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Turn Sequence

Beginning with the start player and proceeding clockwise, players alternate taking turns. On your turn, choose between these options:

A. Resolve an Action B. Upgrade a Wedge

After you have completed your turn, the player to your left then follows the same process.

A. Resolve an Action

The left half of your player board contains the action wheel, which consists of six action wedges. Each action wedge begins the game displaying one of the five actions: Travel, Muster, Crusade, Influence and Build.

Each of the actions has a different effect, but all resolve in the same way.

1. Count the number of action tokens on the wedge you are resolving. This number (X) is applied to the action. In general, the higher the value of (X), the more powerful the action will be. Other elements of your player board, such as troops and erected buildings, may add to the value of (X), depending on the action you have chosen.

2. Throughout the game, your action wedges may become upgraded. Upgraded action wedges allow you to split the action tokens in the bin as you choose between two different actions. You may assign all of the tokens in the wedge to only one of the actions, but in order to resolve an action at all, you must assign at least 1 token to that action. You may resolve the two actions in any order, but you must completely resolve one before starting the other.

3. After resolving the action, collect all the action tokens from the corresponding wedge and distribute them, one at a time, clockwise around your action wheel starting with the wedge directly following the one you are resolving.

B. Upgrade a Wedge

Every action wedge on your player board has a secondary action icon printed at the bottom. This icon tells you which of the five actions is added to the wedge when it is upgraded.

Instead of resolving an action on your turn, you may choose to upgrade one of your action wedges. To do so:

  1. Temporarily set aside any action tokens that are currently on the wedge you intend to upgrade.
  2. Flip the wedge to its upgraded side.
  3. Return any set-aside action tokens to their original wedge.
  4. Lastly, you may choose to distribute the action tokens of any action wedge as normal. It does not have to be the same wedge you upgraded, and you may choose not to distribute any action tokens.

Optional: Skip Turn & Distribute

In the extremely rare case that all of your action wedges have been upgraded, but you don’t have useful actions, you may choose to skip your turn and distribute the action tokens from any wedge as normal.

Again, this is a very rare situation, one that most players will never encounter in normal play.

The Actions in Detail


Move your knights across the map.

Your action wheel begins with two different Travel spaces. The Travel action provides movement points that allow you to move your knights on the game board. To resolve a Travel action:

  1. Distribute movement points (plus any Travel bonuses from your castles and churches) between your knight tokens.
  2. Your knights can occupy any region (hex) on the board that has a building space. You may spend movement points to move your knights to adjacent regions. Leaving any region costs 1 movement point. Leaving a region occupied by an enemy token costs 1 additional movement point, 2 total.


Recruit new troops to assist your knights.

The Muster action allows you to flip the troop tokens that line the top right of your player board. Mustered troops make your Crusade actions more powerful and gain you Influence.

To resolve a Muster action:

  1. Check the cost of the lowest-level face down troop token above your player board. That cost must be less than or equal to plus any Muster bonuses from your farms in order to successfully Muster the troop.
  2. Collect Influence tokens equal to the troop’s level.
  3. Flip the troop token to its mustered side.


Eliminate your enemies to clear regions.

The Crusade action allows your knights to battle enemies. Doing so will gain you Influence and allow you to Build buildings. To resolve a Crusade action:

  1. Choose 1 region containing one of your knight figures and an enemy token. Determine the enemy’s strength by checking the enemy strength track for the appropriate enemy type. The strength of Saracen enemies is always 6.
  2. The enemy strength must be less than or equal to plus any Crusade bonuses from your troops or castles to successfully complete the Crusade.
  3. When you complete a Crusade against Prussians or Slavs, collect Influence tokens equal to their strength, then advance the marker on the corresponding enemy strength track once. Keep the defeated enemy token in your play area for end game majority points.
  4. Saracens do not have a strength track. The strength of Saracen enemies is always 6. When you complete a Crusade against a Saracen enemy, note the building (or troop) pictured on the Saracen token. You may place your next building of that type onto the board in the region where the Saracen token was, or flip your next troop tile as appropriate. If you do, collect Influence based on the level of the building or troop. Otherwise, simply collect 3 Influence. Keep the defeated enemy token in your play area for end game majority bonus.


