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A trick taking game, where the Suits give you special actions to manipulate Crystals, make sure to have the most Crystals in your Vault by end of game


First, the Dealer chooses between 1-3 cards to be passed, and all players pass that number of cards clockwise

The player to the left of the Dealer is the Leader, this player can play any card they wish to start the trick

All other players in clockwise order play a single card, they must follow suit if possible

If a player cannot play to suit, then they can play any other card and gain an action related to their played suit

Whoever played the highest value card of the lead suit wins the trick, they gain the cards of the trick into a score pile and get to take the action of the lead Suit, then becomes the new Leader

Suit Actions

Diamond - Take a 1-point Crystal from Supply and put it in your Vault

Heart - Take a 1-point Crystal from Supply and put it in your Showroom

Spades - Take a 1-point Crystal from your Showroom and put it in your Vault

Clubs - Take a 1-point Crytal from an opponent Showroom and put it in your Showroom

There are four ways to gain Suit Actions, some already mentioned

If you cannot follow suit

If you win the Trick

If, at end of a round, you have the most score cards of that suit

If, at end of a round, you won no tricks, gain 2 Diamond actions

Note: There are 5-point Crystals for ease of management, but NEVER combine 1-point Crystals from different sources to make this exchange

Round End

The round ends after 10 tricks, all cards played

In the following order, Suit actions are performed:

The player with the most Diamond Score cards takes a Diamond action

The player with the most Hearts Score cards takes a Hearts action

The player with the most Spades Score cards takes a Spades action

The player with the most Clubs Score cards takes a Clubs action

Any player who won no tricks takes two Diamond actions

Game End

The game ends after 4-6 rounds depending on player count

Each Crystal in a Showroom is worth 1 point

Each Crystal in a Vault is worth 2 points

The player with the most points, wins!

If tied, the player with most points from their Vault, wins!