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Azul duel is a new game based on the Azul theme both designed by Michael Keisling. The goal is to have the most points at the end of the 5th round.

On Your Turn

You can either:

1) Select a faceup dome tile. (You must do this twice each round. You can draw tiles from the facedown stack and keep one, but you lose one point for each facedown tile you draw).

2) Select all the tiles of one colour from the Sun side of a tile, select what order to place the remaining tiles on to the moon space.

3) Select 1 tile colour from the top of a moon space, and take all tiles of that colour from all moons, top tile only.

4) Take a revealed bonus chip.

If you take from the large factory moon side with the 1 player marker you will become the first player and lose 2 points.

Once the moon area is empty the bonus chip is available for selection.

Placing Tiles, Using Bonuses, End of Round Scoring

When you gain tiles all of them must go in a single pattern line, any leftovers are broken and cause you negative points based on 1-4 tiles, any over 4 are ignored. At the end of the round full pattern lines will trigger, you will move 1 tile to an open space on a dome tile, scoring 1 point if it is adjacent to nothing, if it has tiles adjacent in a row or column score 1 point for each tile scoring the new tile multiple times once for the column and once for the row.

Any tiles that do not have home from a full pattern line will stay, but can be moved later if a dome plate comes up. If you can never move your tiles they will break losing you points.

You can use bonus chips to help fill your pattern lines. Select chips matching your missing tile colour, or any 3 chips then move the chip to a dome tile.

If you have a special dome tile, and have filled it in, you fill the tile with a special tile, and score the points on the far right of that row, then also count that special tile in the future for row and column scoring.

End Game Scoring

By this time your player board will be full of dome tiles so you will no longer take dome tiles.

Score the 3 scoring tiles at the end of the game, hover over the tile to see its scoring condition during the game.

The beginner game mode will always have these 3 end game scoring conditions:

1) 3 points for each completed row

2) 7 points for each completed column

3) 10 points for each completed 6 tile diagonal line.

Ties are broken by the player holding the 1st player token.