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Tips openfacechinesepoker

From Board Game Arena
Revision as of 03:12, 23 April 2024 by Kid Poker 17 (talk | contribs)
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Try to go for a 5-cards combinaison in the third line. That can be with an early pair (to transform into a full / three of a kind), some consecutives cards (to transform into straight / pair), or some cards of same color (to transform into a flush / pair). In the middle line, try to do either two pairs, or an high pair. You can put an early ace on it. In the top line, put your Q/K (to enter in fantasyland), and A if you already got a pair in the middle line.

You can put a medium pair of J/T/9/8 in top to get some juicy extra points.

Paying attention to your opponent can be really good sometimes. If you see he is going for very strong combinaisons, you have the option to just forget everything you was doing, and just try to survive. If he doesn't succed, you will gain +6 points from it. If you see he is going for a straight, then going for a flush has more value. If he has a pair of 7, going for a pair of 8 or more on that same line has more value.