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=Game Turn=
# Flip 3 Casino cards - At the beginning of each turn, the card from the top of each stack is flipped and placed next to it, effect side up, creating three combinations: Casino number / Effect. Flipped cards will be stacked in three discarded stacks.
# Pick a number / effect combination - The players turn is simultaneous: each player individually picks one of the three combinations available and applies the results on their sheets. Several architects can therefore choose the same combination.
# Open a Casino (compulsory) - First, each architect must write the number of the combination they picked in the casino of one of their 4 streets on their city sheet. Numbers must always be written in an empty and constructed Casino, that is a casino without a crane or with a crossed off crane (see Construction effect page 8). They must be put in ascending order from left to right in each street independently.  Note: If a player cannot write any of the 3 numbers of the Casino cards because they cannot respect the placement rules, they get to check 2 boxes on the Inauguration Track on their score sheet and will not be able to perform any action this turn.  
You will gradually develop your 4 (horizontal) streets by
# Perform the Effect (optional) - The player’s chosen combination allows them to perform an effect, if they wish, and if they have opened a casino with the Casino card. Important: an effect is always optional.
opening Casinos.
You are done opening all the casinos of one of your
=Card Effects=
(vertical) Avenues? Then it is time to build a large hotel
# Inauguration (Scissors Cutting Ribbon) - Tick one circle on inauguration track. If the track is filled, game end is triggered. For every 2 circles filled, you can optionally use one of the 3 bonus actions. At game end, players count the number of inauguration spots filled. The player with most garners 1st place and scores the bonus points listed on their player sheet. Second and third place do the same. However, all players with the least inauguration spots filled encircle the debt marker on their sheet by the placement column.
for the tourists.
And don’t forget to make your city even more attractive
# Limousine - Draw 2 segments for limousine path. Points or cash bundles are garnered toward game end for every red carpet on a finished casino passed by limousine. Points are deducted at game end for every segment  needed to get back to the starting point.
with shows, golf courses and even, for your richer clients,
a tour of the most luxurious casinos in a limousine.
# Construction (Crane) - Build a casino location, and circle the debt marker for that spot. Debt marker is crossed out if a casino is built over the newly constructed location.
Of course, all your sumptuous projects are expensive
and you will need to borrow from the bank or even from
# Improvement (Calculator) - Scratch over or fill in EXACTLY one of the multiplier boxes at the bottom of the screen of your player board (except for shows). The bottom most uncovered number will go toward your final score.
the mafia, but beware of bankruptcy if you cannot pay
back your debts!
# Show Opening (Pink Star) - If placed on a casino with a star on its ceiling, then you can fill in one of the spots on the 2 columns of the show track of your player board. If a column is started, circle the 2 debt markers by that column. The debt marker can be crossed out if the circle next to it is filled. (i.e. you might not want to start a show if you don't think you can pay for the debt marker at the bottom)
The competition between you and the other architexts
will be tough: who will get the City projects approved
first? Who will contribute the most towards the
=Special Actions=
inauguration of the City, while staying in the good
For every 2 filled inauguration spots, you may use one of 3 bonus actions on your turn.
graces of Ms Mayor?
Welcome to New Las Vegas!
# Increase or decrease the number of your chosen cards by up to -2/-1/+1/+2. Cross out the debt marker above the inauguration pair when used. (i.e. No debt)
Welcome to New Las Vegas is a standalone sequel to
Welcome to…
# Change the action of your chosen cards to one of the other 4 possible actions. Cross out the debt marker above the inauguration pair when used. (No debt)
You have become a better architect and at the end
of the 60s, in the US, you join the project to build a
# After building your casino, you can build another casino on a slot adjacent to an existing casino, copying the number of the building adjacent. Encircle the debt marker above the inauguration pair. (Debt is accrued.)
“New Las Vegas”.
*If your main action is construction, you cannot copy onto the spot you just constructed.
But the competition is tough!
Who will best respect the City Projects by creating, in
the 4 streets and 11 Avenues that have been allotted to
=Other Scoring Concepts=
