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Tips arnak

From Board Game Arena
Revision as of 23:24, 29 August 2024 by AlexTFish (talk | contribs) (Talk about chaining actions a bit more; research goals;)
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Always be beating up the monsters and then ya research.

Fail to beat a guardian? As Phil Swift might say, "That's a lot of damage!" Be sure to destroy fear as soon as you possibly can, or it might clog up your deck!

Don't spend your idols willy-nilly - that would be silly! If you only spend idols when absolutely necessary, you can keep the points on your camp board. That said, sometimes spending an idol can gain you the resources necessary to chain several actions, in which case not spending the idol would be silly.

Often you can delay an action for a few turns doing other stuff that gets you other resources to get you other resources to eventually do the thing. Usually it's better to drag things out this way as the side benefits like extra cards or research steps are worth having in their own right.

It is perfectly possible to get both glass and book to the top of the temple consistently, and you should be looking to do that whenever possible.

Don't play all the cards in your hand right away, there is no rush.

You have many turns in a round (and the game only has 5 rounds). So get the good stuff before your opponents get it - whether that's a great assistant like the coin assistant, a super good card like Dog, the best site that's currently discovered, or the research bonus tokens for being first to a research step.

Good luck!