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Tips roomtwentyfive

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Prepared by: Player "ChinaStateOfTaiwan0"

Cooperation Mode Base Game

There are minimum 4 characters and maximum 6 characters. Number of characters controlled by the players: 1 players - 4 characters 2 players - 2 characters 3 players - 2 characters 4 players - 1 characters 5 players - 5 characters 6 players - 6 characters

Rules Summary:

1. Choose 2 actions from the 4 actions for your controlled characters. The 4 actions are listed below: (a) Look: look what is the type of room adjacent to you. (player need to mention what type of room (b) Move: move to the adjacent room. (c) Control: change the position of the room you are in one tile up/down/left/right. (d) Push: push other character into an adjacent room.