each, the most luxurious and entertaining Casinos, the
highest Hotels and the longest Golf Course?
# Golf (Building on the top row) - After building your first casino on the top row, encircle the golf symbol above it. Now, you must build all the rest of the casinos on the top row adjacent to existing casinos. If any spots are skipped, scratch out all the golf spots above the top row in that direction. These scratched out holes can no longer be scored.
In Welcome to New Las Vegas, everyone plays at the
same time with the same cards. It’s all about cleverly
# Odd/Even Streaks - For each street, at game end find the longest streak of even or odd number casinos built on that row. Empty spaces, or unbuilt casino slots do not interrupt these streaks. The length of the streak scores bonus points as listed at the bottom of your player sheet (noted by circle/triangle).
combining the Casino numbers with their associated
effects in order to become the greatest architect
# Hotels (Below all 4 streets) - Once all the spots in a column have been filled by a casino, a hotel is built at the bottom of that column or Avenue. The first player to build in that column builds a large hotel (and all other players must scratch out the top half of the hotel space as a reminder). All subsequent players can build the small hotel afterward.
of tomorrow.
But be careful, the challenge is even higher than in
# Debt - Debt markers are shown as cash that has been wrung out. You can find these debt markers on;
Welcome to… ! You will face more difficult choices and
* The inauguration track, only encircled for the 3rd bonus action.
a more intense competition with the other architects.
* Casino locations to be built, only encircled after construction, and crossed out after casino built.
Therefore, we strongly advise you to start by playing
* Next to the 2 show columns, encircled if a show column is started, and crossed out if the slot next to the debt marker is filled.
Welcome to… before playing Welcome to New
* In inauguration placement column, encircled by player(s) who filled out the least number of inauguration slots at game end.
Las Vegas.
# Cash and Borrowing from the Bank - At game end, the cash in your safe is counted and counted against your debt. If you have more debt than cash bundles, you lose 20 points at game end. Cash can be accrued one of two ways. During the game, the limousine can accrue cash by passing built casinos with red carpets and cash listed by the red carpet (as these are owned by the mafia according to the game makers). The only other way to accrue cash is by the decision at the start of the game of whether to borrow from the bank or not.
Of 3 different types, indicated by a color and a
* If no one borrows from the bank, all players only start with the ONE ALREADY encircled cash icon in their safe.
symbol , or (front: project / back: approved).
* If half or less than half of the players agree to borrow, then the players who borrow encircle 2 more spots getting a starting total of 3 cash bundles in their safe.
3 Project Approval cards and 5 Architect cards.
* If more than half of the players agree to borrow from the bank, those players encircle 4 cash bundles to have a starting total of 5 cash bundles in their safe.
Front: the casino number / back: the effect.
Card distribution:
=End of Game=
Effect side: 16 Inauguration cards,
16 Construction cards, 16 Limo cards,
The game ends as soon as a player does any of the following:
16 Show cards, 17 Improvement cards.
* completes their inauguration track,
Casino number side: 3x 1 2 14 15 ,
* fulfils all three projects, or
4x 3 13 , 5x 4 12 , 6x 5 11 ,
* opens all the built casinos on all four streets (casinos under construction do not count).
7x 6 10 , 8x 7 9 , 9x 8 .
1 Scoring pad
All the points are counted up; highest score wins!
8 Solo Cards (58x88 mm)
First tiebreaker: most hotels.
21 Project Cards (58 x 88 mm)
Second tiebreaker: most large hotels.
81 Casino cards (58 x 88 mm)
There is no third tiebreaker.
Front: city / back: scoring.
Name of
=Additional Information=
your City
==Distribution of cards==
===Effect side:===
* 16 Inauguration cards
* 16 Construction cards
* 16 Limo cards
* 16 Show cards
* 17 Improvement cards
===Casino number side:===
* 3x 1, 2, 14, 15
* 4x 3, 13
* 5x 4, 12
* 6x 5, 11
* 7x 6, 10
End game
* 8x 7, 9
* 9x 8
Player aid:
Casino under
Show Casino
Mafia Casino
VIP Casino
Name of
your city
Start of
the Limo
= 0, 2, 4, 6...
8 4
8 4
= 0, 2, 4, 6...
12 6
+ A + A + A
11-1- 9
5 7 4 6 4 10 3 5 3 4 2 3
6 7 8 9 10 11
3 5 3 4 4 6 2 3 2 3 2 3
3 4 5 6 7 8
: 5 1-2-3
8- 9 -10-11
5 7 4 8 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9
: 3
8- 9 -10-11
5 7 4 8 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
6 7 8 9 10 11
: 1 6
8- 9
2 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 2 3 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12
-4 A
2 A
3 A
