This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Starting Loyalty
As part of setup, everyone must choose their loyalty
This affects what cards you can take, as some cards can only be taken by their respective loyalty as shown by the colour banner
Loyalty can be changed later at a cost
On your turn, you may take 0-2 actions (plus any free actions) then Cleanup
The three action types are: Purchase, Play, Card Action
Check you aren't over Hand or Court Limit
Discard leftmost cards in the Market and resolve their Impact Event for all Players
If there were any rupees on these cards, they stay lingering in the empty spaces
Move all Market cards to the left, which allows cards to scoop up rupees in empty spaces even if they already had rupees of their own
Draw 2 new Market cards
If one of the new cards was a Dominance, check to see if it's the only Dominance
If there is another Dominance, complete a Dominance Check, discard all Dominance cards, and draw new cards to fill the spaces
Dominance Check
To be successful, a single coalition must have the most blocks in play and four more than any other coalition
If unsuccessful, the player with the most cylinders scores 3 points and the player with second most scores 1 point
If successful, players in the winning coalition each score points based on how much influence they have. The player with the most scores 5, then 3, then 1. After which, remove all coalition blocks.
The final dominance check scores double points
Court & Hand Limits
During your turn, your court can contain any number of cards
However, at end of turn, your court can only have 3 + purple stars quantity of cards, any excess must be discarded
Likewise, your hand can contain any number of cards during the turn
However, at end of turn, your hand can only have 2 + blue stars quantity of cards, any excess must be discarded
Economic Stars reduce taxation
Military Stars provide a tiebreaker for end game
Political Stars increase size of Court
Intelligence stars increase size of Hand
Loyalty and Influence
How loyal you are to a country is measured in influence points
This is calculated as 1 + Patriots + Prizes + Gifts
To alter Loyalty, gain an influence point in the new Loyalty (through a Patriot or Prize) then discard ALL Gifts, Patriots, and Prizes previously accumulated
Ruling a Region
To rule a region, you must have one tribe there and more tribes than any other
Once a ruler, you have the following bonuses
You may take the Build action
You have Tax Privilege
You can Extract Bribes
Cards may have multiple actions on them, but only one of these actions may be taken per turn
If you need to discard a card with a spy, this is returned to its owner
If you need to discard a card with the Leveraged icon, either two rupees or 1 card per rupee owed must be discarded too
If you lose the last tribe in a region, all political cards associated with that region are also discarded
If you lose the last political card associated with a region, all tribes in that region are also discarded
There are four suits in the game, and one suit is always shown as favoured, starting with Political (purple) but this will change throughout the game
Economic (Yellow) cards aim to protect against taxation, manipulate rupees and piece movement
Military (Red) cards aim to manage armies and form coalitions
Political (Purple) cards aim to consolidate power and determine card playability
Intelligence (Blue) cards aim to manage diplomacy and compromise enemies
Whichever suit is currently the Favoured Suit allow those cards to take actions without counting as actions
If Military is Favoured, purchasing cost of cards is doubled whilst Favoured
Game End
If after a Dominance Check, a player is at least 4 points ahead of everyone else, that player immediately wins
If the final Dominance Check card is resolved and the above isn't true, the player with the most points wins
If there's a tie, the tiebreakers are: first, most Military stars, second most rupees, third cook a Chopan Kebab and the players vote on who cooked the best meal