This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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In Pax Pamir players take turns going around clockwise, until the game ends by a player gaining a lead of 4 points and instantly winning or when the final dominance check occurs, the player with the most points wins.

On each players turn they can perform 2 actions. All players can Purchase and Play. Players perform all other actions (Move, Betray, Build, Tax, Battle and Gift) by using cards in their court. Each card can only be used for one action. If the cards suit matches the current favoured suit, it doesn't count as 1 of the 2 actions a player may perform on their turn

After a player has performed all their actions, their court and hand sizes are checked and cards are discarded if they are over size and the market is refreshed with cards sliding left to fill gaps and new cards being drawn from the deck.