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Tips livingforest

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Unlike creature cards, you may only buy one tree per action. You can get two trees in a turn by landing on the 'buy a tree' action on the spiral. With careful planning, you can chain together 4 actions in a turn.

Everyone starts with 0 Gregarious (White) and 5 Solitary (Black) Guardian Animals. Count the number of symbols in your draw deck and discard pile to know what you will be drawing. For example, drawing 3 solitary symbols in your first 3 cards means the rest of your draw pile only contains 2 solitary symbols (for your next turn). This cheatsheet created by a BGG user is incredibly helpful for tracking your remaining cards and what they do:

You should very rarely be drawing after hitting 2 Solitary animals unless you are very far behind or do not have a viable turn without more draws. If you are starting your turn with a low deck, it's better to wait Fragments (discards) until after you reshuffle - though notably this is only really possible with 2 or less Solitaries remaining barring a Gregarious.

Pay attention to the turn order (first player token). Attracting Guardian Animal allows the first player of the next turn to extinguish the Fire.

Remember that you may buy identical Protective Trees, especially if you are not aiming for Tree victory. This can be important for denying your opponents or stacking Sacred Flowers.

Don't underestimate the value of high movement. Stealing other players' tokens is a big point swing and it lets you cheat 2 of the same action without getting the big tree. At the same time, consider holding your space if it's very valuable to an opponent so that they can't land on it. This often applies to tree planting spaces.