 Secretly choose if you want to borrow money from the bank, which will be added to the bundle
of bills already present in your safe.
y To choose to borrow money, circle the 4 bundles of bills on your score sheet.
y Otherwise, if you don’t want to borrow money, circle the barred bundle of bills .
After that, for your choice to remain secret, fold the corner of your sheet to conceal it from the other architects.
At the end of the game, all choices will be revealed and, depending on the results, the bank will loan a varying
amount of money and give the same amount to all the architects (see Safe page 11)
During your first game, we advise you to play without the golf course (see page 9) and without the Bank
rule below, in order to grasp more easily the game.
If you pick a yellow project concerning the golf, replace it with another one.
For this first game, you’ll start the game with 3 bundles of bills in your safe. Therefore, circle 2 additional
bundles of bills in your safe (see Safe page 11).
ΠGive to each architect a pen (not provided), and 2 sheets from the pad: one sheet for the city and one sheet for
the scoring.
 Pick 3 Project Cards: a pink project , a purple project and a yellow project . Place these 3 cards
project side up (all the other Project cards are put back in the box and will not be used in that game).
Ž Shuffle the Casino cards and split them into 3 equal stacks (of 27 cards each), number side up.
Œ 
8 4
12 6
8 4
= 0, 2, 4, 6...
4 A
5 A
1. Flip 3 Casino cards
At the beginning of each turn,
the card from the top of each
stack is flipped and placed
next to it, effect side up,
creating three combinations:
Casino number / Effect.
Flipped cards will be stacked
in three discarded stacks.
2. Pick a number / effect combination
The players turn is simultaneous: each player individually
picks one the three combinations available and apply the
results on their sheets.
Several architects can therefore choose the same
3. Open a Casino (compulsory)
First, each architect must write the number of the
combination he picked in the casino of one of their
4 streets on their city sheet.
Numbers must always be written in an empty and
constructed Casino, that is a casino without a crane or
with a crossed off crane (see Construction effect page 8).
They must be put in ascending order from left to right in
each street independently.
The same number can never appear twice in the same
street (except for the Extended Casino Bonus, see
page 10).
If a player cannot write any of the 3 numbers of the
Casino cards because they cannot respect the placement
rules, they get to check 2 boxes on the Inauguration
Track on their score sheet and will not be able to perform
any action this turn.
4. Perform the Effect (optional)
The player’s chosen combination allows them to perform
an effect, if they wish, and if they have opened a casino
with the Casino card.
Important: an effect is always optional.
Once all architects have opened their casinos and
(potentially) carried out their effects, a new turn starts
by flipping new cards from the three Casinos stacks.
In order to build a Hotel at the bottom of an
Avenue, all the Casinos of the Avenue must
be opened (numbered).
The first architects, to build the Hotel of an
Avenue, on the same turn, circle the entire
Hotel (the Large Hotel) and announce it to the
other architects.
All other architects must then cross off
the top floors of the Hotel and will only
be able to circle the lower floors of the
Hotel (the Small Hotel) on latter turns.
These Hotels, large or small, will earn a certain
number of points at the end of the game, depending on
whether they were improved (see Improvement effect
page 8).
Warning: It means that you must
also have built and opened the Casino
under construction of the Avenue (see
Construction effect page 8).
Casino under
Casinos Opened
The player can leave as many empty casinos as they
wish between two opened casinos, then fill them
later (as long as they respect the ascending order).
Moreover, they can skip some numbers (for instance
put an 8 just after a 6).
When the stacks are empty,
reshuffle them.
In order to bring luck to your future customers, you
must try to open Casinos in series of odd or even
At the end of the game, you will earn points for your
longest series of odd or even casino numbers for
each street.
Here, the longest series is 4 even
numbered casinos, so the architect will
earn 4 points for this street, in addition
to potentially a 6-points bonus if this
architect has the longest series for that
street, compared to their opponents.
As long as they are not built, casinos under
construction do not stop a series. On the contrary,
as soon as they are built, and as long as they are not
opened (numbered) they stop it.
By using the Easy-Opening or Extended Casino
bonus, it is possible to create series such as 0-2-4-6
or 5-5-7 (see Bonus page 10).
casino under
6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 5
  
