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==Cel gry==
In '''The Jelly Monster Lab''' you are a scientist trying to make the best jelly monsters. To do this, you explore the labs, trying to find the parts you need to make your monsters.

Zdobyć jak najwięcej punktów za stworzone potwory
==Game Start==
At game start: every player starts with two experiment cards. Every experiment card shows a monster that can be constructed with with a colored body (blue, red, pink, or green), a number of eyes (1, 2, or 3), a mouth (happy or sad), and a lab where you must construct it (A, B, C, D, E, or F). The parts are spread out over the six labs, so you must travel to the labs to grab the parts you need to make your monsters.

==Tworzenie potwora==
===Hand Limit and UI Note===
Your hand is limited to 5 cards. To move cards to and from your hand: click on any number of cards, then click the arrows to the right of the "Lab X" or "Your hand" zone.

Każdy potwór składa się z:
Once you have collected the required parts for your experiment card, travel to the lab indicated by the experiment card, and leave the experiment card and the required parts there. When another player visits that lab, they will find your completed experiment. Your monster will now move to your scoring zone.

- oczu: może mieć jedno, dwoje lub troje oczu
===Trail Tokens and Completing Monsters===
As you travel among labs, you will leave a trail token behind to denote which player was the last to visit. Take note, you cannot move to a lab you were the last to visit! Plan your moves to acquire the parts of your experiment card before you arrive at the lab where you must leave the experiment card and its required parts. When a player visits a lab with a trail token, if there is a complete monster (experiment card and all required parts) left by the owner of the trail token, the monster experiment completes, and moves to the scoring zone of the trail owner. You do not score your completed monster until another player visits that lab.

- buzi: może mieć uśmiech albo grymas
===Movement Rules===
From any lettered lab, you may go to the center to pick up a new experiment card. Unless, you just came from there (your meeple is laid flat), or if you have the maximum number of cards in hand (5). Each lettered lab is otherwise only connected to the lab clockwise and counterclockwise from it (A connected to B and F; B to A and C, ... F to E and A). If you manage to find yourself unable to move (flanked by your trail tokens, and meeple laid flat) you must move a card in your hand to the lab you are visiting and pass your turn. You may now stand up your meeple, so you may, at least, return to the center next turn.

- ciała: może być czerwone, zielone, różowe bądź niebieskie
==Game End Condition and Scoring==
When a player completes 4 monsters, visiting the center lab will end the game. Any player may visit the center lab and end the game.

Każdy potwór tworzony jest też w jednym, konkretnym laboratorium (z 6 dostępnych).
Every monster card has a score value determined by the scarcity of their parts. You can see how many parts of each type are in the game and all possible experiments on the guide card in the bottom left corner of the playboard.

Każda część potwora występują w określenie ilości i widać to na ściądze.
The player with the most points win the game.

Liczba punktów to cyfra w gwiazdce - zarazem oznacza jak trudno jest takiego potwora złożyć (tzn. na im mniej pospolitych fragmentach bazuje).
Advice: If you have experiments you do not want (score too low or parts too scarce) you can abandon the experiment card in any lab. So other players can attempt to complete it, or you might be able to recover it on a later visit.
==Zasady gry==
Gracze na zmiany wykonują swoje tury. W czasie swojej tury gracz musi przemieścić się do sąsiedniego laboratorium (z wyjątkiem tych w których już był - określa to żeton w kolorze gracza) lub do środkowej talii talii.
Środkowa talia to talia eksperymentów, więc wejście tam wiąże się zawsze z pociągnięciem dodatkowej karty eksperymentu. Jeżeli gracz ma już 5 kart na ręce to nie może tam wejsc (jest to limit kart na ręce). Jeżeli nie może też pójść do innego laboratorium zmuszony jest pozostawić jedną kartę w laboratorium, w którym się znajduje i tym samym traci kolejkę.
Gracz, który wchodzi do laboratorium może między nim a swoją ręką przenosić dowolną ilość kart pamiętając o limicie kart na ręce (5 kart). Mogą to być zarówno karty eksperymentów jak i części potwora.
Aby stworzyć potwora gracz musi w odpowiednim laboratorium zostawić zarówno części potwora jak i kartę eksperymentu. Potwór jest stworzony dopiero w momencie kiedy inny gracz odwiedzi to laboratorium (po to są znaczniki śladu - by zaznaczyć kto był ostatnio i być może stworzył potwora). Po stworzeniu potwora kartę eksperymentu przekazuje się twórcy (osobie, która ją tam umieściła) i stanowi ona jego punkty. CZĘŚCI POTWORA ZOSTAJĄ W LABORATORIUM I MOŻNA JE WYKORZYSTAĆ NAWET W TEJ SAMEJ TURZE DO STWORZENIA POTWORA!
==Koniec gry==
Jeżeli ktoś stworzy 4 potwory (lub więcej - zależne od ustawień stołu) to od tego momentu gra się kończy po turze gracza, który wszedł na środkowy stos. Punkty to cyfry w gwiazdkach i na ich podstawie określa się zwycięzcę.

Latest revision as of 14:52, 21 October 2023


In The Jelly Monster Lab you are a scientist trying to make the best jelly monsters. To do this, you explore the labs, trying to find the parts you need to make your monsters.

Game Start

At game start: every player starts with two experiment cards. Every experiment card shows a monster that can be constructed with with a colored body (blue, red, pink, or green), a number of eyes (1, 2, or 3), a mouth (happy or sad), and a lab where you must construct it (A, B, C, D, E, or F). The parts are spread out over the six labs, so you must travel to the labs to grab the parts you need to make your monsters.

Hand Limit and UI Note

Your hand is limited to 5 cards. To move cards to and from your hand: click on any number of cards, then click the arrows to the right of the "Lab X" or "Your hand" zone.


Once you have collected the required parts for your experiment card, travel to the lab indicated by the experiment card, and leave the experiment card and the required parts there. When another player visits that lab, they will find your completed experiment. Your monster will now move to your scoring zone.

Trail Tokens and Completing Monsters

As you travel among labs, you will leave a trail token behind to denote which player was the last to visit. Take note, you cannot move to a lab you were the last to visit! Plan your moves to acquire the parts of your experiment card before you arrive at the lab where you must leave the experiment card and its required parts. When a player visits a lab with a trail token, if there is a complete monster (experiment card and all required parts) left by the owner of the trail token, the monster experiment completes, and moves to the scoring zone of the trail owner. You do not score your completed monster until another player visits that lab.

Movement Rules

From any lettered lab, you may go to the center to pick up a new experiment card. Unless, you just came from there (your meeple is laid flat), or if you have the maximum number of cards in hand (5). Each lettered lab is otherwise only connected to the lab clockwise and counterclockwise from it (A connected to B and F; B to A and C, ... F to E and A). If you manage to find yourself unable to move (flanked by your trail tokens, and meeple laid flat) you must move a card in your hand to the lab you are visiting and pass your turn. You may now stand up your meeple, so you may, at least, return to the center next turn.

Game End Condition and Scoring

When a player completes 4 monsters, visiting the center lab will end the game. Any player may visit the center lab and end the game.

Every monster card has a score value determined by the scarcity of their parts. You can see how many parts of each type are in the game and all possible experiments on the guide card in the bottom left corner of the playboard.

The player with the most points win the game.

Advice: If you have experiments you do not want (score too low or parts too scarce) you can abandon the experiment card in any lab. So other players can attempt to complete it, or you might be able to recover it on a later visit.