This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
📜 Full rules will be uploaded shortly.
🎯 Goal
Create a team of unique champions in order to defeat the opposing Leader! To win, either position 2 of your champions next to your opponent’s Leader to capture them, or skillfully maneuver so the opponent’s Leader is surrounded, leaving no adjacent empty spaces.
🔁 Turns
On your turn, play the ACTION PHASE, then the RECRUITMENT PHASE. Once you have 5 champion cards (your Leader and 4 allies), skip the RECRUITMENT PHASE for the remainder of the game.
You MAY choose up to 1 action for EACH of your champions:
- Move to an adjacent empty space
- OR use their active ability (if they have one)
When you wish to stop, or when all your champions have completed one action, proceed to the RECRUITMENT PHASE.
Note: Non-Leader champions have 1 ability type:
- 🔴Active: Can only be triggered once during your turn, instead of using a basic movement action.
- 🔵 Passive: Is effective during the entire game.
- 🟢 Special: Has more complexe interactions than just an active or a passive ability.
⚠️ Skip this phase if you already have 5 champions (your Leader counts as one).
- Choose 1 of the 3 available champions
- Place them on any empty recruitment space on your side of the game board
- If you are the second player AND it is your first turn, you get to recruit 2 champions in a row before your opponent starts their turn.
🏁 End of Game
After a champion’s action, the game ends IMMEDIATELY if a Leader is:
- Capture: 2 enemy champions are adjacent to your Leader
- OR surrounded: All spaces adjacent to your Leader are occupied by champions, either enemies or allies.
⚠️ On your turn, you may not cause your own Leader to be captured or surrounded.