6 8 9 6 8 10
1 2 4 8 10 11
2 3 5 5 7 8
7 8
6 A
7 A
This effect allows you to
finish building one of the
casinos under construction in
any street. But for that, you’ll
need to borrow money.
Cross off the crane and circle the debt .
As soon as the built casino is opened
(numbered), the outstanding debt is
cleared (crossed off). But if the casino is
not opened by the end of the game, the debt
will have to be paid by spending (crossing
off) a bundle of bills in your safe for each
circled debt .
Warning! A casino must be opened before an effect
can be performed. Therefore, you cannot build a
casino, then open it in the same turn by using the
number associated with the Constuction effect.
This effect allows you to
increase the value of the points
earned at the end of the game.
Cross off one yellow box
available in any scoring zone of
your sheet.
You can cross off the 10/5/2 box of the inauguration
zone, or else a yellow box of your choosing in hotels,
streets, golf or limousine.
Warning: you must cross the yellow boxes one by
one from top to bottom.
This effect allows you to host Shows in your
casinos by opening a starred casino with a
number associated with the Show effect.
Circle the star of the opened Show Casino
and cross off the first box available (from top
to bottom) in one of the two Show columns.
When the first box of a Show column is crossed off, circle
the two debts of this column.
During the game, as soon as a Show box next to a
debt is crossed off, the debt is cleared (crossed
off). At the end of the game, for each remaining debt
, you will have to cross off a bundle of bills in
your safe.
Note: you can open a starred casino without the Show effect
but then, you’ll cross off the star. You can also open a starless
casino with the Show effect, but you cannot perform the effect.
This involvement in the Inauguration process can be used to
gain bonuses from Ms Mayor during the game (see Bonus
page 10).
Moreover, the architect having contributed the most to the
Inauguration process will earn a reward and the one with the
least involvement will have to settle an outstanding debt
(see End Game page 11).
This effect allows you to satisfy Ms Mayor by
participating in the Inauguration process of the city.
Check one box on the Inauguration Track (from
left to right). You start the game with 3 boxes
already crossed off.
Warning: If an architect checks the
last box of the Inauguration Track (the one
after the scissors), the game ends.
Warning: At the end of the game, if the limo has
not yet returned to the traffic lights of the airport,
you’ll lose points (see End Game page 11).
This effect allows you to draw a Limousine trip
for rich Casino customers.
The trip starts at the traffic lights of the airport
parking lot and must come back to its starting
point at the end.
To start or continue the trip,
draw one line that prolongs the
existing trip. A line goes along
the streets and avenues from
one street lamp to the next one.
The trip is composed of one and only route and has
no bifurcation. The Limousine cannot come back onto
the same section but can cross it. Once the Limousine is back at
the starting point, it cannot leave again.
When the trip passes in front of a special casino with a red
carpet (VIP, Luxury or Mafia), circle the corresponding
symbol in front of that casino. At the end of the game, if
the casino is opened, then the circled symbol will earn
points or a bundle of bills in your safe.
Construction Show
The first time that you open a Casino
on the top street, build the golf hole
directly above it by circling it.
In order to continue building this golf
course, each casino that you’ll open on
the top street must be directly adjacent
to an opened casino. So you’ll circle the
golf holes as you open casino next to one another.
These golf holes will earn a certain number of
points depending on their type (PAR 3, PAR 4
or PAR 5).
Warning: If you skip one or more casinos
by opening a casino that is not next to an already
opened casino, then you will no longer be able
to expand your golf course in that direction. In
that case, cross off all golf holes located after the
last circled hole until the end of the street, in the
direction of the newly opened casino.
5 8
7 8 10
8 8
8 A
9 A
You can use only one bonus per turn.
A City Project is an objective fixed by the City to its
The first architects to fulfill, on the same turn, all the
conditions specified on one of the three Projects in play
will immediately earn the corresponding points.
They write down in the , or box in the
Project Zone of their scoring sheet the highest value
indicated on the project side of the card, and then, they
flip it to its approved side.
An architect can only score points once for each of the
three projects. Once the project is fulfilled, the architect
will keep the points earned even if later on the necessary
requirements are not met anymore.
All the other architects who will fulfill the same project
will only score the lower value of the project.
The City Projects and their conditions are presented at
the end of the rules (see List of Projects page 14).
The first architect to fulfill the first Project of the game
can, if they want, shuffle the 81 Casinos cards and create
3 new stacks for the rest of the game.
By contributing to the Inauguration Process, the architects
will gain access to 3 types of bonuses granted by Ms Mayor:
Free Action, Easy Opening, Extended Casino.
At any time during a turn, to use the bonus,
circle a set of crossed off boxes on the
