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This is a competitive 1-versus-1, dice placement game for 2 players.
The aim of the game is to score 3 Victory Dice before your opponent.
Players take turns performing actions with their dice trying to score points and improve their position by gaining special abilities on the task cards.

Mechanism: Cookie Points Scoring, Victory Dice and Winning.

There are a few different ways you may score cookies. When doing so, you should increase the value of the black cookie die as much as possible but not beyond 6. If the cookie die reaches 6 you score a Victory Die, the player must take any one of their dice (usually a die that has just been used to score) and place the die into a victory die space. Afterwards reset the black cookie die to 1. If a player places their 3rd die into a victory point space then they win the game immediately.
Excess points scored that take the cookie die beyond 6 are lost.
Some card abilities allow a player to directly score a victory point dice, if so the black cookie die remains untouched.

Mechanism: Dice spots and scallywags

All cards have square spots to place your dice. These are worker placement spots and always have a border of the player colour to match the colour of your dice. The Indulgency cards require multiple dice. The player ability cards have multiple spots but maybe used one-at-a-time.
You may place a die onto a set of task cards, and later activate this scallywag die by sliding the die to the grey square 'spot' which is rotated 45 degrees. You gain the associated reward as printed on the card.

Mechanism: Tasks: Always, Wakeup and Reward effects

If you have a die on a task card then you can use the effect during your turn.
ALWAYS: This type of effect occurs when appropriate, the die does not need to be activated (put into the used position)
WAKEUP: Activate this die during the WAKEUP phase to use this ability. e.g. use LAUNDRY#4 and place all LAUNDRY dice into the used position.
REWARD. Activate this ability during the ACTION phase. Place all the dice into the used position for this chore. e.g. use DIY#3 and place all DIY dice into the used position.

How to Play

To decide which player goes first, each player shakes their dice, the player with the lowest total value starts on their first Player Round at Phase3:ACTION. For the player starting last on their first turn only, they may choose to keep these dice values or shake for their Phase2:SHAKE.
One player will be the active player for a complete Player Round, performing all of the phases detailed below.
Once the player has completed all the phases their opponent then starts a new Player Round and becomes the active player.
A player wins immediately when they score their 3rd Victory Dice.

Player Round

Phase1: WAKEUP

Perform all the steps below in any order, if required you may also repeat any step more than once. This is to stop a player being penalised for forgetting a particular step or playing them in the wrong order.
Whenever you remove dice, then place them into your dice pool ready to be later rolled and used in the action phase.
Each step is optional, unless stated as mandatory.

  1. MANDATORY: Remove all your dodge dice.
  2. Resolve Combat by evaluating the number slot on your PRANK card versus the number slot on your opponent's DODGE card.
    If the PRANK is higher, then the opponent must lose 1 point on their black cookie die. Note, it's not possible to go below 1.
    If the player has a die on a LAUNDRY task card, then the opponent must defend in this situation due to the ALWAYS effect and having only 1 point on their black cookie die. Failure to lose a cookie point, means they lose a victory point die instead. Failure to do that, you automatically win the game.
    If instead the active player has the same prank or lower then nothing happens. The opponent successfully dodges.
    Afterwards simply remove the PRANK dice and place them in your used dice pool.
    This action is optional, you may leave your prank dice alone, ready for the next round.
  3. Score Indulgency dice: You remove dice from an Indulgency card and place the dice into your used dice pool. You may only score cookies if your dice are greater in value than any dice your opponent may have on the same card, otherwise you do not score any cookies.
    To clarify for the full house card, first compare the value of the row of 3, followed by the row of 2. e.g. 44422 beats 33366. The same is true for the 2 rows of 3 indulgency.
    With LAUNDRY#1 ALWAYS effect you may also score when you have exactly tied values with your opponent.
    You may repeat this action for other dice you may have on Indulgency cards.
  4. Remove all your task card scallywag dice, if each set is on or beyond the 'GOAL LINE', you gain 2 Victory dice.
  5. You may only perform this step once per turn:
    Straighten all your scallywag dice on Task cards. Place them back onto your player colour spots.
    Afterwards you may perform any WAKEUP abilities, REWARD actions require the player to place the die back into the used position.
    The WAKEUP ALWAYS ability on COOK#1 does not require the die to become used.
  6. Collect as many of your dice as you wish from around the table and place them into your dice pool. You may only have 1 scallywag die left on a particular set of Task cards. For example, on a previous turn you may have placed 4 dice, a 1,2,3 and 4 onto the DIY tasks, you must now collect the 1,2,3 dice and place them into your dice pool. This is mandatory.
    For all the other dice you have, it's NOT mandatory you take back the dice into your dice pool, but it's almost always beneficial to do so. For example, the player may wish to block an indulgency card by not scoring and leaving the dice there, or if the player cannot score they may want to try and wait until the next round to do so.

Phase2: SHAKE

Shake all of your dice in the dice pool. You may now use them 1 at a time or as part of a group in the following action phase.

Phase3: ACTION

Each die or group of dice may perform an action, a player may also activate their scallywag dice on task cards to gain rewards. The player is not limited to the order in which they can take the following actions.
The player may take these actions for as many times as they have available dice and action spots before they end their turn and pass to the opponent.

ACTION: Player Abilities.

There are 2 modify spots on your dice pool card. Place a die into a free spot, and change a different die value in your pool by plus or minus 1. You may change a 1 value into a 6 or a 6 into a 1.

ACTION: Prank / Dodge.

You may place ANY valued die into these spots. Place the first die into the 1 slot, the 2nd die into the 2 slot, etc. You do not place a 4 straight into the slot 4 postion.
Other abilities may add dice, this is only possible if you already have at least 1 actual die here. Simply move the die into the next appropriate available slot.
E.G. Task LAUNDRY#3 allows the player to add 1 prank die. The player moves a previously placed die in the 1 slot and moves it into the 2 slot.
For visual clarity, you may change the value of the die to match its slot position.

ACTION: Indulgency Cards.

Place a group of dice on an Indulgency card that match the requirements.
E.G. The 'Full House' requires 5 dice comprising of 3 dice of the same value and a further 2 dice of a different value.

ACTION: Scallywagging, doing new tasks.

Place a die onto one of the task cards. You must match the value with level of the card. The first die to be placed must have a value of 1, and subsequent dice must be a value 1 higher than previously played.
If this is the first scallywag die with a value of 1 on a set of task cards then place it in the straightened position.
These dice are referred to as scallywag dice.
E.G. A player already has a 3 die value placed on the Clean#3 task card. They repeat this action twice and the player places a 4 value die onto the Clean#4 and a 5 value die onto the Clean#5 task card.
When placing a die of value 2 or higher, place the new die in the same orientation as the die 1 lower, either straightened or used.

ACTION: Doing a task and getting a reward.

A player will normally only be able to perform one task from each set.
A Player may move a previously placed scallywag die on a task card, and move it from the straightened position to the used position, repeat this for all other dice on task cards of this set.
Afterwards take the reward from that set on a task card of equal or lesser value.
E.G. A player takes the 5 valued scallywag die on the Cook#5, rotates the die 45 degrees and slides it over to the grey box on the card into the used position. They also have a die that were previously placed on Cook#4 which also now becomes rotated.
As a reward, they select the Cook#3 reward and re-roll 2 of their other dice that are yet to be used.


When you choose to pass, restart the Player Round with your opponent now being the active player.