This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


From Board Game Arena
Revision as of 19:17, 4 October 2024 by Kuzai (talk | contribs) (Update overview, round, lookout sections)
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Play cards to your area in order to earn points. When a player has 25 points, the current round finishes and then whoever has the most points (including end game scoring) wins!


The round is split into five phases, each of which is completed by every player before moving to the next, the phases are:

  • Lookout phase
  • Production phase
  • Action phase
  • Check for game end
  • Cleanup phase

Lookout Phase

First, reveal n+1 cards, where n is the number of players, e.g., 4 cards in a 3-player game.

After which, players take turns taking a new card in clockwise order.

After each player has taken 1 card, discard remaining cards.

Then draw n+1 cards, and now starting with the last player and proceeding counter-clockwise, each player will take a card.

After each player has taken 1 card again, discard the remaining cards.


First, each base produces 3 workers and one resources as depicted on it

Second, each Agreement produces resources shown in the blue area

Third, players may discard Spoils to gain the resources shown in the red area

Fourth, Locations produce the resources depicted in the central area


In a clockwise order, each player takes a single action or passes, if you pass then you cannot take another action. Continue like this until everyone has Passed. The actions are:

Conquer a Location

Establish Cooperation

Incorporate a Location

Redevelop a Location

Play or Swap Leader

Discard 2 to Draw 1

Send Worker to Location

Send Worker to Opponent Location

Send 2 Workers to an occupied Location

Send 2 Workers for Resources

Perform the Leader Action



Check VPs at the current position, VPs are not accumulated from round to round


Discard unused Resource, Worker, Contact, and Redevelopment Tokens

Return Faction Tokens

All Tokens used to Pay for actions are discarded

Note that some abilities may allow you to keep certain things normally discarded

Start a new round with the Lookout phase

Game End

If during the Count phase a player has met or exceeded 25 VP, then the current round is the last round

The player with the most points, wins!

If tied, the player with more hand cards wins!

If still tied, the player with the most resources and workers wins!