This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


From Board Game Arena
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Play cards to your Personal storage in order to make sequences of the same animal, as well as having varied types of animal sequences, whilst avoiding taking penalties for not having enough cards to play


First, place a number of cards equal to the value on your current animal card on top of your Personal pile in an order of your choosing, at the start of the game you have no animal so this value is 1

If you cannot play to the full play value, play what you can, then draw the remaining cards and add them to your Penalty Pile

Based on your current animal, take its corresponding power card from wherever it may be, even if another player owns it

Power cards can be used this turn, but if they relate to the first step (Step A) then they cannot be used until next turn

After which, move the animal tokens shown on your current animal card

If neither token is on an edge space, pick one to move left and the other to move right, each a single space

If one token is on an edge space and the other is not, move the one on the edge inwards one space and the other token one space in the opposite direction e.g. if one was on the far right edge it would move 1 space left, the other has to move one space right

If both tokens are on an edge space, move them both one space inwards even if they were on the same edge and thus will be moved in the same direction

Finally, draw cards from the River equal to your current animal's draw value, if this would put you over 7 then after drawing, discard the excess to your Penalty pile

Game End

The game end is triggered when the draw pile is empty and the river cannot be completely refilled

Use the Reserve cards to create a Reserve draw pile, refill the River as needed, then finish the current round

All players then get one extra turn, but during which no new cards will be drawn

Your personal pile is kept in the order it was made in

For each animal, find your longest sequence of consecutive cards for that animal

A sequence of 2/3/4/5/6+ will score 1/3/6/10/15

After scoring each animal, you then score for each unique animal in the same way as long as each unique animal made a sequence i.e. lone animals won't count

Sequences where there were unique animals of 2/3/4/5/6+ will score 1/3/6/10/15

Depending on where your secret Animal Totem is, score its position on the landscape from 0 to 15

Lose a point for each card in your Penalty Pile

The player with the most points, wins!

If tied, the player earliest in turn order wins!

Summarised by