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Tips dicycards

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Revision as of 21:43, 4 October 2024 by Romain672 (talk | contribs) (+3 tips)
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With the normal settings, try to have at least 16+ points to use one card in one turn. But note that even with 18 points, there is sometimes value on rerolling 2 dices to get even more. This can be the case with 233556 where rerolling the 2 and the 6 can give you more than that. On the opposite, if you got 123344 it can be really hard to improve that score consistently.

But you really need to have a plan to win after a few turns. You can either: - play it normally in 6 scoring turns (which require ~17 points in average) and 10 cards available (7 turns) and score more than your opponent. That leave you ~5 reroll to use whenever you want - play it in 15 cards available in 5 scoring turns (which require ~20 points in average)(7 turns) which give one more reroll to your opponent but leave you a total of ~11 rerolls to use whenever you want which is massive. It can be good if your start is really bad - force your opponent to play with 15 cards instead of 10. This is usually done when your opponent reroll a lot early on, which leave you the possibility to freeze them twice and hope they will need to skip their turn twice. This let you have one more reroll available - having score advantage, being close to win in one turn, and force your opponent to use their freeze. Since the freeze is a bad scoring turn, that will let you be able to refresh all your 5 cards, and do a big scoring last turn with 4 rerolls. That's not great, but in mid/late game, that can be a fair plan.

The freeze is pretty bad. You should use it either situationnally close to the end of game (or with a plan to win). Or sometimes you can use it turn 1 if your roll is bad, and any reroll would be bad too (111236 per example).