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Tips lineae

From Board Game Arena
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The goal of Lineae is to be the player with the most victory points after 7 rounds or after all 8 rockets have launched.

Earning Victory Points

There are two primary ways to earn victory points:

Filling rockets with mineral cubes

You'll need to have mineral cubes in your surface vessel, move your surface vessel to be located below the rocket you wish to load, then select the Launch Pad action. The more cubes you manage to load in one turn, the more VP you will earn.

To obtain mineral cubes, you'll generally want to dock with and unload them from submersibles (at a cost of $1/cube).

To load cubes into submersibles, you or another player will need to move those submersibles around on the ocean surface and load mineral cubes (which earns $1/cube).

Excavating deposit tiles

Instead of bringing submersibles up to the surface of the water to dock with your surface vessel, you can pilot them down to the ocean floor to excavate a mineral deposit. This moves you along the excavation track for that tile and earns you VP and possibly other bonuses.

Things to watch out for

You don't want to be caught beneath Jupiter at the start of a round. Jupiter moves one space to the left each round, blocking out the sunlight to two adjacent spaces. Before placing your last worker make sure you're in a safe spot.

It's a good idea to keep a Hydrocarbon cube in your cargo hold that you can burn for electricity at the start of a round, in case you're caught under Jupiter or if you think you'll need an extra few electricity this round.

Technology cards level up your abilities

Technology cards can be gained either by filling up a rocket ("launching" it) or reaching the 4th spot on one of the excavation tracks. Technology cards earn you the VP indicated by the purple star at the bottom but also grant you an ability throughout the game.