This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Draw 3 cards from the shared deck to your right
Place 2 of the drawn card facedown on the shared deck to your left (your left opponent will draw these next)
Play your remaining card faceup for a Day card or facedown for a Night card
When all have played, resolve any effects on just played cards
Round End
The round ends when there are 2 cards in each deck
Game End
The game ends after the 10th round (8th in 5 player)
All Night cards are now revealed
Orange Event cards score the depicted value
Green Travel cards score based on how many you have for 1/3/7/12/18VP +4VP for extras & 1VP bonus for Night Travel
Red Danger cards contain swords, the player with the most Swords gains 12VP, and 2nd most gets 6VP (tied first get shared evenly, with no 2nd, ties for 2nd get shared evenly)