This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Players actions (yourgamename.action.php)
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APP_GameAction class (<gamename>.action.php)
- function isArg( $argName )
- Is this argument filled ?
- function getArg( $argName, $argType, $mandatory=false, $default=NULL, $argTypeDetails=array(), $bCanFail=false )
- Get script argument with the correct type
- bCanFail means than a validation failure is possible (user input)
- The main argType values are as follows.
define( 'AT_int', 0 ); // an integer define( 'AT_posint', 1 ); // a positive integer define( 'AT_float', 2 ); // a float define( 'AT_email', 3 ); // an email define( 'AT_url', 4 ); // a URL define( 'AT_bool', 5 ); // 1/0/true/false define( 'AT_enum', 6 ); // argTypeDetails list the possible values define( 'AT_alphanum', 7 ); // only 0-9a-zA-Z_ and space