This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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Claim the most treasure and Guard the most valuable Temples, both during play and at the game's end


First, draw a terrain tile and place it on the board

You then have 10 Action Points to spend as you wish


Terrain Tiles either have 1 or 2 or 3 stone markers on them, to show how difficult they are to cross

When placing a Terrain Tile it must connect to at least one other tile or the base camp, to make a connection there must be at least 1 stone marker on either the new tile or the border of the tile it connects to

There are four types of terrain tiles

Temple tiles have a number in the middle, this number can be increased by taking an action to build more of that temple, the higher the original number the more stages have already been constructed

Clearings have nothing in them, but allow you to potential build extra Camps in later on

Ruins have a number of orange symbols in them, place treasure tokens equal to this amount face down on the tile, these Treasures can be recovered as an action, when all Treasure is claimed the tile is treated as a Clearing tile

Volcanos prompt a scoring phase

Action Points

Each turn, you have 10 Action Points which you can spend as desired

Different actions cost different quantities of points

You may repeat the same action as long as you have enough points to spend to redo it

You do not have to spend all your points exactly

There are 8 different actions to choose from

New Explorer

This costs 1AP

As long as you have any in your supply, it costs 1 AP to bring a new Explorer into either the Base Camp or any of your Forward Camps

Between Camps

This costs 1AP

It costs 1AP to move a single explorer from one camp to another, skipping over any other tiles

Move Through Terrain

This costs 1-6AP

Your explorers can move into a new terrain tile by crossing Stone Markers, if there are no Stone Markers between your current and the new space, then you CANNOT move on to it

Otherwise, it costs AP equal to the number of Stone Markers to transition from one tile to the next with a single explorer, so it can cost between 1 to 6 AP, as each edge contains between 0-3 Stone Markers, and you are counting the Stone Markers present on BOTH your current AND destination tile at the same edge of crossing

Volcano tiles CANNOT be moved onto, regardless of how many Stone Markers are on the adjacent tile

Excavate Temple

This costs 2AP

Two unique explorers can Excavate the same temple twice in one turn at the cost of 2AP each, or a single explorer can excavate a temple once for 2AP

Excavating a Temple increases its level, so this could turn a 4 into a 5 with one explorer, or a 4 into a 6 with two explorers (However, in this example, BOTH a 5 and a 6 tile will be added)

Although each Temple is limited to 2 excavations by two unique explorers, you as a player are not limited to two excavations total, you just have to excavate different temples (each at the limit of 2 improvements by 2 unique explorers)

If the supply of Temple Levels for the level you wish to build is used up, you CANNOT build a temple any higher, regardless of how many explorers you have e.g. in the previous example, if the stack of level 5 was gone, even with 2 explorers you CANNOT turn a 4 into a 6, as you MUST still be able to place the 5 tile, which you cannot

Treasure Hunt

This costs 3AP

You can take a Treasure from a Ruin, but you are limited to two per turn each by a unique Explorer

However, you can gain Treasure from different Ruins as much as you wish

Exchange Treasure

This costs 3AP

You can swap any of your lone Treasures with any other player's lone Treasure

A player CANNOT refuse this trade

A Lone Treasure is a unique treasure of which that player does not have at least one other of the same type

Forward Camp

This costs 5AP

On a Clearing, and remember an Empty Ruin becomes a Clearing, a Forward Camp can be built to allow for easier navigation

Temple Guard

This costs 5AP

If you clearly control a Temple, with more explorers than anyone else and Expedition Leaders counting as 3 normal Explorers, then you can place a Guard as long as you don't already have 2 Guards out

One of your Explorers on the tile is placed on top of the Temple, this means it CANNOT be built upon further and is worth what its value is at this point

Any other Explorers of yours on that tile are returned to the box, so removed from the game

Other players' Explorers are left where they are

Once a Guard is placed, it CANNOT be moved at a later date

Volcano Scoring

When a Volcano tile is revealed, a scoring opportunity is triggered for everyone

At the point of drawing, it is NOT played, instead is kept beside the drawing player as a reminder

Starting with the Drawer, then everyone else in clockwise order, all gain a bonus 10AP to use as they wish, but will NOT be drawing tiles

Scoring then occurs at the END of EACH player's turn, as outlined below

The Drawer then places the Volcano Tile and resumes their turn, i.e. still takes their NORMAL 10AP (in effect giving the Drawer 20AP on their turn, whilst everyone else gets a bonus 10AP)


Regardless of whether it is Volcano Tile or Game End, scoring occurs as follows:

If a player either has a Guard or a strict majority of Explorers (with Expedition Leaders counting as 3 Explorers) at a temple, they score the worth of that Temple (it is possible for multiple players to score the same temple, as scoring occurs at the end of EACH bonus turn, NOT at the end of everything)

Treasures score as singles (1VP), pairs (3VP), or triplets (6VP)

Game End

The game ends when the final tile is placed

Starting with the player to the left of the person who placed the last tile, everyone gains a BONUS 10AP to use as they wish, and EACH scores IMMEDIATELY after using their 10AP

The player with the most points, wins!

If tied, the tied player with a guard on the most valuable Temple wins!

If still tied, the player with the most treasure wins!

If still tied, victory is shared.