This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Official rules:
On your turn you can do one of the following actions:
Shift Stones
Discard a card, then switch any two adjacent tiles. (No diagonals.)
Flip Stones
Discard a card, then flip over a tile.
Score a Card
Reveal a card from your hand that matches a pattern on the tile grid. Place it face-up in front of you. (The card must match exactly, and may not be rotated or flipped.)
End Your Turn
Draw back up to 4 cards.
Skip Your Turn
Skip your turn and draw 2 cards from the deck. You may not skip twice in a row.
End Game Condition
After any player has scored a certain number of cards, the game will end after that round is completed. The number of cards depends on the number of players:
2 Players, 10 Cards 3 Players, 9 Cards 4 Players, 8 Cards 5 Players, 7 Cards