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Tips akropolis

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<<< Basic Tip >>>

Never deplete your stone supply if you don't have to, playing without stone in reserve may forfeit any valuable tiles away from you and make your moves easily predictable to opponent's thinking.

Paying attention to opponent's city could help you predict which tiles your opponents are looking for. This could help you secure high-scoring tiles for your city or snatch any scoring potential away from opponents, whether it is much or little beneficial for your city.

If you are the first player at the beginning of the game, initial stone supply will be your disadvantage, especially in 4 players game. Thus it would be better to choose tile with quarry instead of high-scoring tile in the first turn, as the extra stone would help you keep up with the opponents in later game.

<<< Go-higher Tip>>>

Laying tiles on higher-level grants you more VP and stones, but also require more planning.

Don't neglect the number of your turns remaining before the end of game as building on higher level require more tiles to support the foundation of your city. So if the game is gonna end within 3 turns or less, it would be better to only reach level 2 than go for level 3, as building a single tile on level 3 require at least 5 turns already.

Placement pattern and district types chosen to support the higher level also matter. If your go-higher site is completely surrounded on all side then you would prefer the temple over the barrack on this spot, or if your go-higher site is close to several markets then the new market you choose to lay on this spot is more likely to stick with another one already placed in the bottom level - reducing your score from market district as a result.