This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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Goal of Game

  • Immediately win the game by either placing a troop on (one of) their HQ or capturing the required number of medals (number varies by chosen map).
  • If the game ends (by a player being unable to draw or place a troop) without anyone immediately winning, whoever has more medals wins. If tied, the player who ended the game loses.


  • There are 8 Troop types and 3 of each for total of 24 Troops. Shuffle all the Troops in your color facedown to make your reserve.
  • Remove 4 Troops from your reserve without looking at them; they will not be used this game. Each player is left with 20 random Troops for the game.
  • Randomly choose the starting player. This player takes 3 Troops from their reserve and their opponent takes 4 Troops from their reserve.

Your Turn

Either …

A. Draw 2 troops:

  • Max 8 troops on your rack.
  • If you have 7 troops, you ARE allowed to draw just 1.


B. Play 1 troop:

  • Place a troop from your rack onto the enemy HQ or a base that is either empty, controlled by any of your own troops, or controlled by a WEAKER enemy troop. Your troop must also have be connected to your HQ by a path of bases you control.
  • After placement, trigger that troop’s effect (if any).
  • Finally, trigger the base’s effect (if any).
  • If you now control region(s) by occupying all the bases surrounding it, claim the medal(s) placed during setup.

Troop Descriptions

  • Joker - Kwak: Kwak has no effect. As a joker, Kwak may be placed on top of any enemy Troop, but any enemy Troop may also cover it.
  • 1 - Skully: You may draw 2 Troops from your reserve and place them on your rack. Note: If you already have 7 Troops on your rack, you draw only one.
  • 2 - Cap'n: You may place 1 extra Troop on the Terrain and apply its effect. Note: First apply all the effects of Troops you just placed, then apply any special base effects.
  • 3 - Jumbo: You may choose 1 visible enemy Troop --adjacent to Jumbo-- and discard it faceup. Note: Troops are adjacent if they are connected by a single section of path.
  • 4 - Hook: You may ignore the connection rule and place Hook on any base whether or not it is connected to your H.Q. Note: To place Hook on the enemy H.Q. (which is not a base), it must be connected to your H.Q.
  • 5 - XB-42: You may take, at random, 1 Troop from your opponent’s rack and discard it faceup
  • 6 - Star: You may draw 1 Troop from your reserve and place it on your rack.
  • 7 - Roxy: Roxy has no effect.

Terrain Descriptions

  • Castle Field: You may choose 1 of your other Troops, no matter where it is on the Terrain, and place it back on your rack.
  • TROPICAL POOL: Only Troops with the indicated values can be placed on these special bases and H.Q. (Note: Placement restrictions occur before placing the Troop.)
  • CITY OF CLOUDS: You may draw 1 Troop from your reserve and place it on your rack.
  • VOLCANIC JUNGLE: You may choose 1 enemy Troop that is adjacent to this special base. Move it to a base that is adjacent to its starting base, ignoring the placement rules. (Note: Troops and bases are adjacent if they are connected by a single section of path.)
  • CURSED CEMETERY: You may choose 1 of your Troops in the discard and place it on your rack.
  • CARIBBEAN SEA: Give no quarter! This Terrain has no special bases, but it is asymmetric with 2 blue H.Q. and 1 red H.Q.
  • STATION METAL-X: Troop effects are not applied on these special bases. (Note: Placement restrictions occur before placing the Troop.)
  • BATTLEFIELD: Point to 1 Troop on your opponent’s rack, without looking at it. Your opponent lays it down, facedown, and cannot place it on their turn. At the end of their turn, your opponent places the Troop back on their rack: it’s available again. (Note: The lying Troop still counts towards the maximum of 8 Troops on your rack.)