This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
A turn is divided into 5 phases
Move One of Your Camels
Collect Resources
Move a Guild Camel
End Turn
Move One of Your Camels
First, if a camel of yours is outside the game area, place it on either the central Guild tile or an Oasis tile of your choice
Pick a direction, and move one of your camels in that orthogonal direction with the following conditions:
It must stop at the next available resource tile
It cannot move through opponent camels
It can move through opponent camels on Guild or Oasis tiles
If none of your camels satisfy the conditions for moving, pick a camel and remove it to your dashboard then skip "Collect Resources"
Collect Resources
When you arrive at the Resource Tile, you may take one available resource between: Artifacts, Recruits, or Caravans
If you pick an Artifact, you may either place it in your storage and, if gained enough, can unlock the related ability or place it on a Recruit card and activate the ability on either side. If you do not have space for an Artifact, discard the one you just gained. Once an ability is unlocked, you may use it once at any point in the game.
If you pick a Recruit, place it on the Recruit Track and take one of the available Recruit Cards. These cards are colour-coded, and may be mis-matched, but placing cards of the same colour next to each other will allow you to use their abilities when later taking an Artifact. The new card can either be placed on the far left or far right, your clan dashboard starts with some colour openings to help you choose. If you already had artifacts in your storage, you may move them to new spaces now created, if you wish.
If you pick a Caravan, either use its ability immediately or keep it camel side up to use the ability later. Yellow abilities are weak, whilst Blue abilities are strong but may have negative effects
Move a Guild Camel
Move the Guild camel like a Player Camel, except that it can stop on empty desert spaces if you wish and cause attacks
End Turn
If the tile you are on now has no more resources on it, flip it to find out if it is empty desert or an oasis
Refill the recruitment cards to 4
Game End
Token Reference
Blue Circles gain you Influence points
Red Circles lose you Influence Points
A Meeple in a Rectangle gains you a Recruit Card
A Meeple in a Rectangle with X4 discards the recruitment cards available and draws 4 new ones
A Spyglass lets you look at a Caravan token either on the map or in a player's supply
A Chest gains you an Artifact cube from the supply
A Bird with Arrows lets you take a resource on a tile orthogonally adjacent to the Guild Camel
A Bowl lets you take a Caravan token from anywhere on the map