This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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Revision as of 20:29, 2 May 2024 by Jellby (talk | contribs)
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Add Events to Festivals to determine their worth whilst buying Tickets for the most profitable Festivals


On your turn, you can either play an Event or play a Ticket

If you play an Event, pick one of the three in your hand and play it to a column of your choosing. The Festival number dictates how many Event cards can be played to that column. If playing an Event causes a Festival column to become full, flip the Festival to show it is Sold Out and no more could be played to it (although there are special cards which break this rule and allow for extra Events to a Sold Out Festival).

If you play a Ticket, place one of your three onto a Festival, each Festival has space for two Tickets from anyone, and can contain the same or different players i.e. AB or AA are both acceptable. Once played, a Ticket cannot be moved (However, there are special events which manipulate ticket positioning).

Game End

The game ends when the last Festival is Sold Out

Events played to Festivals will have given it positive (green) or negative (red) points, work out the difference for each Festival to find out how much each is worth (e.g. 2 in red and 3 in green would make it worth 1 point)

Each assigned ticket scores points for its owner from the value of the Festival it was assigned to, if a player assigned two tickets to the same Festival they will gain these points twice

The player with the most points, wins!