inauguration track. The possible sets are
indicated on the track.
Reminder: If you cannot use any of the 3 casino cards,
then you cross off 2 inauguration boxes, you cannot
perform the effect, nor can you use a bonus action.
y Easy Opening: The architect can add or subtract 1 or
2 to the number of their casino card. With this bonus, it
is possible to have a 0 (even number), a 16 or a 17.
y Free Action: The architect can use any of
the 5 possible effects instead of the one on their
number / effect combination.
y Extended Casino: The architect can open a second
casino during this turn. The casino must be a built casino
adjacent to an already opened casino (directly to its right
or left). It will have the same number as its neighbor.
Careful, if the bonus used is “Extended
Casino”, circle the debt above the set of
checked boxes used. At the end of the game,
you must clear the debt by crossing off a bundle of bills
in your safe. If you use another bonus than the Extended
Casino, just cross off the debt of the set used.
Streets Earn the points corresponding to the size
of the longest series of odd or even casinos in each
street. Reminder: the casinos under construction do not
stop a series. Moreover, for each street in which you
have the longest series, earn the street bonus (the lowest
visible value). In case of a tie, all earn the bonus.
Golf Write down the number of holes for each
type (PAR 3, PAR 4 and PAR 5) and multiply these
by their corresponding improved value (the lowest
visible value).
Limousine Write down the number of VIP
and Luxury Casinos (red carpet) opened and
visited by the Limousine, and multiply these by their
corresponding improved value (the lowest visible
value). For each Mafia Casino (red carpet) opened
and visited by your Limousine, circle one bundle of bills
in your safe.
Write down also the minimum number of lines missing in order to
finish the trip, and multiply it by the most negative value visible.
Safe The architects reveal their wishes for the
bank loan.
y If more than half of the architects wanted to
borrow from the bank , then each architect circle
4 additional bundles of bills in their safe.
y If half or more than half of the architects refused to
borrow from the bank , then each architect circle
2 additional bundles of bills in their safe.
y But if no one wanted to borrow from the bank, do not circle
any bundle of bills in your safe.
Then cross off one bundle for each circled debt that is not crossed
off on your 2 sheets. If the number of bundles is sufficient, cross
off the -20 points penalty. Otherwise the -20 points penalty
applies due to a lack of funds.
The game ends if an architect:
y finishes their Inauguration track or
y fulfills all three Projects or
y opens all the built Casinos of their 4 streets (the
casinos under construction are not taken into account).
The architects add their points in each domain and the
architect with the most points is the winner. In case of
a tie, the architect with the most Hotels wins. In case
of a new tie, the architect with the most Large Hotels
wins. If there is still a tie, play again!
Projects Add the scores of the projects
you fulfilled.
Inauguration Each architect counts their
crossed off boxes that have not been circled
for the bonuses in their inauguration track.
Depending on your position, earn the value
indicated by the first visible box of your score
sheet. Those with the most boxes will earn 10
or 15 points. Seconds will earn 5 or 8 points
and third architects will earn 2 or 0 points.
Those finishing last must also circle the debt
in the inauguration zone.
Shows Earn the lowest visible number of
each Show Column.
Hotels Write down the number of Large
and Small Hotels built and multiply these by
their corresponding improved value (the lowest
visible value). 3
15 9 12
3 3 2
9 6 0
3 2 0
20 12
3 2
8 4
10 A
11 A
Each turn, draw 3 casino cards. Pick and use 2 of them,
one for its number, one for its effect. Then discard the
2 cards and place down the third card, effect side up, in
order to create a stack for ACME.
Thus, you will create a stack that will allow ACME to
open its own casinos.
Beware: You cannot shuffle this stack but you can check
its content at any time.
If you cannot play, check 2 boxes on the Inauguration
Track and still choose a card for ACME.
When you draw a Project Approval card, remove it from
the game and draw a new Casino card. At the end of the
turn, check the ACME architect card where you’ll find out:
• if ACME fulfills or not the
Project indicated by the
Project Approval card drawn.
• the Hotels that ACME tries to
build before you.
When ACME fulfills a project, write down its score on the
score sheet. If ACME fulfills the project before you, flip it
to its Approved side.
y Pick an ACME Architect
card (the top left number is
the difficulty level).
y Pick 3 Project cards and
place them project side up.
y Take a city sheet and a score sheet. On the score
sheet, divide all the scoring boxes in 2 with a horizontal
line. You will score your points above the line, while the
ACME architect will score below the line.
y Shuffle the Casino cards and
create two equal stacks. Create a
deck of Casino cards, effect side up,
by shuffling the 3 Project Approval
cards in one of the stacks and by
placing it below the other stack.
y Make your bank loan wish. Then pick a casino card
and place it under your score sheet without looking at
the number. At the end of the game, the card number
will indicate the bank loan wish of the ACME architect.
