This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Tips haiclue

From Board Game Arena
Revision as of 20:14, 28 August 2023 by Sciduck (talk | contribs) (Comma placement in examples made it sound like "rhyming storytelling" was a single strategy instead of two distinct examples.)
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Remember, you don't need to describe your word completely, you just need to distinguish it from the other words. --Less is more--

There are multiple ways of developing associations with the assigned word, including but not limited to rhyming, storytelling, and synonyms.

Many people feel that just using the first letter of a word, or picking the color of the shape as a descriptor is against the spirit of the game. This will be up to the players in a particular game.

You don't have to just describe the word, you can also use the shape and colour above.