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  • 1 Flower Board per player containing a grid of 10x10 cells called "pistils". The name printed on the flower is a remainder of the rules to apply on it. (See start options, everyone will start with the same empty flower)
  • 1 Central common flower board when playing in competitive modes
  • 1 Target schema board is a picture of your goal for a given game : it states all the pollen you need to have on your board to be able to win before the others
  • (unlimited) Tokens representing 1 Stigmerian on a side (with some fairy figure) and 1 pollen on the other side :
    • 9 colors exist : Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Violet, Green, Pink, White, Black
    • 1 token = 2 sides of the same color: eg. 1 blue stigmerian token becomes 1 blue pollen when you flip it
  • Wind arrow tokens will be placed around the board to indicate known wind direction : South by default, but in No Limit can be anything (North, South, East, West)
  • 1 Special actions board per player : list the 20 special actions and display who unlocked what. White token means unlocked, black token means unlocked and already used.
  • 1 die with 12 colored faces :
    • used in competitive mode with 1 special action or 1 versus action
    • used to randomize wind in No Limit Mode
  • Help and action cards describe which action is available to you in a given game : on BGA, you may display tooltips over each special action to see its description.


Find the best combinations of available actions to recreate on your personal board the schema of the chosen schema flower in a minimum of turns and actions.

5 game modes

Discovery : like normal but you don't loose too early, you can discover the rules (for example in solo).

Normal : a race between 1 to 6 players to fulfill the target before the end of turn 10.

Competitive : almost like normal + you don't start with default special actions, everyone need to earn it through central board.

Competitive No Limit : almost like Competitive + turns are not limited to 10 + wind is not known in advance + you can directly attack a flower board with Last Drift action.

Solo No Limit : almost like Competitive No Limit but as you are alone you won't play on a central board to earn special actions; the game will offer you 1 special action for each turn


  1. The game display the selected target schema to everyone
  2. Each player receives an opaque bag with 45 stigmerian tokens (15 YELLOW + 15 RED + 15 BLUE). On BGA, you cannot watch in your bag but you know the current size of it (like if you had it in your hand).
  3. Each player receives the same empty flower.
  4. Each player draws a token from their bag and place it on the recruitment zone of their personal flower board.
  5. If the targeted schema contains a side "Set up", place all the needed tokens on each player's flower in order to start with that same set up.

Gameplay Overview

Game will play in turns where each turn will give you more actions (1 action in turn 1, 2 in turn 2, ... 10 in turn 10, capped at 10 for 10+). There is some empty spots around each of the 10 petals of the flower board where the turn counter will move to display how many moved anyone used in the turn.

During each turn, a first player is chosen and everyone will play in clockwise order after them : playing the N maximum actions. Each action may move/replace/remove a stigmerian token from your board and if it is on a targeted spot, it becomes a pollen : pollens cannot be modified (except removed by very few actions) and represent your progression to the victory.

After each turn (except last one), there is an automated effect on each flower board : wind blows over stigmerian to move them 1 spot away in a given direction.

On Your Turn

Central board

If in competitive mode, you have 2 actions on the central board to take :

Draw and land a stigmerian

Move a stigmerian of one spot

Basic actions on your board

Draw (alias Recruit)



Special actions on your board

20 actions...

Last Drift

End of game



Your first option is to select the game mode (NORMAL by default). (See objective section).

Your second option is to select the targeted schema for the game : you may select a random one but be careful of differences in difficulty. Default is 1 (Easy).