The ACME (Alexis Casinos & Mafia Enterprise) is your lead competitor. Its architects have many ties with the mob
and with politicians. So be careful… You might end up six feet under, in the middle of the desert. All regular rules
apply with the following changes. Break a leg!
When ACME builds a Hotel, write down “A” in the top floors
of the Hotel. You can build the same Hotel during the same
turn. But if ACME has built the Hotel before you, then you
can only build the Small Hotel. On the other hand, if
you have built a Hotel before ACME, it cannot build anything
as ACME only builds Large Hotels. Note: ACME hotels do
not allow them to fulfill a hotel project.
In the example above, if the Project Approval cards appear
in the order , , :
• 1st Approval: ACME doesn’t fulfill the project,
and builds Hotel #6.
• 2nd Approval: ACME doesn’t fulfill the project,
and builds Hotel #7.
• 3rd Approval: ACME fulfills the Project,
and builds Hotels #8 and #9.
Important! When the 1st project of the game
is fulfilled, by you or ACME, you MUST shuffle
your discard pile with the stack of Casino cards.
You must also shuffle your discard pile once the
stack is empty.
Set Up
Game Turn
End Game
The game ends when one of the 3 regular end conditions
is reached. ACME can therefore end the game as well if
it fulfills all the 3 projects.
To add the points for ACME, take its stack of casino
cards without shuffling them.
ACME will score points according to the values attributed
to each domain. On the Architect card, for each domain
is indicated a Basic Value and an Improved Value. These
domains are placed on an Improvement Track.
Add all the Improvement cards. Depending on the
amount, some thresholds will be reached. For all reached
thresholds, you will need to use the Improved Values
instead of the Basic Values for these domains.
Inauguration: Compare the number of
Inauguration boxes you crossed off and did not
circle with ACME’s number of inauguration
cards to find out if you are first or second
and determine your score. If you are second, circle the
debt . ACME doesn’t earn points according to 1st or
2nd place and doesn’t get any debt. Whether it is 1st
or 2nd, for each inauguration card, ACME earns the
number of points indicated on the Architect card (Basic
or Improved Value).
Shows: For each show card, ACME earns the
value (Basic or Improved) indicated on the
Architect card.
Hotels: For each built Hotel (with an “A”),
ACME earns the value (Basic or Improved)
indicated on the Architect card.
Streets: Add up all the Construction cards then
add or subtract the value indicated on the crane.
The result (which cannot be lower than 1) is the
size of the largest series of odd or even casinos
in each street for ACME. ACME earns as many points
as that result for each street. Moreover, for each street
where ACME has the highest series, ACME earns the
value (Basic or Improved) indicated on the Architect card.
Golf: ACME builds a golf hole for each card
with the same effect as the previous card.
For example, if in the ACME stack, there are
3 consecutive cards with the same effect, it
creates 2 golf holes. For each hole, ACME earns the value
(Basic or Improved) indicated on the Architect card.
Limousine: For each Limousine card, ACME
earns the value (Basic or Improved) indicated
on the Architect card.
Safe: Reveal the card that you set aside at the
beginning of the game to know how many
bundles you get. If the number of the card is
higher than or equal to the value indicated on
the Architect card, then ACME has chosen to borrow
from the bank. ACME has unlimited funds but you can
push it to fail. If both you and ACME have chosen not
to borrow from the bank, then ACME gets a penalty
equal to the value of the card set aside at the beginning
of the game.
: 1 6
8- 9
2 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 2 3 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12
-4 A
: 1 6
8- 9
2 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 2 3 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12
-4 A
: 1 6
8- 9
2 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 2 3 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12
-4 A
: 1 6
8- 9
2 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 2 3 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12
-4 A
: 1 6
8- 9
2 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 2 3 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12
-4 A
: 1 6
8- 9
2 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 2 3 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12
-4 A
+ A + A
+ A
: 1 6
8- 9
2 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 2 3 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12
-4 A
: 1 6
8- 9
2 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 2 3 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12
-4 A
: 1 6
8- 9
2 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 2 3 2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12
-4 A
12 A
13 A
To fulfill this objective, you must have built
all the Golf holes of the PAR 4 type.
To fulfill this objective, you must have
built and opened all the Casinos under
construction and opened all the Shows of
the same street.
To fulfill this objective, you must have built
all the Casinos under construction of the
4 streets.
To fulfill this objective, you must have
opened all the Shows and built all the Golf
Holes of the Top Street.
To fulfill this objective, you must have built
3 Large Hotels.
To fulfill this objective, you must have built
