This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Game Play
Game consists of 8 turns.
During each turn, swap a card from your board with one from the River.
You can swap face down cards.
If you swap the card from the River with one of your face up cards, you will have to flip over a face down card at the end of your turn.
All players will have 8 turns.
Game ends after 8 turns.
Your cards score depending on their position.
Cards in your left column score the 8 cards in the board of the player on your left.
Cards in your right column score the 8 cards in the board of the player on your right.
Cards in the middle 2 columns score the cards on your own board.
The player with the highest point wins.
2-Player Variant
The River has 8 cards instead of 4.
You still swap your cards with the River.
The River acts like a third player for scoring purposes -- depending on whether the River is on your right or left, you will score the 8 cards remaining in the River.