This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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Play your cards smart and aim for the highest score. If one of the players clears his hand, everyone scores plus points. However, if this does not work, everyone will score negative points. Either way, expect the unexpected! The player with the most points at the end wins.

A turn takes place in three steps:

1. Play a card.

You must play if you can (If you cannot play a card, follow the steps below)

On a blue card you can play a blue card of equal or lower value or an orange card of equal value.

On an orange card you can place an orange card of equal or higher value. Or a blue card of equal value.

Can't play cards?

- Take a cross from the board and place it in front of you.

- Discard 1 card from your hand.

- Take a new card from the draw pile.

2. Move your stone:

Move your stone as many steps as there are monsters on the played card. With a card you move your stone clockwise, with a blue card you move your stone counterclockwise.

3. Draw an action card

If there is a symbol on the card you just played, draw an action card and carry it out. Then discard the action card. Yellow bonus cards are not discarded, but are placed on the table in front of the player and count towards the final score.

Special cards

Two-tone 5:

You can play this card as a blue 5 or an orange 5.

Cards that can be played on this:

- An orange card with a value of 5 or higher

A blue card with a value of 5 or lower


A ? card may be played on any card of the same suit and on a ? card any card of the same suit may be played. A card may also be played on a ? card of the other suit.

End of the game

The game can end in two ways:

The scoring process varies.

When there are no more crosses on the board.

-Your position on the scoreboard in minus points.

-3 points if you have no crosses in front of you.

-0 points if you have crosses.

- Points from bonus cards.

When a player has no more cards in his/her hand at the end of his/her turn.

Your position on the leaderboard in plus points.

2 points per cross you have in front of you.

Points from bonus cards.