5 Small Hotels.
To fulfill this objective, you must have built
the Hotels of the 1st and 11th Avenue (Large
or Small).
To fulfill this objective, you must have built
7 Hotels (Large or Small).
To fulfill this objective, you must have built
2 consecutive Large Hotels, on adjacent
To fulfill this objective, you must have
10 unused crossed off boxes in your
Inauguration Track. These boxes can be used
after fulfilling the objective (1 bonus per turn).
To fulfill this objective, you must have built
4 consecutive Hotels (Large or Small), on
adjacent Avenues.
To fulfill this objective, you must have
a series of 6 even numbered Casinos in
one street.
To fulfill this objective, you must have two
series of 4 odd numbered Casinos. These
can be in the same street or not.
Reminder: the identical numbers due to the Extended
Casino Bonus are included in the series and Casinos
under construction do not stop a series.
To fulfill this objective, you must have the
Limo passed by a Special Casino (red carpet)
in each of the 4 streets. These casinos do
not have to be open for the fulfillment of
the objective.
To fulfill this objective, you must have
a series of 7 odd numbered Casinos in
one street.
To fulfill this objective, you must have
the Limo passed by a Special Casino (red
carpet) of each type (Mafia, Luxury and
VIP). These casinos do not have to be open
for the fulfillment of the objective.
To fulfill this objective, you must have
opened all the Casinos of 2 streets, excluding
the casinos under construction.
To fulfill this objective, you must have one
series of 5 even numbered Casinos, located at
the beginning or the end of a street. Reminder:
casinos under construction do not count. So
the objective can be fulfilled even with a casino
under construction at one end of the street.
To fulfill this objective, you must have
crossed off the first 3 boxes in both
Show Columns.
To fulfill this objective, you must have built
and opened the Casinos under construction
of the 1st and 11th Avenue.
To fulfill this objective, you must have
built and opened all the Casinos under
construction of 2 streets.
Hotels & Inauguration Projects Streets & Limo Projects
Construction, Shows & Golf Projects
The Blue Dog gives some lickings to Andrée Frances, Bruno Desch,
Matthieu Halfen, Jean-Emmanuel Gilbert, Michel Schoenacker,
Alain Blaizeau, Nathalie Geoffrin, Renaud Challiat.
Benoit would like to thank all the players who have discovered and
spread the love for Welcome to... Without them, he would have never
had the chance to design the expansions and now this sequel to the
game. A huge thanks as well to everyone in the game industry who
welcomed him and gave him the urge to spend more time and energy
in the hobby. Finally, a special thanks to Virginie, without whom
nothing would have been possible, even though there was Myrmes…
Alexis would like to thank Benoit for the “flop”, Anne for the “turn”
and Alain for the “river”.
Game Designer: Benoit TURPIN
Solo Mode Game Designer: Alexis ALLARD
Graphic Designer: Anne HEIDSIECK
Development: BLUE COCKER
Translation: Benoit TURPIN
Proofreading: Dominique BODIN & Sandra GRÈS
Blue Cocker Games - Tél. : +33 5 34 28 05 01
209 avenue de Castres 31500 Toulouse - France
© Blue Cocker Games 2019
All right reserved under exclusive
licence to Blue Cocker
Dude Game - 1-888-616-3833
5425 Casgrain, suite 201
Montréal, Qc, Canada, H2T 1X6
8 4
9 4
10 6
8 4
10 6
9 4
1st Av. 11th Av.
8 4
8 4
= 0, 2, 4, 6...
9 5
= 1, 3, 5, 7...
9 5
= 1, 3, 5, 7...
11 6
8 4
1st Av. 11th Av.
10 6
X + X
11 6
= 0, 2, 4, 6...
6 3
1 1 1
8 4
12 6
10 6
13 7
14 8
8 4
14 A
15 A
Projects: Benoit fulfilled 2 projects, pink after
his opponent and yellow before. He thus wins
6 + 12 = 18 points.
Inauguration: Benoit has fewer crossed off and not
circled boxes for bonuses than his opponent. He is
second and wins 8 points. Being second, he is also last.
He circles the debt .
Shows: Benoit wins 28 points and 9 points for the
shows. He could have crossed off the last debt by
doing an extra show action. But he did not.
Hotels: Benoit built 3 large hotels before his opponent
and 4 small hotels after his opponent. He earns 9 points
and 4 points.
Streets: Benoit’s longest series in each street: 4 odd
casinos (5-7-9-11) + 2 odd casinos (1-1) + 7 odd casinos
(1-5-5-7-9-11-15) + 4 even casinos (0-4-6-8) = 17 points.
His series in 3rd Street is longer than his opponent’s. He
earns 8 extra points.
Golf: In the 1st street, after writing the 11, Benoit
placed the 13 before placing the 12. By doing this he lost
all the golf holes on the right side of the 11. He still wins
3 + 4 + 10 points for his golf.
Limousine: Benoit’s limousine passed in front of 1 VIP
casino and 1 Luxury casino which earn him 3 points
each, as well as 1 mafia casino which allows him to
circle 1 bundle of bills in his safe. But his limo misses
2 lines to return to his starting point, which makes him
lose 12 points.
Safe: Benoit wanted to borrow from the bank but not his
opponent. So they each get 2 bundles of bills. Benoit has
4 bundles (1 at the beginning + 1 from the limo + 2 from
the bank). But he has 5 debts to pay back (1 from a
built casino and not numbered + 2 from the extension
bonuses used on the inauguration track + 1 from the
inauguration + 1 from the show). Benoit can not refund
everything and loses 20 points!
Total: 92 points. You can do better than him!
Example of a 2-player game
18 8 28 9 9 4 17
3 4 4 1 3 2 1 1 1 2
8 3 4 10 3 3 12 20 92
ExAmple City
10 6
8 4
= 0, 2, 4, 6...
12 6

