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Tips karvi

From Board Game Arena
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Karvi is a complex Viking-themed board game that challenges players to balance raiding, trading, and resource management to achieve victory. Typically played in 3 - 4 rounds based on how many players are in the game, it's important to manage each round well in order to succeed. Here are some general strategy tips that I've followed to achieve success:

Pre-Game: Choosing your Rune Stone & Identifying Your Strategy

When choosing your Rune Stone, there are two ways to go about it. The first is to choose the one with the most end game points and work towards that objective. The second is to choose a rune stone that you wouldn't easily be able to do the building cost for (i.e. having played five cards or built four trade tiles), but know you are going to reach the objective on.

Once you've chosen your Rune Stone, it's important to identify a strategy that you're going to focus on. All out on Raid Tiles? Trade Tiles? A Balance of Both? When you've identified a strategy you can try and understand it's limitations and choose upgrade tiles that help mitigate that. For example, if you are aiming on building out your raid tiles first, you will have limited beer to help you perform those actions so an upgrade tile like "Whenever you do one upgrade action, add one beer to one die." will be very helpful and you'll want to ensure you collect a lot of beer cards to support your movement around the board.

A few of my favorite upgrade tiles are:

"Whenever you do the upgrade action draw a beer or helmet or sail card" - These cards are great to draw additional upgrade cards throughout the game which come in handy

"Dice actions cost a maximum of one beer. If the spot costs 0, you pay nothing as usual." - Who doesn't love a discount! If you can prioritize this upgrade in the first round of the game it is going to help you exponentially moving forward.

"Whenever you send a warrior to Valhalla, take a beer action" - Amazing addition especially if you are aiming to go the heavy on Raid Tiles route.

Round One: Resource Management, Prioritize Upgrades, and Activate 1-2 Raid and/or Trade Tiles

Round Two: Resource Management, Collection of Tiles, and Upgrade Cards

Round Three & Four: Activate Raid and/or Trade Tiles, Complete Objectives on Rune Stones