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As one of the most powerful warriors of ancient Greek, Achilles is unstoppable due to his invincibility. He can build like Prometheus without any moving restrictions, although this can be done only once per game. So, how can we destroy gods with this hero?

Hero Power

Once per game on your turn, your worker builds both before and after moving.


Player build

Game Strategy

Early Game

You can think of Achilles as Pan in the sense that if he reaches a level 2 without having used his power, he will most likely win as if there is an adjacent level 2, he will build in that square before he moves and move up to level 3. In that sense, Achilles wants to have a board with blocks spread all across so that he has multiple squares to try to move up to.

Another plan for Achilles’s power is to use it in a situation where he moves up to a powerful position, for example a set of adjacent levels 2, although it might not be still clear there is a winning continuation. From that position, and depending on the opposing power, it might be impossible for the opponent to get back into the game.

Mid Game

Another try for Achilles is to take advantage of having several levels 3 on the board (and this situation is not so rare because many times the opponent will try to prevent Achilles from reaching the level 2 by building on top of that square). The following example illustrates a case where Achilles uses his power in a different fashion:


Achilles uses his power: he builds in A5, moves to A5, and places the remaining block in B4. Suddenly, Achilles is threatening to win in two squares, and the opponent cannot stop it.

Late Game

In an endgame situation, you don’t want to be against Achilles, or at least you cannot let him have that juicy level 2 or else you will most likely be doomed. The presence of several domes don’t affect Achilles that much, or at least it is not obvious how they will change the game plan. What we do know is that leaving a lot of unbuilt levels 3 might be dangerous and the opponent should look out for tactics as in the previous phase of the game, which might still occur here.

Specific Matchup


Adonis is superior in this matchup so Achilles usually wants to be the first one to use the power. A likely scenario in this matchup is: Adonis forces Achilles to the ground and then Achilles is forced to use his power in order to defend a threat, for example by building twice in the same square. Nevertheless, Achilles still has some reasonable chances in this matchup.


This is a tough matchup for Artemis, but if she defends well it might be an interesting fight. Achilles will build levels 2, threatening to move up. If Artemis moves up herself, she will have to make sure Achilles doesn’t reach that level 2 whenever she gets out of that square (it is an uncomfortable situation). If Artemis builds on that level 2 (creating a level 3), we have seen how this might benefit Achilles.


It will only take you a few games before you realize that Achilles is superior in this matchup. Nevertheless, Atalanta should not lose hope, e.g.


In general, Bellerophon is a stronger power than Achilles. However, it is not easy to prevent Achilles from moving up to a level 2. If Bellerophon lets that happen, he will be forced to use his power, but will still lose the game in the following turns.


Achilles is a strong pick against the whirlpool monster. Many strategies of Charybdis can be avoided by the hero of the Trojan war. He might try to build over the whirlpool and then move or the other strategy of moving up next to several levels 3 out of nowhere.


Since Achilles’ main plan is to move up to a level 2, it might be hard to keep up with all the threats and Graeae will have a tough time defending.


It might not be easy to prove, but although Achilles might look scarier, Medea is the stronger power. If two beginners play this matchup, I would place my bet on Achilles, but if a more experienced player is controlling Medea, she will be the favorite to win. Still, this matchup is not trivial for the sorceress.


Polyphemus is one of the strongest heroes and only if he misplays the game will Achilles be able to convert.


By having an extra tempo, Achilles has the building advantage. Even if Achilles goes second, if the powers attack on opposite sides of the board, Achilles will be the first to win. Moreover, Siren must be careful not to force Achilles to a level 2 or else she might just be throwing the game.


We started the section by comparing Achilles to Pan, but by now you have probably seen that Achilles is in almost every situation better than Pan. Achilles is a power which can be easily mixed with a god. What we mean is that although he is a hero, you can have a good understanding of what the main goals and strategies are, and that makes it easier to play against. Nevertheless, you can still have a lot of fun with Achilles and destroy several gods in the process.

Tier ranking: B