations Expert
- Build a Research Station in their location without discarding a city card.
- Once per turn, move to any city from a Research Station, using any city card.
Quarantine Specialist
- Prevents Outbreaks and placement of disease cubes in their location plus all connecting cities.
- May give any card to a player in same location (during either player's turn).
- Can cure a disease by using only 4, not 5, cards of the same colour.
End of game
There is one way to win the game:
- Cure all 4 diseases.
There are three ways to lose the game:
- Having an eighth outbreak;
- Needing to place a disease cube on the board and there are no more cubes available;
- Needing to draw a city card and there are no more city cards available.