This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
These rules are just a summary -- consult the rules for details
This is a co-operative game
Start of game
Players each start as a particular region/faction, with their own starting projects and other values.
The goal is to decrease emissions to meet the current sequestered amount. Having too many communities in crisis, too high a temperature, or too many rounds can cause game loss.
Stages in a Round
Global Stage
Local Stage
Emissions Stage
Crisis Stage
Growth Stage
Global Stage
Draw a number of new crisis cards equal to the number on the Thermometer
The first one is face up, the other required cards are placed face down unseen
Draw 2 Global Project cards, pick one as a group to keep and discard the other
The Global Project area can only hold 4 active projects, so if you have 4 when you draw the new one you must discard an old one of the group's choice even if it has some progress on it
Local Stage (playing cards)
Each player draws 5 cards to use during this stage, though this number can be raised or lowered through other effects. Players can take actions at the same time, and each player can use their cards in a few ways:
- Play a card over a current project, replacing the project. The old project's tags are contributed to the new project -- so for example, you may want to play a money project over another money project.
- Tuck a card under a current project, adding the card's tag to the current project
- Tuck a card under any global project to activate its effect for the rest of the game
- Tuck a card under the revealed crisis to weaken it
- Use the card later when activating a project's ability
Also some project cards can be activated -- possibly multiple times unless it mentions otherwise.
Emissions (check emissions)
Any players that don't have enough power add a "community in crisis" token to their board at this time. Players also calculate how many total emissions are added, by adding their base emissions to their dirty energy amount.
Note you also check to see if this triggers the final round if you still have room remaining after sequestering all cubes. If you reach this milestone (drawdown), continue through Crisis to see if you survive, and then end the round at Growth.
Then adjust the thermometer based on whatever emission cubes were added or removed.
Crisis (negative impacts)
Reveal all crisis cards and trigger their effects. If a crisis only affects one player, choose randomly among eligible players. Note some crisis cards can be weakened by tucked cards or resistance.
Growth (end of round)
If you had achieved the emissions milestone earlier (drawdown) then you win! If not, each faction increases its power output (1 to 3, depending on faction)
End of game
Everyone wins during Growth, if reaching the emissions milestone during Emissions
Everyone loses if any of the following:
- Too many temperature bands are filled in (too many emissions)
- Any player has 12 communities in crisis
- Players haven't won by turn 6