Latest revision as of 14:22, 18 October 2024

Game Turn

  1. Flip 3 Casino cards - At the beginning of each turn, the card from the top of each stack is flipped and placed next to it, effect side up, creating three combinations: Casino number / Effect. Flipped cards will be stacked in three discarded stacks.
  2. Pick a number / effect combination - The players turn is simultaneous: each player individually picks one of the three combinations available and applies the results on their sheets. Several architects can therefore choose the same combination.
  3. Open a Casino (compulsory) - First, each architect must write the number of the combination they picked in the casino of one of their 4 streets on their city sheet. Numbers must always be written in an empty and constructed Casino, that is a casino without a crane or with a crossed off crane (see Construction effect page 8). They must be put in ascending order from left to right in each street independently. Note: If a player cannot write any of the 3 numbers of the Casino cards because they cannot respect the placement rules, they get to check 2 boxes on the Inauguration Track on their score sheet and will not be able to perform any action this turn.
  4. Perform the Effect (optional) - The player’s chosen combination allows them to perform an effect, if they wish, and if they have opened a casino with the Casino card. Important: an effect is always optional.

Card Effects

  1. Inauguration (Scissors Cutting Ribbon) - Tick one circle on inauguration track. If the track is filled, game end is triggered. For every 2 circles filled, you can optionally use one of the 3 bonus actions. At game end, players count the number of inauguration spots filled. The player with most garners 1st place and scores the bonus points listed on their player sheet. Second and third place do the same. However, all players with the least inauguration spots filled encircle the debt marker on their sheet by the placement column.
  1. Limousine - Draw 2 segments for limousine path. Points or cash bundles are garnered toward game end for every red carpet on a finished casino passed by limousine. Points are deducted at game end for every segment needed to get back to the starting point.
  1. Construction (Crane) - Build a casino location, and circle the debt marker for that spot. Debt marker is crossed out if a casino is built over the newly constructed location.
  1. Improvement (Calculator) - Scratch over or fill in EXACTLY one of the multiplier boxes at the bottom of the screen of your player board (except for shows). The bottom most uncovered number will go toward your final score.
  1. Show Opening (Pink Star) - If placed on a casino with a star on its ceiling, then you can fill in one of the spots on the 2 columns of the show track of your player board. If a column is started, circle the 2 debt markers by that column. The debt marker can be crossed out if the circle next to it is filled. (i.e. you might not want to start a show if you don't think you can pay for the debt marker at the bottom)

Special Actions

For every 2 filled inauguration spots, you may use one of 3 bonus actions on your turn.

  1. Increase or decrease the number of your chosen cards by up to -2/-1/+1/+2. Cross out the debt marker above the inauguration pair when used. (i.e. No debt)
  1. Change the action of your chosen cards to one of the other 4 possible actions. Cross out the debt marker above the inauguration pair when used. (No debt)
  1. After building your casino, you can build another casino on a slot adjacent to an existing casino, copying the number of the building adjacent. Encircle the debt marker above the inauguration pair. (Debt is accrued.)
  • If your main action is construction, you cannot copy onto the spot you just constructed.

Other Scoring Concepts

  1. Golf (Building on the top row) - After building your first casino on the top row, encircle the golf symbol above it. Now, you must build all the rest of the casinos on the top row adjacent to existing casinos. If any spots are skipped, scratch out all the golf spots above the top row in that direction. These scratched out holes can no longer be scored.
  1. Odd/Even Streaks - For each street, at game end find the longest streak of even or odd number casinos built on that row. Empty spaces, or unbuilt casino slots do not interrupt these streaks. The length of the streak scores bonus points as listed at the bottom of your player sheet (noted by circle/triangle).
  1. Hotels (Below all 4 streets) - Once all the spots in a column have been filled by a casino, a hotel is built at the bottom of that column or Avenue. The first player to build in that column builds a large hotel (and all other players must scratch out the top half of the hotel space as a reminder). All subsequent players can build the small hotel afterward.
  1. Debt - Debt markers are shown as cash that has been wrung out. You can find these debt markers on;
  • The inauguration track, only encircled for the 3rd bonus action.
  • Casino locations to be built, only encircled after construction, and crossed out after casino built.
  • Next to the 2 show columns, encircled if a show column is started, and crossed out if the slot next to the debt marker is filled.
  • In inauguration placement column, encircled by player(s) who filled out the least number of inauguration slots at game end.
  1. Cash and Borrowing from the Bank - At game end, the cash in your safe is counted and counted against your debt. If you have more debt than cash bundles, you lose 20 points at game end. Cash can be accrued one of two ways. During the game, the limousine can accrue cash by passing built casinos with red carpets and cash listed by the red carpet (as these are owned by the mafia according to the game makers). The only other way to accrue cash is by the decision at the start of the game of whether to borrow from the bank or not.
  • If no one borrows from the bank, all players only start with the ONE ALREADY encircled cash icon in their safe.
  • If half or less than half of the players agree to borrow, then the players who borrow encircle 2 more spots getting a starting total of 3 cash bundles in their safe.
  • If more than half of the players agree to borrow from the bank, those players encircle 4 cash bundles to have a starting total of 5 cash bundles in their safe.

End of Game

The game ends as soon as a player does any of the following:

  • completes their inauguration track,
  • fulfils all three projects, or
  • opens all the built casinos on all four streets (casinos under construction do not count).

All the points are counted up; highest score wins! First tiebreaker: most hotels. Second tiebreaker: most large hotels. There is no third tiebreaker.

Additional Information

Distribution of cards

Effect side:

  • 16 Inauguration cards
  • 16 Construction cards
  • 16 Limo cards
  • 16 Show cards
  • 17 Improvement cards

Casino number side:

  • 3x 1, 2, 14, 15
  • 4x 3, 13
  • 5x 4, 12
  • 6x 5, 11
  • 7x 6, 10
  • 8x 7, 9
  • 9x 8