Spread the word of your order across the land.

The Influence action is the easiest and most straightforward way of gaining Influence tokens. To resolve an Influence action, simply collect Influence tokens from the supply equal to (X) plus any Influence bonuses from your churches, farms, or banks.


Erect structures to expand your capabilities.

The Build action allows you to erect buildings that confer Influence and benefits when resolving the various actions in the game. A building cannot be erected in a region with an enemy token present. Additionally, each region may only contain 1 building. To resolve a Build action:

  1. Choose a type of building: castle, church, farm, or bank, and check the cost of the lowest-level building of that type on your player board. That cost must be less than or equal to plus any Build bonuses from your banks in order to successfully erect the building. Some regions and building bonus tiles on the board also depict a discount that subtracts from the cost of specific types of buildings in that region.
  2. Place the building on the central square of a region on the board that is occupied by one of your knights.
  3. Collect Influence tokens equal to the level of the building you erected. Some building bonus tiles grant additional Influence tokens for erecting specific types of buildings in that region.
    • Action Bonuses:** The uncovered action bonuses on your player board are cumulative. For example, if you have built the first three levels of farms, all your subsequent Muster actions will be granted a +3 bonus.
    • Unlocked Knights:** Unlocked knights are placed from your player board onto the same region as the castle that unlocked them.

End of Game

When the last Influence token is taken from the supply, finish the round so that each player has had the same number of turns, and then the game is over. Players may still collect Influence tokens after the supply runs out - keep track of this Influence using the extra Influence tokens that were set aside during setup, or with some other token if need be.

At this point, the Order of the Temple and other similar orders have become so powerful and influential that King Philip has them disbanded!


For each enemy type (Saracen, Prussian, and Slav), award the 5-Influence enemy majority tile to the player with the most enemy tokens of that type in their play area. Also award the 2-Influence enemy majority tile to the player with the 2nd most enemy tokens of each of those types. You must have at least 1 enemy token of a type to be eligible for any bonus for that type.

In case of a tie, split the points between tied players according to the back side of the corresponding majority tile. In case of a tie for 1st place, 2nd place is not awarded.

Finally, count the end game Influence awarded by level IV buildings.

Level IV Castle

Earn 4 Influence for each set of 3 different enemy tokens (Saracen, Prussian, and Slav) in your play area.

Level IV Church

Earn 6 Influence.

Level IV Farm

Earn 1 Influence for each of your knights on the game board and each mustered troop above your player board.

Level IV Bank

Earn 4 Influence for each of your level IV buildings on the game board, including this one.

    • The player with the most Influence points is the winner.**


    • Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done** can be played with optional variants to tailor the game to your gaming group, or to add replayability.

Learning Game Variant

If playing with younger players, or players who are less familiar with modern board games, you may wish to use this variant. During setup, instead of randomizing the order of the action wedges, ensure that all players arrange the wedges of their action wheels to match the order (clockwise from top right): Crusade, Influence, Upgraded Travel and Crusade, Build, Muster, Upgraded Travel and Build.

During gameplay, ignore the Upgrade a Wedge option. This variant can be played with or without knight order tiles.

First Standard Game Variant

This variant gives a nice, even distribution of actions for a first game.

During setup, instead of randomizing the order of the action wedges, ensure that all players arrange the wedges of their action wheels to match the order (clockwise from top right): Crusade, Influence, Travel (upgrades to Travel + Crusade), Build, Muster, Travel (upgrades to Travel + Build).

Unlike the Learning Game Variant above, players may use the Upgrade a Wedge option. This variant can be played with or without knight order tiles.

Unpredictable Variant

After playing Crusaders several times, if players wish for their gameplay to be completely unique from one another, this variant assures everyone plays with a unique action wedge order. During setup, each player randomizes the order of their own action wheel.

Be forewarned that this variant could result in slight inbalances in difficulty from player to player and therefore is not recommended for players who care about a fair game. This variant can be played with or without knight order tiles.

Knight’s Tournament Variant

This variant allows players to plan a strategy before beginning the game. Prior to setup, each player selects the knight order of their choice, as well as the order of the action wedges in their action wheel. For this variant, multiple players can use the same knight order tile.